Macros | Functions
HSMLPF3Utility.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Interface for helper functions for HSM-related operations.

#include <stdint.h>
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#define HSM_WORD_LENGTH   (4U)
#define BITS_TO_BYTES(bits)   (((size_t)(bits) + 7U) / 8U)


static uint32_t HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_B2W (const size_t x)
static uint32_t HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_B2WB (const size_t x)
static uint32_t HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_VWB (const size_t x)
static uint32_t HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength (const uint32_t inputLength)
 Returns 32-bit aligned adjusted input length. More...
void HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureFromHW (const uint8_t *const in, const size_t modulusSizeBits, uint8_t *out_r, uint8_t *out_s)
 Extracts the signature from HSM-formatted output. More...
void HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureToHW (const uint8_t *const Signature_r, const uint8_t *const Signature_s, const size_t modulusSizeBits, uint8_t *const blob)
 Constructs a vector component consistent with HSM format to hold the signature. More...
void HSMLPF3_asymDsaPubKeyToHW (const uint8_t *const pubKey, const size_t modulusSizeBits, const uint8_t domainId, uint8_t *const blob)
 Constructs a vector component consistent with HSM format to hold a verify operation's public key. More...
void HSMLPF3_asymDsaPriKeyToHW (const uint8_t *const pubKey, const size_t modulusSizeBits, const uint8_t domainId, uint8_t *const blob)
 Constructs a vector component consistent with HSM format to hold a sign operation's private key. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Referenced by HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_VWB().


#define HSM_WORD_LENGTH   (4U)

Referenced by HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_B2WB().




#define BITS_TO_BYTES (   bits)    (((size_t)(bits) + 7U) / 8U)

Function Documentation


static uint32_t HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_B2W ( const size_t  x)


Converts a size in bits to the # of 32-bit words;

Referenced by HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_B2WB().


static uint32_t HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_B2WB ( const size_t  x)


Converts a size in bits to a size in bytes aligned on a word boundary.


Referenced by HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_VWB().


static uint32_t HSM_ASYM_DATA_SIZE_VWB ( const size_t  x)


Converts a size in bits to a size in bytes aligned on a word boundary + Header size.


§ HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength()

static uint32_t HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength ( const uint32_t  inputLength)

Returns 32-bit aligned adjusted input length.

[in]inputLengthOriginal input length

References HSMLPF3_asymDsaPriKeyToHW(), HSMLPF3_asymDsaPubKeyToHW(), HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureFromHW(), and HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureToHW().

§ HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureFromHW()

void HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureFromHW ( const uint8_t *const  in,
const size_t  modulusSizeBits,
uint8_t *  out_r,
uint8_t *  out_s 

Extracts the signature from HSM-formatted output.

[in]inPointer to the input from HSM.
[in]modulusSizeBitssize of each sub-vector component in bits.
[out]outu_rBuffer to copy the R component of the signature to.
[out]outu_sBuffer to copy the S component of the signature to.

Referenced by HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength().

§ HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureToHW()

void HSMLPF3_asymDsaSignatureToHW ( const uint8_t *const  Signature_r,
const uint8_t *const  Signature_s,
const size_t  modulusSizeBits,
uint8_t *const  blob 

Constructs a vector component consistent with HSM format to hold the signature.

[in]Signature_rPointer to R component of the signature to copy from.
[in]Signature_sPointer to S component of the signature to copy from.
[out]modulusSizeBitssize of each sub-vector component in bits.
[out]blobBuffer to copy the output vector to.

Referenced by HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength().

§ HSMLPF3_asymDsaPubKeyToHW()

void HSMLPF3_asymDsaPubKeyToHW ( const uint8_t *const  pubKey,
const size_t  modulusSizeBits,
const uint8_t  domainId,
uint8_t *const  blob 

Constructs a vector component consistent with HSM format to hold a verify operation's public key.

[in]pubKeyPointer to public key location to copy.
[in]modulusSizeBitssize of each sub-vector component in bits.
[out]domainIdThe domain to construct a vector header for (BrainPool or NIST).
[out]blobBuffer to copy the output vector to.

Referenced by HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength().

§ HSMLPF3_asymDsaPriKeyToHW()

void HSMLPF3_asymDsaPriKeyToHW ( const uint8_t *const  pubKey,
const size_t  modulusSizeBits,
const uint8_t  domainId,
uint8_t *const  blob 

Constructs a vector component consistent with HSM format to hold a sign operation's private key.

[in]pubKeyPointer to private key location to copy.
[in]modulusSizeBitssize of each sub-vector component in bits.
[out]domainIdThe domain to construct a vector header for (BrainPool or NIST).
[out]blobBuffer to copy the output vector to.

Referenced by HSMLPF3_getOutputBufferLength().

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