Data Fields
PowerLPF3_LfoscCompensationProfile Struct Reference

LFOSC Compensation Profile structure. More...

#include <PowerCC27XX.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t systemWakeupIntervalUsec
 The expected interval in us between system wakeups. More...
PowerLPF3_LfoscCompensationPpmRequirement ppmRequirement
 The PPM requirements. More...
uint16_t temperatureGradientMilliCelsiusPerSec
 The absolute value of the worst case expected temperature gradient in mC/s. More...

Detailed Description

LFOSC Compensation Profile structure.

When LFOSC Compensation is enabled, HFXT will periodically be turned on to calibrate the LFOSC. The duration of these calibrations and the interval between them are computed based on the values in this structure, and other parameters such as the current temperature.

See also

Field Documentation

§ systemWakeupIntervalUsec

uint32_t PowerLPF3_LfoscCompensationProfile::systemWakeupIntervalUsec

The expected interval in us between system wakeups.

This would for example be 1000000 (1s) for a 1s BLE connection interval.

§ ppmRequirement

PowerLPF3_LfoscCompensationPpmRequirement PowerLPF3_LfoscCompensationProfile::ppmRequirement

The PPM requirements.

§ temperatureGradientMilliCelsiusPerSec

uint16_t PowerLPF3_LfoscCompensationProfile::temperatureGradientMilliCelsiusPerSec

The absolute value of the worst case expected temperature gradient in mC/s.

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