Radio Control Layer (RCL)
generic.h File Reference
#include <ti/drivers/rcl/RCL_Command.h>
#include <ti/drivers/rcl/RCL_Buffer.h>
#include <ti/drivers/rcl/handlers/generic.h>
#include <ti/drivers/utils/List.h>
#include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h>
+ Include dependency graph for generic.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  RCL_CmdGenericFs
 Frequency programming command. More...
struct  RCL_CmdGenericFsOff
 Stop frequency synthesizer command. More...
struct  RCL_CmdGenericTx
 Generic transmit command. More...
struct  RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat
 Generic repeated packet transmit command. More...
struct  RCL_CmdGenericTxTest
 Generic transmitter test command. More...
struct  RCL_CmdGenericRx
 Generic receive command. More...
struct  RCL_StatsGeneric
struct  RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation
 Send PBE operation. More...
struct  RCL_CmdNesbPtx
 NESB transmit command. More...
struct  RCL_ConfigAddress
struct  RCL_CmdNesbPrx
 NESB receive command. More...
struct  RCL_StatsNesb
struct  RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_t.config
struct  RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_REPEAT_t.config
struct  RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_TEST_t.config
struct  RCL_CMD_GENERIC_RX_t.config
struct  RCL_STATS_GENERIC_t.config
struct  RCL_CMD_NESB_PTX_t.config
struct  RCL_CMD_NESB_PRX_t.config
struct  RCL_STATS_NESB_t.config


#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_FS   0x0001U
#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_FS_OFF   0x0002U
#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_TX   0x0003U
#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_RX   0x0006U
#define RCL_CMDID_NESB_PTX   0x0008U
#define RCL_CMDID_NESB_PRX   0x0009U
#define RCL_CmdGenericFs_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericFs_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericFs) RCL_CmdGenericFs_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericFsOff) RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericTx_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericTx_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericTx) RCL_CmdGenericTx_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat) RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericTxTest) RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericRx_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericRx_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericRx) RCL_CmdGenericRx_Default()
#define RCL_StatsGeneric_Default()
#define RCL_StatsGeneric_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_StatsGeneric) RCL_StatsGeneric_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_Default()
#define RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation) RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_Default()
#define RCL_CmdNesbPtx_Default()
#define RCL_CmdNesbPtx_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdNesbPtx) RCL_CmdNesbPtx_Default()
#define RCL_ConfigAddress_Default(_addr)
#define RCL_ConfigAddress_DefaultRuntime(_addr)   (RCL_ConfigAddress) RCL_ConfigAddress_Default(_addr)
#define RCL_CmdNesbPrx_Default()
#define RCL_CmdNesbPrx_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_CmdNesbPrx) RCL_CmdNesbPrx_Default()
#define RCL_StatsNesb_Default()
#define RCL_StatsNesb_DefaultRuntime()   (RCL_StatsNesb) RCL_StatsNesb_Default()


enum  RCL_FsType { RCL_FsType_Rx, RCL_FsType_Tx }
 RF frequency programming type object. More...

Data Structure Documentation



Frequency programming command.

Command to program a synth frequency without directly starting RX or TX

Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program

RCL_FsType fsType

Rules for synth setup



Stop frequency synthesizer command.

Command to stop the frequency synthesizer if it is running after a command

Data Fields
RCL_Command common



Generic transmit command.

Command to transmit a packet

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdGenericTx:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency

List_List txBuffers

Linked list of packets to transmit. RCL will pop the first packet when transmitted.

uint32_t syncWord

Sync word to transmit

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power

struct RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_t config



Generic repeated packet transmit command.

Command to transmit a packet repeatedly

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency

RCL_Buffer_DataEntry * txEntry

Packet to transmit

uint32_t syncWord

Sync word to transmit

uint32_t timePeriod

Time period (0.25 us units) of repeated transmissions. 0: Back-to-back

uint16_t numPackets

Number of times to send the packet: 0: Unlimited

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power




Generic transmitter test command.

Command to transmit continuously, either a modulated signal or continuous wave

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdGenericTxTest:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power

struct RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_TEST_t config



Generic receive command.

Command to receive a packet

Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency

List_List rxBuffers

Linked list of buffers where packets are stored

RCL_StatsGeneric * stats

Pointer to statistics structure. NULL: Do not store statistics

uint32_t syncWordA

Sync word to listen for

uint32_t syncWordB

Alternate Sync word to listen for

uint16_t maxPktLen

Maximum packet length, or packet length for fixed length

struct RCL_CMD_GENERIC_RX_t config


Data Fields
struct RCL_STATS_GENERIC_t config

Configuration provided to RCL

uint8_t timestampValid

Returns 1 if lastTimestamp is updated; 0 otherwise

int8_t lastRssi

RSSI of last received packet.

uint32_t lastTimestamp

Timestamp of last successfully received packet

uint32_t nRxNok

Number of packets received with CRC error

uint32_t nRxOk

Number of correctly received packets



Send PBE operation.

Send an opcode to the PBE and wait for it to report done

Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint16_t pbeOperation

Operation code to send to the PBE



NESB transmit command.

Command to transmit a packet

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdNesbPtx:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency.

List_List txBuffers

Linked list of packets to transmit. RCL will pop the first packet when transmitted.

List_List rxBuffers

Linked list of buffers for storing received packets. In this case, the ACK.

RCL_StatsNesb * stats

Pointer to statistics structure. NULL: Do not store statistics

uint32_t syncWord

Sync word to transmit

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power

uint8_t seqNo

Sequence number to use for next packet

uint8_t maxRetrans

Maximum number of retransmissions

uint32_t retransDelay

Number of Systim ticks (250 [ns] resolution) from start of transmission of a packet to retransmission. If an unattainable retransmission delay is set, the retransmission will start as soon as possible.

struct RCL_CMD_NESB_PTX_t config


Data Fields
uint32_t address

Address after header

uint16_t crcVal

CRC value (last two bytes if more than 2 CRC bytes) of last successfully received packet.

uint8_t maxPktLen

Packet length for fixed length, maximum packet length for variable length

uint8_t autoAckMode: 2

0: Disable auto-acknowledgement. 1: Enable auto-acknowledgement if received NO_ACK = 0. 2: Enable auto-acknowledgement if received NO_ACK = 1. 3: Enable auto-acknowledgement regardless of received NO_ACK.

uint8_t varLen: 1

0: Use fixed length given by maxPktLenA in receiver when receiving packets 1: Use variable length in receiver when receiving packets

uint8_t seqValid: 1

0: The status is not valid. Any packet is viewed as new. 1: The status is valid. Only packets with sequence number and CRC different from the previous one are accepted.

uint8_t seq: 2

Sequence number of last successfully received packet

uint8_t reserved: 2

Reserved, set to 0



NESB receive command.

Command to receive a packet

+ Collaboration diagram for RCL_CmdNesbPrx:
Data Fields
RCL_Command common
uint32_t rfFrequency

RF frequency in Hz to program. 0: Do not program frequency

List_List rxBuffers

Linked list of buffers where packets are stored

RCL_StatsNesb * stats

Pointer to statistics structure. NULL: Do not store statistics

uint32_t syncWordA

Sync word to listen for

uint32_t syncWordB

Alternate Sync word to listen for

RCL_Command_TxPower txPower

Transmit power for ACKs

uint8_t addrLen

Length of address after header (0-4 bytes)

struct RCL_CMD_NESB_PRX_t config
RCL_ConfigAddress syncWord[2]


Data Fields
struct RCL_STATS_NESB_t config

Configuration provided to RCL

uint8_t timestampValid

Returns 1 if lastTimestamp is updated; 0 otherwise

int8_t lastRssi

RSSI of last received packet.

uint32_t lastTimestamp

Timestamp of last successfully received packet

uint32_t nTx

Number of packets or acknowledgements transmitted

uint32_t nRxNok

Number of packets that have been received with CRC error

uint32_t nRxOk

Number of packets that have been received with CRC OK and not ignored

uint32_t nRxIgnored

Number of packets ignored as retransmissions

uint32_t nRxAddrMismatch

Number of packets ignored due to address mismatch

uint32_t nRxBufFull

Number of packets that have been received and discarded due to lack of buffer space


struct RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t fsOff: 1

0: Keep PLL enabled after command. 1: Turn off FS after command.

uint8_t reserved: 7

Reserved, set to 0


Data Fields
uint8_t fsOff: 1

0: Keep PLL enabled after command. 1: Turn off FS after command.

uint8_t fsRecal: 1

0: Keep synth running between each packet. 1. Turn off synth after each packet and recalibrate for the next. Requires rfFrequency != 0

uint8_t reserved: 6

Reserved, set to 0


struct RCL_CMD_GENERIC_TX_TEST_t.config
Data Fields
uint32_t txWord: 16

Repeated word to transmit

uint32_t whitenMode: 2

0. No whitening. 1: Default whitening. 2: PRBS-15. 3: PRBS-32

uint32_t sendCw: 1

0: Send modulated signal. 1: Send CW

uint32_t fsOff: 1

0: Keep PLL enabled after command. 1: Turn off FS after command.

uint32_t reserved: 12

Reserved, set to 0


struct RCL_CMD_GENERIC_RX_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t repeated: 1

0: End after receiving one packet. 1: Go back to sync search after receiving.

uint8_t disableSyncA: 1

0: Listen for syncWordA. 1: Do not listen for syncWordA

uint8_t disableSyncB: 1

0: Listen for syncWordB. 1: Do not listen for syncWordB

uint8_t discardRxPackets: 1

0: Store received packets in rxBuffers. 1: Do not store packets, useful for link tests where checksum result is enough

uint8_t fsOff: 1

0: Keep PLL enabled after command. 1: Turn off FS after command.

uint8_t reserved: 3

Reserved, set to 0


struct RCL_STATS_GENERIC_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t accumulate: 1

0: Reset counters to 0 at start of command. 1: Add to incoming value of counters.

uint8_t activeUpdate: 1

0: Update only at end of command. 1: Update after receiving or transmitting packets.

uint8_t reserved: 6

Reserved, set to 0

◆ RCL_CMD_NESB_PTX_t.config

struct RCL_CMD_NESB_PTX_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t fsOff: 1

0: Keep PLL enabled after command. 1: Turn off FS after command.

uint8_t autoRetransmitMode: 2

0: Do not listen for ACK. 1: Listen for ACK if transmitted NO_ACK = 0 and retransmit if missing. 2: Listen for ACK if transmitted NO_ACK = 1 and retransmit if missing. 3: Always listen for ACK and retransmit if missing.

uint8_t hdrConf: 1

0: Insert NO_ACK field from TX buffer. 1: Insert SEQ and NO_ACK field from TX buffer.

uint8_t reserved: 4

Reserved, set to 0

◆ RCL_CMD_NESB_PRX_t.config

struct RCL_CMD_NESB_PRX_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t disableSyncA: 1

0: Listen for syncWordA. 1: Do not listen for syncWordA

uint8_t disableSyncB: 1

0: Listen for syncWordB. 1: Do not listen for syncWordB - not supported in this release

uint8_t discardRxPackets: 1

0: Store received packets in rxBuffers. 1: Do not store packets, useful for link tests where checksum result is enough

uint8_t fsOff: 1

0: Keep PLL enabled after command. 1: Turn off FS after command.

uint8_t repeatOk: 1

0: End operation after receiving a packet correctly. 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet correctly

uint8_t repeatNok: 1

0: End operation after receiving a packet with CRC error or address mismatch. 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet with CRC error or address mismatch

uint8_t reserved: 2

Reserved, set to 0

◆ RCL_STATS_NESB_t.config

struct RCL_STATS_NESB_t.config
Data Fields
uint8_t accumulate: 1

0: Reset counters to 0 at start of command. 1: Add to incoming value of counters.

uint8_t activeUpdate: 1

0: Update only at end of command. 1: Update after receiving or transmitting packets.

uint8_t reserved: 6

Reserved, set to 0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_FS   0x0001U


#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_FS_OFF   0x0002U


#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_TX   0x0003U






#define RCL_CMDID_GENERIC_RX   0x0006U




#define RCL_CMDID_NESB_PTX   0x0008U


#define RCL_CMDID_NESB_PRX   0x0009U

◆ RCL_CmdGenericFs_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericFs_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.fsType = RCL_FsType_Rx, \

◆ RCL_CmdGenericFs_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericFs_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericFs) RCL_CmdGenericFs_Default()

◆ RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_Default ( )

◆ RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericFsOff) RCL_CmdGenericFsOff_Default()

◆ RCL_CmdGenericTx_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericTx_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.txBuffers = { 0 }, \
.syncWord = 0x930B51DE, \
.txPower = {.dBm = 0, .fraction = 0}, \
.config = { \
.fsOff = 1, \
.reserved = 0, \
}, \

◆ RCL_CmdGenericTx_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericTx_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericTx) RCL_CmdGenericTx_Default()

◆ RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.txEntry = NULL, \
.syncWord = 0x930B51DE, \
.timePeriod = 0, \
.numPackets = 0, \
.config = { \
.fsOff = 1, \
.fsRecal = 0, \
.reserved = 0, \
}, \

◆ RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat) RCL_CmdGenericTxRepeat_Default()

◆ RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.txPower = {.dBm = 0, .fraction = 0}, \
.config = { \
.txWord = 0, \
.whitenMode = 2, \
.sendCw = 0, \
.fsOff = 1, \
.reserved = 0, \
}, \

◆ RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericTxTest) RCL_CmdGenericTxTest_Default()



config.whitenMode: No whitening



config.whitenMode: Default whitening



config.whitenMode: PRBS-15



config.whitenMode: PRBS-32

◆ RCL_CmdGenericRx_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericRx_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.rxBuffers = {0}, \
.stats = NULL, \
.syncWordA = 0x930B51DE, \
.syncWordB = 0x12345678, \
.maxPktLen = 255, \
.config = { \
.repeated = 1, \
.disableSyncA = 0, \
.disableSyncB = 1, \
.discardRxPackets = 0, \
.fsOff = 1, \
.reserved = 0, \
}, \

◆ RCL_CmdGenericRx_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericRx_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericRx) RCL_CmdGenericRx_Default()

◆ RCL_StatsGeneric_Default

#define RCL_StatsGeneric_Default ( )
{ \
.config = { 0 }, \
.timestampValid = 0, \
.lastRssi = LRF_RSSI_INVALID, \

◆ RCL_StatsGeneric_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_StatsGeneric_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_StatsGeneric) RCL_StatsGeneric_Default()

◆ RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_Default

#define RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_Default ( )
{ \

◆ RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation) RCL_CmdGenericPbeOperation_Default()

◆ RCL_CmdNesbPtx_Default

#define RCL_CmdNesbPtx_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.txBuffers = { 0 }, \
.rxBuffers = { 0 }, \
.stats = NULL, \
.syncWord = 0x930B51DE, \
.txPower = {.dBm = 0, .fraction = 0}, \
.seqNo = 0, \
.maxRetrans = 5, \
.retransDelay = 100000, \
.config = { \
.fsOff = 1, \
.autoRetransmitMode = 3, \
.hdrConf = 1, \
.reserved = 0, \
} \

◆ RCL_CmdNesbPtx_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdNesbPtx_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdNesbPtx) RCL_CmdNesbPtx_Default()

◆ RCL_ConfigAddress_Default

#define RCL_ConfigAddress_Default (   _addr)
{ \
.address = _addr, \
.crcVal = 0, \
.maxPktLen = 255, \
.autoAckMode = 3, \
.varLen = 1, \
.seqValid = 0, \
.seq = 1, \
.reserved = 0, \

◆ RCL_ConfigAddress_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_ConfigAddress_DefaultRuntime (   _addr)    (RCL_ConfigAddress) RCL_ConfigAddress_Default(_addr)

◆ RCL_CmdNesbPrx_Default

#define RCL_CmdNesbPrx_Default ( )
{ \
.rfFrequency = 2440000000U, \
.rxBuffers = {0}, \
.stats = NULL, \
.syncWordA = 0x930B51DE, \
.syncWordB = 0x570451AE, \
.txPower = {.dBm = 0, .fraction = 0}, \
.addrLen = 4, \
.config = { \
.disableSyncA = 0, \
.disableSyncB = 1, \
.discardRxPackets = 0, \
.fsOff = 1, \
.repeatOk = 1, \
.repeatNok = 0, \
.reserved = 0, \
}, \
.syncWord[0] = RCL_ConfigAddress_Default(0xEFFEABBA), \
.syncWord[1] = RCL_ConfigAddress_Default(0xEFFEABBC) \

◆ RCL_CmdNesbPrx_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_CmdNesbPrx_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_CmdNesbPrx) RCL_CmdNesbPrx_Default()

◆ RCL_StatsNesb_Default

#define RCL_StatsNesb_Default ( )
{ \
.config = { 0 }, \
.timestampValid = 0, \
.lastRssi = -128, \

◆ RCL_StatsNesb_DefaultRuntime

#define RCL_StatsNesb_DefaultRuntime ( )    (RCL_StatsNesb) RCL_StatsNesb_Default()

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RCL_FsType

enum RCL_FsType

RF frequency programming type object.

Type to specify how frequency programming is done for FS command


Program synth as for RX operation


Program synth as for TX operation

RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_Rx(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:872
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Nesb_Prx(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:1482
#define RCL_ConfigAddress_Default(_addr)
Definition: generic.h:375
#define RCL_Command_Default(_id, _handler)
Definition: RCL_Command.h:166
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_Fs(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:136
Definition: generic.h:62
Definition: generic.h:67
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_TxTest(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:694
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_FsOff(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:227
@ RCL_FsType_Rx
Definition: generic.h:77
Definition: LRF.h:83
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_TxRepeat(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:432
Definition: generic.h:65
Definition: generic.h:61
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Nesb_Ptx(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:1174
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_PbeOperation(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:1116
Definition: generic.h:63
RCL_Events RCL_Handler_Generic_Tx(RCL_Command *cmd, LRF_Events lrfEvents, RCL_Events rclEventsIn)
Definition: generic.c:287
Definition: generic.h:68
Definition: generic.h:60
Definition: generic.h:64
Definition: generic.h:66