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ADC.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) Input Driver.


The ADC driver allows you to manage an Analog to Digital peripheral via simple and portable APIs. This driver supports sampling and converting raw values into microvolts.


This documentation provides a basic usage summary and a set of examples in the form of commented code fragments. Detailed descriptions of the APIs are provided in subsequent sections.


// Import ADC Driver definitions
#include <ti/drivers/ADC.h>
// Define name for ADC channel index
// One-time init of ADC driver
// initialize optional ADC parameters
params.isProtected = true;
// Open ADC channels for usage
ADC_Handle adcHandle = ADC_open(THERMOCOUPLE_OUT, &params);
// Sample the analog output from the Thermocouple
ADC_convert(adcHandle, &result);
// Convert the sample to microvolts
resultUv = ADC_convertToMicroVolts(adcHandle, result);


Opening an ADC instance

adc = ADC_open(0, &params);
if (adc == NULL) {
// ADC_open() failed
while (1) {}

Taking an ADC sample

An ADC conversion with an ADC peripheral is started by calling ADC_convert(). The result value is returned by ADC_convert() once the conversion is finished.

int_fast16_t res;
uint_fast16_t adcValue;
res = ADC_convert(adc, &adcValue);

Converting a sample to microvolts

The result value returned by ADC_convert() is a raw value. The following uses ADC_convertToMicroVolts() to convert the raw value into microvolts.

int_fast16_t res;
uint_fast16_t adcValue;
uint32_t adcValueUv;
res = ADC_convert(adc, &adcValue);
adcValueUv = ADC_convertToMicroVolts(adc, adcValue);

Executing multi-channel sampling

ADC_convertChain() provides an optimized way to perform ADC conversions for several ADC instances (multi-channel sampling). It takes a list of identically configured ADC instances and returns a buffer with the corresponding result values once the conversion is finished. One typical use-case would be reading a group of sensors that share the sampling duration.

Should the configuration of the ADC instances differ, the configuration of the first instance in the list is used to set the parameters of the entire conversion chain.

ADC_Handle adc[ADC_COUNT];
int_fast16_t res;
uint16_t retValues[ADC_COUNT];
uint8_t i;
res = ADC_convertChain(adc, retValues, ADC_COUNT);
for (i = 0; i < ADC_COUNT; i++) {


Refer to the Driver's Configuration section for driver configuration information.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
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Data Structures

struct  ADC_Params
 ADC Parameters used with ADC_open(). More...
struct  ADC_FxnTable
 The definition of an ADC function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation. More...
struct  ADC_Config_
 ADC driver's custom configuration structure. More...


#define ADC_convertRawToMicroVolts   ADC_convertToMicroVolts
#define ADC_STATUS_SUCCESS   (0)
 Successful status code returned by ADC_control(). More...
#define ADC_STATUS_ERROR   (-1)
 Generic error status code returned by ADC_control(). More...
 An error status code returned by ADC_control() for undefined command codes. More...


typedef struct ADC_Config_ADC_Handle
 A handle that is returned from an ADC_open() call. More...
typedef struct ADC_Config_ ADC_Config
 ADC driver's custom configuration structure. More...


void ADC_close (ADC_Handle handle)
 Function to close an ADC driver instance. More...
int_fast16_t ADC_control (ADC_Handle handle, uint_fast16_t cmd, void *arg)
 Function performs implementation specific features on a driver instance. More...
int_fast16_t ADC_convert (ADC_Handle handle, uint16_t *value)
 Function to perform an ADC conversion. More...
int_fast16_t ADC_convertChain (ADC_Handle *handleList, uint16_t *dataBuffer, uint8_t channelCount)
 Function to perform a multi-channel ADC conversion. More...
uint32_t ADC_convertToMicroVolts (ADC_Handle handle, uint16_t adcValue)
 Function to convert a raw ADC sample into microvolts. More...
void ADC_init (void)
 Function to initialize the ADC driver. More...
ADC_Handle ADC_open (uint_least8_t index, ADC_Params *params)
 Function to initialize the ADC peripheral. More...
void ADC_Params_init (ADC_Params *params)
 Initialize an ADC_Params structure to its default values. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

§ ADC_convertRawToMicroVolts

#define ADC_convertRawToMicroVolts   ADC_convertToMicroVolts

Typedef Documentation

§ ADC_Handle

typedef struct ADC_Config_* ADC_Handle

A handle that is returned from an ADC_open() call.

§ ADC_Config

typedef struct ADC_Config_ ADC_Config

ADC driver's custom configuration structure.

See also

Function Documentation

§ ADC_close()

void ADC_close ( ADC_Handle  handle)

Function to close an ADC driver instance.

ADC_open() has to be called first.
[in]handleAn ADC_Handle returned from ADC_open()

§ ADC_control()

int_fast16_t ADC_control ( ADC_Handle  handle,
uint_fast16_t  cmd,
void *  arg 

Function performs implementation specific features on a driver instance.

ADC_open() has to be called first.
[in]handleAn ADC_Handle returned from ADC_open()
[in]cmdA command value defined by the device specific implementation
[in]argAn optional R/W (read/write) argument that is accompanied with cmd
Implementation specific return codes. Negative values indicate unsuccessful operations.
Return values
ADC_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.
ADC_STATUS_UNDEFINEDCMDThe cmd value is not supported by the device specific implementation.

§ ADC_convert()

int_fast16_t ADC_convert ( ADC_Handle  handle,
uint16_t *  value 

Function to perform an ADC conversion.

Function to perform a single channel sample conversion.

ADC_open() has been called
[in]handleAn ADC_Handle returned from ADC_open()
[in,out]valueA pointer to a uint16_t to store the conversion result
Return values
ADC_STATUS_SUCCESSThe conversion was successful.
ADC_STATUS_ERRORThe conversion failed and value is invalid.
See also

§ ADC_convertChain()

int_fast16_t ADC_convertChain ( ADC_Handle handleList,
uint16_t *  dataBuffer,
uint8_t  channelCount 

Function to perform a multi-channel ADC conversion.

Function to perform a multi-channel sample conversion.

ADC_open() has been called
[in]handleListA list of ADC_Handle which have returned from ADC_open()
[in,out]dataBufferA pointer to a uint16_t data buffer to store the conversion result
[in]channelCountThe number of channels that make up the list of ADC_Handle
Return values
ADC_STATUS_SUCCESSThe conversion was successful.
ADC_STATUS_ERRORThe conversion failed and value is invalid.
See also

§ ADC_convertToMicroVolts()

uint32_t ADC_convertToMicroVolts ( ADC_Handle  handle,
uint16_t  adcValue 

Function to convert a raw ADC sample into microvolts.

ADC_convert() has to be called first.
[in]handleAn ADC_Handle returned from ADC_open()
[in]adcValueA sampling result return from ADC_convert()
adcValue converted into microvolts
See also

§ ADC_init()

void ADC_init ( void  )

Function to initialize the ADC driver.

This function must also be called before any other ADC driver APIs.

§ ADC_open()

ADC_Handle ADC_open ( uint_least8_t  index,
ADC_Params params 

Function to initialize the ADC peripheral.

Function to initialize the ADC peripheral specified by the particular index value.

ADC_init() has been called
[in]indexIndex in the ADC_Config[] array.
[in]paramsPointer to an initialized ADC_Params structure. If NULL, the default ADC_Params values are used.
An ADC_Handle on success or NULL on error.
See also

§ ADC_Params_init()

void ADC_Params_init ( ADC_Params params)

Initialize an ADC_Params structure to its default values.

[in]paramsA pointer to an ADC_Params structure.

Default values are:

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