Radio Control Layer (RCL)
ieee.h File Reference
#include <ti/drivers/rcl/RCL_Command.h>
#include <ti/drivers/rcl/RCL_Buffer.h>
#include <ti/drivers/utils/List.h>
#include <ti/drivers/rcl/handlers/ieee.h>
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Data Structures

union  RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus
 Appended packet status field from RX buffer. More...
struct  RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx
 IEEE 802.15.4 Receive and transmit command. More...
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_PanIdAddr
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableExt
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction
struct  RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest
 IEEE 802.15.4 transmitter test command. More...
struct  RCL_StatsIeee
struct  RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus.__unnamed__
struct  RCL_CMD_IEEE_TX_TEST_t.config
struct  RCL_STATS_IEEE_t.config


#define RCL_CMDID_IEEE_RX_TX   0x2001U
#define RCL_CMDID_IEEE_TX_TEST   0x2002U
#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_CHANNEL_FREQUENCY(channel)   ((((channel) - 11UL) * 5000000UL) + 2405000000UL)
#define RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx) RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_Default()
#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_SHORT_NUM_WORDS   (((RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_SHORT_MAX_LEN) + ((8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) - 1)) / (8 * sizeof(uint16_t)))
#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_EXT_NUM_WORDS   (((RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_EXT_MAX_LEN) + ((8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) - 1)) / (8 * sizeof(uint16_t)))
#define RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig) RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_Default()
#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_MAX_NUM_PAN   1 /* Dual PAN not supported in this version */
#define RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction) RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction) RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_Default()
#define RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest) RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_Default()
#define RCL_StatsIeee_Default()
#define RCL_StatsIeee_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_StatsIeee) RCL_StatsIeee_Default()


enum  RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAckMode {
  RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAck_Off, RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAck_ImmAckNoAutoPend, RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAck_ImmAckAutoPendAll, RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAck_ImmAckAutoPendDataReq,
enum  RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode {
  RCL_CmdIeee_NoCca = 0, RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode1Energy = 1, RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode2Signal = 2, RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode3EnergyOrSignal = 3,
  RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode4Aloha = 4, RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode3EnergyAndSignal = 7

Data Structure Documentation

§ RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus

union RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus

Appended packet status field from RX buffer.

Data Fields
struct RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus __unnamed__
uint8_t value



IEEE 802.15.4 Receive and transmit command.

Command to receive or transmit a packet

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power

RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction * rxAction

Configuration of receive part of command. NULL: Transmit only

RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction * txAction

Configuration of transmit part of command. NULL: No transmission configured

RCL_StatsIeee * stats


§ RCL_CmdIeee_PanIdAddr

struct RCL_CmdIeee_PanIdAddr
Data Fields
uint16_t panId

Pan ID of the entry

uint16_t shortAddr

Short address of the entry

§ RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort

struct RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort
+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort:
Data Fields
uint32_t numEntries

Number of entries in the list


Bits indicating which entires are enabled for matching (1 means enabled)


Frame pending bits for the entries

RCL_CmdIeee_PanIdAddr shortEntry[]

PAN ID and short address for the entry

§ RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableExt

struct RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableExt
Data Fields
uint32_t numEntries

Number of entries in the list


Bits indicating which entires are enabled for matching (1 means enabled)


Frame pending bits for the entries

uint64_t extEntry[]

Extended address for the entry

§ RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig

struct RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig
+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig:
Data Fields
uint64_t localExtAddr

Extended address of device

uint16_t localPanId

PAN ID of device

uint16_t localShortAddr

Short address of device

RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAckMode autoAckMode: 3

Auto-ACK mode

uint8_t defaultPend: 1

Default value of frame pending bit

uint8_t panCoord: 1

0: Device is not pan coordinator. 1: Device is PAN coordinator

uint8_t maxFrameVersion: 2

Maximum frame version to accept

RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort * sourceMatchingTableShort

Source matching table for short addresses

RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableExt * sourceMatchingTableExt

Source matching table for extended addresses

§ RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_t

struct RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_t
+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction:
Data Fields
List_List rxBuffers

Linked list of buffers for storing received packets

uint8_t numPan

Number of PANs to support. 0: Frame filtering disabled (promiscuous mode). 0 and 1 supported in this version.

bool frameFiltStop

0: Receive frame to the end on frame filtering mismatch. 1: Go back to sync search on frame filtering mismatch. Not supported in this version.

bool disableSync

0: Receive packets normally. 1: Do not sync to received SFD. Not supported in this version.

bool alwaysStoreAck

0: Store ACKs received after transmission only. 1: Store all received ACKs. Not supported in this version.

RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig panConfig[]

PAN configuration for the supplied PANs

§ RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_t

struct RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_t
Data Fields
RCL_CommandStatus txStatus

Returned status of TX operation. Not supported in this version.

int8_t rssiLimit

RSSI limit for energy based CCA. Not supported in this version.

RCL_ScheduleType ccaScheduling: 1

Schedule type for the CCA part

uint16_t allowDelay: 1

0: Give error if CCA time is in the past. 1: Start immediately if CCA time is in the past

RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode ccaMode: 3

CCA mode. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t ccaCorrThresh: 2

Correlation threshold for signal based CCA. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t ccaContentionWindow: 2

Initial contention window value for CCA. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t expectImmAck: 1

0: Immediate ACK not expected. 1: Immediate ACK expected. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t expectEnhAck: 1

0: Enhanced ACK not expected. 1: Enhanced ACK expected. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t allowTxDelay: 1

0: Give error if TX time is in the past. 1: Send TX packet immediately if TX time is in the past

uint16_t endCmdWhenDone: 1

0: Keep command and RX action alive after TX action is done. 1: End command after TX action is done. . Not supported in this version.

uint32_t absCcaStartTime

Absolute start time of the CCA part

uint16_t relativeTxStartTime

Start time of TX packet relative to the CCA start time

uint16_t ackTimeout

Timeout for getting sync on ACK relative to end of transmitted packet. Not supported in this version.

RCL_Buffer_DataEntry * txEntry

Entry holding frame to be transmitted

uint32_t txTimeStamp

Returned time stamp of transmitted packet. Not supported in this version.



IEEE 802.15.4 transmitter test command.

Command to transmit continuously, either a modulated signal or continuous wave

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power

uint16_t txWord

Repeated word to transmit

struct RCL_CMD_IEEE_TX_TEST_t config


Data Fields
struct RCL_STATS_IEEE_t config

Configuration provided to RCL

uint8_t timestampValid

Returns 1 if lastTimestamp is updated; 0 otherwise

int8_t lastRssi

RSSI of last received packet.

int8_t maxRssi

Highest RSSI observed during the operation (only updated after packets and at the end of operation). Not supported in this version.

uint32_t lastTimestamp

Timestamp of last successfully received packet

uint16_t nRxNok

Number of packets received with CRC error

uint16_t nRxFifoFull

Number of packets received that did not fit in RX FIFO

uint16_t nRxOk

Number of correctly received packets

uint16_t nRxIgnored

Number of ignored packets received. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t nTxAck

Number of auto-ACKs transmitted. Not supported in this version.

uint16_t nTx

Number of frames transmitted

§ RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus.__unnamed__

struct RCL_CmdIeee_RxPktStatus.__unnamed__
Data Fields
uint8_t crcError:1

True if packet had CRC error

uint8_t ignored:1

True if packet was ignored

uint8_t reserved:6


struct RCL_CMD_IEEE_TX_TEST_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t whitenMode: 2

0. No or default whitening. 1: PRBS-9. 2: PRBS-15. 3: PRBS-32

uint8_t sendCw: 1

0: Send modulated signal. 1: Send CW

uint8_t reserved: 5

Reserved, set to 0

§ RCL_STATS_IEEE_t.config

struct RCL_STATS_IEEE_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t accumulate: 1

0: Reset counters to 0 at start of command. 1: Add to incoming value of counters.

uint8_t activeUpdate: 1

0: Update only at end of command. 1: Update after receiving or transmitting packets.

uint8_t reserved: 6

Reserved, set to 0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RCL_CMDID_IEEE_RX_TX   0x2001U


#define RCL_CMDID_IEEE_TX_TEST   0x2002U


#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_CHANNEL_FREQUENCY (   channel)    ((((channel) - 11UL) * 5000000UL) + 2405000000UL)

§ RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_Default

#define RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.rxAction = NULL, \
.txAction = NULL, \
.stats = NULL, \
Definition: ieee.h:48
#define RCL_Command_Default(_id, _handler)
Definition: RCL_Command.h:183
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Ieee_RxTx(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: ieee.c:162

§ RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx) RCL_CmdIeeeRxTx_Default()



Maximum number of entries in RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort (assuming no extended entry)



Maximum number of entries in RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableShort if an extended table is present


#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_SHORT_NUM_WORDS   (((RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_SHORT_MAX_LEN) + ((8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) - 1)) / (8 * sizeof(uint16_t)))



Maximum number of entries in RCL_CmdIeee_SourceMatchingTableExt


#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_EXT_NUM_WORDS   (((RCL_CMD_IEEE_SOURCE_MATCH_TABLE_EXT_MAX_LEN) + ((8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) - 1)) / (8 * sizeof(uint16_t)))

§ RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_Default

#define RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_Default ( )
{ \
.localExtAddr = 0, \
.localPanId = 0, \
.localShortAddr = 0, \
.autoAckMode = RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAck_Off, \
.defaultPend = 0, \
.panCoord = 0, \
.maxFrameVersion = 1, \
.sourceMatchingTableShort = NULL, \
.sourceMatchingTableExt = NULL, \
Definition: ieee.h:94

§ RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig) RCL_CmdIeee_PanConfig_Default()


#define RCL_CMD_IEEE_MAX_NUM_PAN   1 /* Dual PAN not supported in this version */

Maximum number of simultaneously supported PANs

Referenced by RCL_Handler_Ieee_RxTx().

§ RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_Default

#define RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_Default ( )
{ \
.rxBuffers = { 0 }, \
.numPan = 0, \
.frameFiltStop = false, \
.disableSync = false, \
.alwaysStoreAck = false, \

§ RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction) RCL_CmdIeee_RxAction_Default()

§ RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_Default

#define RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_Default ( )
{ \
.txStatus = RCL_CommandStatus_Idle, \
.rssiLimit = -70, \
.ccaScheduling = RCL_Schedule_Now, \
.allowDelay = 1, \
.ccaMode = RCL_CmdIeee_NoCca, \
.ccaCorrThresh = 2, \
.ccaContentionWindow = 1, \
.expectImmAck = 0, \
.expectEnhAck = 0, \
.allowTxDelay = 1, \
.endCmdWhenDone = 0, \
.absCcaStartTime = 0, \
.relativeTxStartTime = 0, \
.ackTimeout = RCL_SCHEDULER_SYSTIM_US(300), \
.txEntry = NULL, \
.txTimeStamp = 0, \
Definition: RCL_Command.h:152
Definition: ieee.h:193
Definition: RCL_Command.h:84
Definition: RCL_Scheduler.h:45

§ RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction) RCL_CmdIeee_TxAction_Default()

§ RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_Default

#define RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.txPower = {.dBm = 0, .fraction = 0}, \
.txWord = 0, \
.config = { \
.whitenMode = 2, \
.sendCw = 0, \
.reserved = 0, \
}, \
Definition: ieee.h:49
#define RCL_Command_Default(_id, _handler)
Definition: RCL_Command.h:183
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Ieee_TxTest(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: ieee.c:1134

§ RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest) RCL_CmdIeeeTxTest_Default()



config.whitenMode: No whitening

Referenced by RCL_Handler_Ieee_TxTest().



config.whitenMode: PRBS-9



config.whitenMode: PRBS-15

Referenced by RCL_Handler_Ieee_TxTest().



config.whitenMode: PRBS-32

Referenced by RCL_Handler_Ieee_TxTest().

§ RCL_StatsIeee_Default

#define RCL_StatsIeee_Default ( )
{ \
.config = { 0 }, \
.timestampValid = 0, \
.lastRssi = LRF_RSSI_INVALID, \
.maxRssi = LRF_RSSI_INVALID, \
Definition: LRF.h:85

§ RCL_StatsIeee_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_StatsIeee_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_StatsIeee) RCL_StatsIeee_Default()

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ RCL_CmdIeee_AutoAckMode


No auto-ACK


Send automatic Imm-Ack with frame pending from setting


Send automatic Imm-Ack with frame pending from source matching table


Send automatic Imm-Ack with frame pending from source matching table for data requests


Send ACK frame provided externally

§ RCL_CmdIeee_CcaMode


No CCA; transmit unconditionally


Report busy channel on energy above threshold


Report busy channel on DSSS signal observed


Report busy channel on energy above threshold OR DSSS signal observed


Always report idle channel when not receiving a packet


Report busy channel on energy above threshold AND DSSS signal observed