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Random.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Interface to generate pseudo-random numbers.

The numbers generated by this module are not crpytographically-secure! Do not use this module to generate keying material or for other security-related purposes!

This module generates non-cryptographically-secure random numbers in an easy to use and fast way.

There is a single global state that must be initialised by calling Random_seedAutomatic() or Random_seedManual(). Afterwards, you can call Random_getNumber() or Random_getBytes() as desired. Both are thread-safe and protect the internal state.

The pseudo-random number generator used is the "xorwow" algorithm specified in Marsaglia's "Xorshift RNGs" paper. It keeps 20 bytes of state that must be seeded and has a period of 2^160 - 2^32 before a sequence wraps.

Generating a random number with this algorithm is quite fast. Random_getNumber() only requires 82 instructions which is 1.7us on a 48MHz Cortex M4. That includes disabling interrupts.

int_fast16_t status;
uint32_t randomNumber;
if (status != Random_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
randomNumber = Random_getNumber();
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
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#define Random_STATUS_SUCCESS   (0)
#define Random_STATUS_ERROR   (-1)
#define Random_SEED_LENGTH   (20)
 Length of the seed in bytes. More...


int_fast16_t Random_seedAutomatic (void)
 Seed internal state automatically. More...
void Random_seedManual (uint8_t seed[(20)])
 Set the internal state to a specified seed. More...
uint32_t Random_getNumber (void)
 Returns a random number. More...
void Random_getBytes (void *buffer, size_t bufferSize)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define Random_STATUS_SUCCESS   (0)


#define Random_STATUS_ERROR   (-1)


#define Random_SEED_LENGTH   (20)

Length of the seed in bytes.

Function Documentation

§ Random_seedAutomatic()

int_fast16_t Random_seedAutomatic ( void  )

Seed internal state automatically.

This function seeds or reseeds the internal state. The method for generating the seed is device dependent.

If a TRNG is available, it will be used to generate the seed.

If a TRNG is not available, information unique to the device running the code will be used. This may be a unique device identifier or other information such as a MAC address. Since the seed is constant per device for devices without a TRNG, the number sequence will restart after each call to Random_seedAutomatic(). This will usually occur after rebooting the device.

For CC23X0, RNG will be used to generate the seed, where the application needs to perform additional steps for initializing the RNG driver.

If neither a TRNG nor a unique device identifier is available, a constant will be used.

Returns a status code
See also

§ Random_seedManual()

void Random_seedManual ( uint8_t  seed[(20)])

Set the internal state to a specified seed.

This function sets the internal state to the seed specified by the application.

seedSeed to set the internal state to
See also

§ Random_getNumber()

uint32_t Random_getNumber ( void  )

Returns a random number.

This function returns a random number and updates the internal state.

Returns random number

§ Random_getBytes()

void Random_getBytes ( void *  buffer,
size_t  bufferSize 

Returns a number of random bytes

This is a convenience function that fills the specified array with random bytes by repeatedly calling Random_getNumber().

bufferBuffer to fill with random bytes
bufferSizeSize of buffer. Any value is permitted, including those that are not multiples of sizeof(uint32_t).
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