Network Developers Kit API
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs
netcfg.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  _ci_srvargs
 Common service arguments. More...
struct  _ci_service_telnet
struct  _ci_service_http
struct  _ci_service_nat
struct  _ci_service_dhcps
struct  _ci_service_dhcpc
struct  _ci_service_dnss
struct  _ci_ipnet
struct  _ci_route
struct  _ci_client
struct  _ci_acct


#define CFGTAG_OS   0x0001
#define CFGTAG_IP   0x0002
#define CFGTAG_SERVICE   0x0003
#define CFGTAG_IPNET   0x0004
#define CFGTAG_ROUTE   0x0005
#define CFGTAG_CLIENT   0x0006
#define CFGTAG_SYSINFO   0x0007
#define CFGTAG_ACCT   0x0008
#define CFGTAG_MAX   0x0010
 Maxiumum number of config tags. More...
#define CFGITEM_SERVICE_HTTP   0x0002
#define CFGITEM_SERVICE_NAT   0x0003
#define CFGITEM_SERVICE_MAX   0x0006
#define CIS_FLG_IFIDXVALID   0x0001 /* IfIdx field is supplied to CONFIG */
#define CIS_FLG_RESOLVEIP   0x0002 /* Resolve If to IP before execution */
#define CIS_FLG_CALLBYIP   0x0004 /* Call using IP (set w/RESOLVEIP) */
#define CIS_FLG_RESTARTIPTERM   0x0008 /* Restart serivce on IPTERM */
#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_DISABLED   0x0000 /* Config not active */
#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_WAIT   0x0001 /* Waiting on IP resolve */
#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_IPTERM   0x0002 /* Service terminated via IP synch */
#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_FAILED   0x0003 /* Service failed to initialize */
#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_ENABLED   0x0004 /* Service enabled */
#define CFG_DOMAIN_MAX   64
#define CFG_NETTYPE_DYNAMIC   0x0001 /* Address created by DHCP CLIENT */
#define CFG_NETTYPE_VIRTUAL   0x0002 /* Virtual (one per IF) */
#define CFG_NETTYPE_DHCPS   0x0004 /* DHCPS Server IP */
#define CFG_HOSTNAME_MAX   256
#define CFG_CLIENTTYPE_DYNAMIC   1 /* Entry created via DHCPS */
#define CFG_CLIENTTYPE_STATIC   2 /* Create manually */
#define CFG_CLIENTSTATUS_PENDING   1 /* Supplied by OFFER */
#define CFG_CLIENTSTATUS_VALID   2 /* Validated by REQUEST */
#define CFG_CLIENTSTATUS_STATIC   3 /* Given by a INFORM */
#define CFG_CLIENTSTATUS_INVALID   4 /* Invalidated by DECLINE */
#define CFGITEM_ACCT_PPP   1
#define CFG_ACCTSTR_MAX   32
#define CFG_ACCTFLG_CH1   0x1000
#define CFG_ACCTFLG_CH2   0x2000
#define CFG_ACCTFLG_CH3   0x4000
#define CFG_ACCTFLG_CH4   0x8000
#define CFG_ACCTFLG_CHALL   0xF000
#define CFGITEM_DHCP_DOMAINNAMESERVER   6 /* Stack's DNS servers */
#define CFGITEM_DHCP_HOSTNAME   12 /* Stack's host name */
#define CFGITEM_DHCP_NBNS   44 /* Stack's NBNS servers */
#define CFGITEM_DHCP_CLIENT_OPTION   61 /* Stack DHCP Client Identifier */
#define CFGITEM_SYSINFO_REALM1   256 /* Realm Name 1 (max 31 chars) */
#define CFGITEM_SYSINFO_REALM2   257 /* Realm Name 2 (max 31 chars) */
#define CFGITEM_SYSINFO_REALM3   258 /* Realm Name 3 (max 31 chars) */
#define CFGITEM_SYSINFO_REALM4   259 /* Realm Name 4 (max 31 chars) */
#define CFGITEM_SYSINFO_REALMPPP   260 /* Realm Name PPP (max 31 chars) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_ICMPDOREDIRECT   1 /* Add route on ICMP redirect (1=Yes) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_ICMPTTL   2 /* TTL for ICMP msgs (RFC1700 says 64) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_ICMPTTLECHO   3 /* TTL for ICMP echo (RFC1700 says 64) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_IPINDEXSTART   4 /* IP Protocol Start Index */
#define CFGITEM_IP_IPFORWARDING   5 /* IP Forwarding Enable (1=Yes) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_IPNATENABLE   6 /* IP NAT Translation Enable (1=Yes) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_IPFILTERENABLE   7 /* IP Filtering Enable (1=Yes) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_IPREASMMAXTIME   8 /* Max IP reassembly time in seconds */
#define CFGITEM_IP_IPREASMMAXSIZE   9 /* Max IP reassembly packet size */
#define CFGITEM_IP_DIRECTEDBCAST   10 /* Directed BCast IP addresses (1=Yes) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_TCPREASMMAXPKT   11 /* Out of order pkts held by TCP socket */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTCENABLEDEBUG   12 /* Route control dbg messages (1=Yes) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTCADVTIME   13 /* Seconds to send Router Adv. (0=don't) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTCADVLIFE   14 /* Lifetime of route in RtAdv if active */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTCADVPREF   15 /* Preference of route in RvAdv if active */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTARPDOWNTIME   16 /* Time 5 failed ARPs keeps route down */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTKEEPALIVETIME   17 /* Timeout of validated route in seconds */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTARPINACTIVITY   18 /* Time in seconds beyond which a route if */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTCLONETIMEOUT   19 /* Timeout of new cloned route in seconds */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTDEFAULTMTU   20 /* MTU for internal routes */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTTLDEFAULT   21 /* Default IP TTL for Sockets */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTOSDEFAULT   22 /* Default IP TOS for Sockets */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKMAXCONNECT   23 /* Max connections on listening socket */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTIMECONNECT   24 /* Max time for connect socket */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTIMEIO   25 /* Default Max time for socket send/rcv */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTCPTXBUF   26 /* TCP Transmit buffer size */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTCPRXBUF   27 /* TCP Receive buffer size (copy mode) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKTCPRXLIMIT   28 /* TCP Receive limit (non-copy mode) */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKUDPRXLIMIT   29 /* UDP Receive limit */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKMINTX   30 /* Default min space for "able to write" */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKMINRX   31 /* Default min data for "able to read" */
#define CFGITEM_IP_PIPETIMEIO   32 /* Max time for pipe send/rcv call */
#define CFGITEM_IP_PIPEBUFMAX   33 /* Pipe internal buffer size */
#define CFGITEM_IP_PIPEMINTX   34 /* Pipe min tx space for "able to write" */
#define CFGITEM_IP_PIPEMINRX   35 /* Pipe min rx data for "able to read" */
#define CFGITEM_IP_TCPKEEPIDLE   36 /* Idle time before 1st TCP keep probe */
#define CFGITEM_IP_TCPKEEPINTVL   37 /* TCP keep probe interval */
#define CFGITEM_IP_TCPKEEPMAXIDLE   38 /* Max TCP keep probing time before drop */
#define CFGITEM_IP_RTGARP   41 /* How to handle received gratuitous ARP */
#define CFGITEM_IP_UDPSENDICMPPORTUNREACH   43 /* Send ICMP Port Unreachable */
#define CFGITEM_IP_TCPSENDRST   44 /* Send RST if TCP port is not */
#define CFGITEM_IP_SOCKRAWETHRXLIMIT   45 /* Raw Eth Receive limit */
#define CFGITEM_IP_MAX   46 /* Max CFGTAG_IP item */
#define CFGITEM_OS_DBGPRINTLEVEL   1 /* Debug msg print threshhold */
#define CFGITEM_OS_DBGABORTLEVEL   2 /* Debug msg sys abort theshhold */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKPRILOW   3 /* Lowest priority for stack task */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKPRINORM   4 /* Normal priority for stack task */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKPRIHIGH   5 /* High priority for stack task */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKPRIKERN   6 /* Kernel-level priority (highest) */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKSTKLOW   7 /* Minimum stack size */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKSTKNORM   8 /* Normal stack size */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKSTKHIGH   9 /* Stack size for high volume tasks */
#define CFGITEM_OS_TASKSTKBOOT   10 /* Stack size for NS_BootTask */
#define CFGITEM_OS_MAX   10 /* Max CFGTAG_OS item */


typedef struct _ci_srvargs CISARGS
 Common service arguments. More...
typedef struct _ci_service_telnet CI_SERVICE_TELNET
typedef struct _ci_service_http CI_SERVICE_HTTP
typedef struct _ci_service_nat CI_SERVICE_NAT
typedef struct _ci_service_dhcps CI_SERVICE_DHCPS
typedef struct _ci_service_dhcpc CI_SERVICE_DHCPC
typedef struct _ci_service_dnss CI_SERVICE_DNSSERVER
typedef struct _ci_ipnet CI_IPNET
typedef struct _ci_route CI_ROUTE
typedef struct _ci_client CI_CLIENT
typedef struct _ci_acct CI_ACCT

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CIS_FLG_IFIDXVALID   0x0001 /* IfIdx field is supplied to CONFIG */


#define CIS_FLG_RESOLVEIP   0x0002 /* Resolve If to IP before execution */


#define CIS_FLG_CALLBYIP   0x0004 /* Call using IP (set w/RESOLVEIP) */


#define CIS_FLG_RESTARTIPTERM   0x0008 /* Restart serivce on IPTERM */


#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_DISABLED   0x0000 /* Config not active */


#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_WAIT   0x0001 /* Waiting on IP resolve */


#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_IPTERM   0x0002 /* Service terminated via IP synch */


#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_FAILED   0x0003 /* Service failed to initialize */


#define CIS_SRV_STATUS_ENABLED   0x0004 /* Service enabled */
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