Data Fields
AESGCM_SegmentedAADOperation Struct Reference

Struct containing the parameters required for authenticating/verifying additional data in a segmented operation. Must be updated for each add AAD step of a segmented operation. More...

#include <AESGCM.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * aad
size_t aadLength

Detailed Description

Struct containing the parameters required for authenticating/verifying additional data in a segmented operation. Must be updated for each add AAD step of a segmented operation.

Field Documentation

§ aad

uint8_t* AESGCM_SegmentedAADOperation::aad

A buffer of length aadLength containing additional authentication data to be authenticated/verified but not encrypted/decrypted.

§ aadLength

size_t AESGCM_SegmentedAADOperation::aadLength

Length of the aad in bytes. Must be non-zero, multiple of the AES block size (16 bytes) unless the last chunk of AAD is being passed in. In that case, this value doesn't need to be an AES block-sized multiple.

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