LegacyTerminology.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Provide a translation layer for legacy terminology.

How to Enable Backwards Compatibility

Backwards-compatibility for legacy terminology is disabled by default. To enable the use of legacy terminology, add ENABLE_LEGACY_TERMINOLOGY to your application's compiler arguments.


TI is transitioning to use more inclusive terminology. As a result some language and legacy APIs may be different than what you would expect to see for certain technology areas. The purpose of this file is to ease porting for customers who have software on existing platforms still using prior terminology while moving TI defined software to follow the latest industry driven standards.

Using this header may inadvertedly redefine parts of your application code if that code uses any of the legacy terms as substrings.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define I2S_SLAVE   I2S_TARGET
#define MCLKDivider   CCLKDivider
#define slaveAddress   targetAddress
#define mclkPin   cclkPin
#define mclkDiv   cclkDiv

Macro Definition Documentation








#define I2S_SLAVE   I2S_TARGET

§ MCLKDivider

#define MCLKDivider   CCLKDivider

§ slaveAddress

#define slaveAddress   targetAddress

§ mclkPin

#define mclkPin   cclkPin

§ mclkDiv

#define mclkDiv   cclkDiv
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