Macros | Functions
aes256.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ti/devices/msp432p4xx/inc/msp.h>

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#define AES256_CMSIS(x)   ((AES256_Type *) x)
#define Key_128BIT   128
#define Key_192BIT   192
#define Key_256BIT   256
#define AES256_KEYLENGTH_128BIT   128
#define AES256_KEYLENGTH_192BIT   192
#define AES256_KEYLENGTH_256BIT   256
#define AES256_NO_ERROR   0x00
#define AES256_BUSY   AES256_STAT_BUSY
#define AES256_NOT_BUSY   0x00
#define AES256_READY_INTERRUPT   0x01
#define AES256_NOTREADY_INTERRUPT   0x00


bool AES256_setCipherKey (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *cipherKey, uint_fast16_t keyLength)
 Loads a 128, 192 or 256 bit cipher key to AES256 module. More...
void AES256_encryptData (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t *encryptedData)
 Encrypts a block of data using the AES256 module. More...
void AES256_decryptData (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t *decryptedData)
 Decrypts a block of data using the AES256 module. More...
bool AES256_setDecipherKey (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *cipherKey, uint_fast16_t keyLength)
 Sets the decipher key. More...
void AES256_clearInterruptFlag (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Clears the AES256 ready interrupt flag. More...
uint32_t AES256_getInterruptFlagStatus (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Gets the AES256 ready interrupt flag status. More...
void AES256_enableInterrupt (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Enables AES256 ready interrupt. More...
void AES256_disableInterrupt (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Disables AES256 ready interrupt. More...
void AES256_reset (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Resets AES256 Module immediately. More...
void AES256_startEncryptData (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *data)
 Starts an encryption process on the AES256 module. More...
void AES256_startDecryptData (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *data)
 Decypts a block of data using the AES256 module. More...
bool AES256_startSetDecipherKey (uint32_t moduleInstance, const uint8_t *cipherKey, uint_fast16_t keyLength)
 Sets the decipher key. More...
bool AES256_getDataOut (uint32_t moduleInstance, uint8_t *outputData)
 Reads back the output data from AES256 module. More...
bool AES256_isBusy (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Gets the AES256 module busy status. More...
void AES256_clearErrorFlag (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Clears the AES256 error flag. More...
uint32_t AES256_getErrorFlagStatus (uint32_t moduleInstance)
 Gets the AES256 error flag status. More...
void AES256_registerInterrupt (uint32_t moduleInstance, void(*intHandler)(void))
void AES256_unregisterInterrupt (uint32_t moduleInstance)
uint32_t AES256_getInterruptStatus (uint32_t moduleInstance)

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