SPIFFSNVS status codes


 Successful status code returned by: SPIFFSNVS_config() More...
 Generic error status code returned by: SPIFFSNVS_config() More...
 An error status code returned by SPIFFSNVS_config() More...
 An error status code returned by SPIFFSNVS_config() More...
 An error status code returned by SPIFFSNVS_config() More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Successful status code returned by: SPIFFSNVS_config()

Returned if the API was executed successfully.



Generic error status code returned by: SPIFFSNVS_config()

Returned if the API was not executed successfully.



An error status code returned by SPIFFSNVS_config()

SPIFFSNVS_config() will return this value if the NVS index is invalid.



An error status code returned by SPIFFSNVS_config()

Error status code returned if the logicalBlockSize argument is not an integer multiple of the physical block size. (e.g., logicalBlockSize = n * physicalBlockSize; where n is a positive integer)



An error status code returned by SPIFFSNVS_config()

Error status code returned if the logicalBlockSize argument is not an integer multiple of the logicalPageSize argument. (e.g., logicalBlockSize = n * logicalPageSize; where n is a positive integer)

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