Data Fields
SwiP_Params Struct Reference

Basic SwiP Parameters. More...

#include <SwiP.h>

Data Fields

uintptr_t arg0
uintptr_t arg1
uint32_t priority
uint32_t trigger

Detailed Description

Basic SwiP Parameters.

Structure that contains the parameters passed into SwiP_create and SwiP_construct when creating or constructing a SwiP instance. The SwiP_Params_init function should be used to initialize the fields to default values before the application sets the fields manually. The SwiP default parameters are noted in SwiP_Params_init.

Each SwiP object has a "trigger" used either to determine whether to post the SwiP or as a value that can be evaluated within the SwiP's function.

The SwiP_andn and SwiP_dec functions post the SwiP if the trigger value transitions to 0. The SwiP_or and SwiP_inc functions also modify the trigger value. SwiP_or sets bits, and SwiP_andn clears bits.

Field Documentation

§ arg0

uintptr_t SwiP_Params::arg0

Argument passed into the SwiP function.

§ arg1

uintptr_t SwiP_Params::arg1

Argument passed into the SwiP function.

§ priority

uint32_t SwiP_Params::priority

priority, 0 is min, 1, 2, ..., ~0 for max

§ trigger

uint32_t SwiP_Params::trigger

Initial SwiP trigger value.

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