Instance: SYSTIM
Component: SYSTIM
Base address: 0x40022000

SVT System Timer Module

TOP:SYSTIM Register Summary

Register Name


Register Width (Bits)

Register Reset

Address Offset

Physical Address




0x9443 1010

0x0000 0000

0x4002 2000




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0044

0x4002 2044




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0048

0x4002 2048




0x0000 0000

0x0000 004C

0x4002 204C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0050

0x4002 2050




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0054

0x4002 2054




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0058

0x4002 2058




0x0000 0000

0x0000 005C

0x4002 205C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0060

0x4002 2060




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0064

0x4002 2064




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0100

0x4002 2100




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0104

0x4002 2104




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0108

0x4002 2108




0x0000 0000

0x0000 010C

0x4002 210C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0110

0x4002 2110




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0114

0x4002 2114




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0118

0x4002 2118




0x0000 0000

0x0000 011C

0x4002 211C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0120

0x4002 2120




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0124

0x4002 2124




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0128

0x4002 2128




0x0000 0000

0x0000 012C

0x4002 212C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0130

0x4002 2130




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0134

0x4002 2134




0x0000 0005

0x0000 0138

0x4002 2138




0x0000 0000

0x0000 013C

0x4002 213C




0x0000 0010

0x0000 0140

0x4002 2140




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0144

0x4002 2144




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0148

0x4002 2148




0x0000 0000

0x0000 014C

0x4002 214C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0150

0x4002 2150




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0154

0x4002 2154




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0158

0x4002 2158




0x0000 0000

0x0000 015C

0x4002 215C

TOP:SYSTIM Register Descriptions


Address Offset 0x0000 0000
Physical Address 0x4002 2000 Instance 0x4002 2000
Description Description Register. This register identifies the peripheral and its exact version.
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 MODID Module identifier used to uniquely identify this IP. RO 0x9443
15:12 STDIPOFF Standard IP MMR block offset. Standard IP MMRs are the set of from aggregated IRQ registers till DTB.

0: Standard IP MMRs do not exist

0x1-0xF: Standard IP MMRs begin at offset of (64*STDIPOFF from the base IP address)
RO 0x1
11:8 INSTIDX IP Instance ID number. If multiple instances of IP exists in SOC, this field can identify the instance number 0-15 RO 0x0
7:4 MAJREV Major revision of IP 0-15 RO 0x1
3:0 MINREV Minor revision of IP 0-15. RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0044
Physical Address 0x4002 2044 Instance 0x4002 2044
Description Interrupt mask. This register selects interrupt sources which are allowed to pass from RIS to MIS when the corresponding bit-fields are set to 1.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Systimer counter overflow event interrupt mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Disable Interrupt Mask
0x1 EN Enable Interrrupt Mask
RW 0
4 EV4 Systimer channel 4 event interrupt mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Disable Interrupt Mask
0x1 EN Enable Interrrupt Mask
RW 0
3 EV3 Systimer channel 3 event interrupt mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Disable Interrupt Mask
0x1 EN Enable Interrrupt Mask
RW 0
2 EV2 Systimer channel 2 event interrupt mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Disable Interrupt Mask
0x1 EN Enable Interrrupt Mask
RW 0
1 EV1 Systimer channel 1 event interrupt mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Disable Interrupt Mask
0x1 EN Enable Interrrupt Mask
RW 0
0 EV0 Systimer channel 0 event interrupt mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Disable Interrupt Mask
0x1 EN Enable Interrrupt Mask
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0048
Physical Address 0x4002 2048 Instance 0x4002 2048
Description Raw interrupt status. This register reflects the state of all pending interrupts, regardless of masking. This register allows the user to implement a poll scheme. A flag set in this register can be cleared by writing 1 to the corresponding ICLR register bit.
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Raw interrupt status for Systimer counter overflow event.
This bit is set to 1 when an event is received on SysTimer Overflow occurs.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
4 EV4 Raw interrupt status for channel 4 event.
This bit is set to 1 when a CAPTURE or COMPARE event is received on channel 4.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
3 EV3 Raw interrupt status for channel 3 event.
This bit is set to 1 when a CAPTURE or COMPARE event is received on channel 3.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
2 EV2 Raw interrupt status for channel 2 Event.
This bit is set to 1 when a CAPTURE or COMPARE event is received on channel 2.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
1 EV1 Raw interrupt status for channel 1 event.
This bit is set to 1 when a CAPTURE or COMPARE event is received on channel 1.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
0 EV0 Raw interrupt status for channel 0 event.
This bit is set to 1 when a CAPTURE or COMPARE event is received on channel 0.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 004C
Physical Address 0x4002 204C Instance 0x4002 204C
Description Masked interrupt status. This register is simply a bitwise AND of the contents of IMASK and RIS.*] registers. A flag set in this register can be cleared by writing 1 to the corresponding ICLR register bit.
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Mask Interrupt status for Systimer counter overflow Event in MIS register.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
4 EV4 Mask interrupt status for channel 4 event.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
3 EV3 Mask interrupt status for channel 3 event.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
2 EV2 Mask interrupt status for channel 2 event.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
1 EV1 Mask interrupt status for channel 1 event.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0
0 EV0 Mask interrupt status for channel 0 event.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Interrupt did not occur
0x1 SET Interrupt occured
RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0050
Physical Address 0x4002 2050 Instance 0x4002 2050
Description Interrupt set register. This register can used by software for diagnostics and safety checking purposes. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register will set the event and the corresponding RIS bit also gets set. If the corresponding IMASK bit is set, then the corresponding MIS register bit also gets set.
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Sets Systimer counter overflow interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set Interrupt
WO 0
4 EV4 Sets channel 4 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set Interrupt
WO 0
3 EV3 Sets channel 3 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set Interrupt
WO 0
2 EV2 Sets channel 2 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set Interrupt
WO 0
1 EV1 Sets channel 1 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set Interrupt
WO 0
0 EV0 Sets channel 0 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set Interrupt
WO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0054
Physical Address 0x4002 2054 Instance 0x4002 2054
Description Interrupt clear register. This register allows software to clear interrupts. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register will clear the event and the corresponding RIS bit also gets cleared. If the corresponding IMASK bit is set, then the corresponding MIS register bit also gets cleared.
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Clears Systimer counter overflow interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear Interrupt
WO 0
4 EV4 Clears channel 4 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear Interrupt
WO 0
3 EV3 Clears channel 3 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear Interrupt
WO 0
2 EV2 Clears channel 2 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear Interrupt
WO 0
1 EV1 Clears channel 1 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear Interrupt
WO 0
0 EV0 Clears channel 0 interrupt.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear Interrupt
WO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0058
Physical Address 0x4002 2058 Instance 0x4002 2058
Description Interrupt mask set register. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register will set the corresponding IMASK bit.
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Sets Timer Overflow Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set interrupt mask
WO 0
4 EV4 Sets channel4 Event Interrupt mask
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set interrupt mask
WO 0
3 EV3 Sets channel3 Event Interrupt mask
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set interrupt mask
WO 0
2 EV2 Sets channel2 Event Interrupt mask
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set interrupt mask
WO 0
1 EV1 Sets channel1 Event Interrupt mask
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set interrupt mask
WO 0
0 EV0 Sets channel0 Event Interrupt mask
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 SET Set interrupt mask
WO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 005C
Physical Address 0x4002 205C Instance 0x4002 205C
Description Interrupt mask clear register. Writing a 1 to a bit in this register will clear the corresponding IMASK bit.
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5 OVFL Clears Timer Overflow Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear interrupt mask
WO 0
4 EV4 Clears channel4 Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear interrupt mask
WO 0
3 EV3 Clears channel3 Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear interrupt mask
WO 0
2 EV2 Clears channel2 Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear interrupt mask
WO 0
1 EV1 Clears channel1 Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear interrupt mask
WO 0
0 EV0 Clears channel0 Event Interrupt Mask.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF Writing 0 has no effect
0x1 CLR Clear interrupt mask
WO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0060
Physical Address 0x4002 2060 Instance 0x4002 2060
Description Emulation control register. This register controls the behavior of the IP related to core halted input.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:1 RESERVED1 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0 HALT Halt control.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 RUN Free run option. The IP ignores the state of the core halted input.
0x1 STOP Freeze option. The IP freezes functionality when the core halted input is asserted, and resumes when it is deasserted. The freeze can either be immediate or after the IP has reached a boundary from where it can resume without corruption.
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0064
Physical Address 0x4002 2064 Instance 0x4002 2064
Description Digital test bus control register. This register can be used to bring out IP internal signals to the pads for observation. 16 signals can be observed per select value.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3:0 SEL Digital test bus selection mux control.

Non-zero select values output a 16 bit selected group of signals per value.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS All 16 observation signals are set to zero.
RW 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0100
Physical Address 0x4002 2100 Instance 0x4002 2100
Description Systimer Counter Value. This 32-bit value reads out bits [31:0] of the systimer counter. The counter is 34-bit and runs on CLKSVT/12. It maintains a resolution of 250ns with a range of about 17.9m.
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL 32-bit counter value [31:0]. This will provide a 250ns resolution and a range of 17.9m. RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0104
Physical Address 0x4002 2104 Instance 0x4002 2104
Description Systimer Counter Value. This 32-bit value reads out bits[33:2] of the systimer counter. The counter is 34-bit and runs on CLKSVT/12. It maintains a resolution of 1us with a range of about 1 h 11m.
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL 32-bit counter value [33:2]. This will provide a resolution of 1us and a range of 1hr and 11m. RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0108
Physical Address 0x4002 2108 Instance 0x4002 2108
Description Systimer's channel Output Event Values
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RESERVED5 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 OUT4 Output Value of channel 4.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Event did not occur.
0x1 SET Event occured
RW 0
3 OUT3 Output Value of channel 3.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Event did not occur.
0x1 SET Event occured
RW 0
2 OUT2 Output Value of channel 2.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Event did not occur.
0x1 SET Event occured
RW 0
1 OUT1 Output Value of channel 1.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Event did not occur.
0x1 SET Event occured
RW 0
0 OUT0 Output Value of channel 0.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 CLR Event did not occur.
0x1 SET Event occured
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 010C
Physical Address 0x4002 210C Instance 0x4002 210C
Description Systimer channel 0 configuration. This channel has configurability for 250ns and 1us based capture and compare operations.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RESERVED5 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 RES This bit decides the RESOLUTION of the channel that will be used.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 US channel Works in Timer's 1us Resolution.
0x1 NS channel Works in Timer's 250ns resolution
RW 0
3 REARM When Rearm is enabled the channel remains in continous capture mode. Otherwise it'll be in One shot capture mode. Rearm is only valid for capture mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Re Arm is disabled
0x1 EN Re arm is enabled
RW 0
2:1 INP Decides the channel input signal's mode. Setting the Value as 2'b11 selects the Rise Function.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 RISE Capture on rising edge
0x1 FALL Capture on Falling Edge
0x2 BOTH Capture on both Edge
RW 0b00
0 MODE Decides the channel mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS channel is disabled
0x1 CAPT channel is in capture mode
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0110
Physical Address 0x4002 2110 Instance 0x4002 2110
Description Systimer channel 1 configuration. This channel works in 1us based capture and compare operations.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3 REARM When Rearm is enabled the channel remains in continous capture mode. Otherwise it'll be in One shot capture mode. Rearm is only valid for capture mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Re Arm is disabled
0x1 EN Re arm is enabled
RW 0
2:1 INP Decides the channel input signal's mode. Setting the Value as 2'b11 selects the Rise Function
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 RISE Capture on rising edge
0x1 FALL Capture on Falling Edge
0x2 BOTH Capture on both Edge
RW 0b00
0 MODE Decides the channel mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS channel is disabled
0x1 CAPT channel is in capture mode
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0114
Physical Address 0x4002 2114 Instance 0x4002 2114
Description Systimer channel 2 configuration. This channel works in 250ns based capture and compare operations.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3 REARM When Rearm is enabled the channel remains in continous capture mode. Otherwise it'll be in One shot capture mode. Rearm is only valid for capture mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Re Arm is disabled
0x1 EN Re arm is enabled
RW 0
2:1 INP Decides the channel input signal's mode. Setting the Value as 2'b11 selects the Rise Function
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 RISE Capture on rising edge
0x1 FALL Capture on Falling Edge
0x2 BOTH Capture on both Edge
RW 0b00
0 MODE Decides the channel mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS channel is disabled
0x1 CAPT channel is in capture mode
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0118
Physical Address 0x4002 2118 Instance 0x4002 2118
Description Systimer channel 3 configuration. This channel works in 250ns based capture and compare operations.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3 REARM When Rearm is enabled the channel remains in continous capture mode. Otherwise it'll be in One shot capture mode. Rearm is only valid for capture mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Re Arm is disabled
0x1 EN Re arm is enabled
RW 0
2:1 INP Decides the channel input signal's mode. Setting the Value as 2'b11 selects the Rise Function
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 RISE Capture on rising edge
0x1 FALL Capture on Falling Edge
0x2 BOTH Capture on both Edge
RW 0b00
0 MODE Decides the channel mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS channel is disabled
0x1 CAPT channel is in capture mode
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 011C
Physical Address 0x4002 211C Instance 0x4002 211C
Description Systimer channel 4 configuration. This channel works in 250ns based capture and compare operations.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3 REARM When Rearm is enabled the channel remains in continous capture mode. Otherwise it'll be in One shot capture mode. Rearm is only valid for capture mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Re Arm is disabled
0x1 EN Re arm is enabled
RW 0
2:1 INP Decides the channel input signal's mode. Setting the Value as 2'b11 selects the Rise Function
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 RISE Capture on rising edge
0x1 FALL Capture on Falling Edge
0x2 BOTH Capture on both Edge
RW 0b00
0 MODE Decides the channel mode.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS channel is disabled
0x1 CAPT channel is in capture mode
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0120
Physical Address 0x4002 2120 Instance 0x4002 2120
Description System Timer channel 0 Capture/Compare Register. This Register when written with any compare value will arm the channel to work in compare mode.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0124
Physical Address 0x4002 2124 Instance 0x4002 2124
Description System Timer channel 1 Capture/Compare Register. This Register when written with any compare value will arm the channel to work in compare mode.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0128
Physical Address 0x4002 2128 Instance 0x4002 2128
Description System Timer channel 2 Capture/Compare Register. This Register when written with any compare value will arm the channel to work in compare mode.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 012C
Physical Address 0x4002 212C Instance 0x4002 212C
Description System Timer channel 3 Capture/Compare Register. This Register when written with any compare value will arm the channel to work in compare mode.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0130
Physical Address 0x4002 2130 Instance 0x4002 2130
Description System Timer channel 4 Capture/Compare Register. This Register when written with any compare value will arm the channel to work in compare mode.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0134
Physical Address 0x4002 2134 Instance 0x4002 2134
Description Systimer Bit. This Register will be used to specify which TIME bit is required by LGPT to be forwarded from SYSTIMER.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x0000
15:0 VAL The corresponding bit will have value '1' rest should be '0'. If more than one bit is asserted, output is "or" of all the bits.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOBIT No bit is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x1 BIT2 Bit2 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x2 BIT3 Bit3 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x4 BIT4 Bit4 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x8 BIT5 Bit5 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x10 BIT6 Bit6 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x20 BIT7 Bit7 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x40 BIT8 Bit8 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x80 BIT9 Bit9 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x100 BIT10 Bit10 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x200 BIT11 Bit11 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x400 BIT12 Bit12 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x800 BIT13 Bit13 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x1000 BIT14 Bit14 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x2000 BIT15 Bit15 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x4000 BIT16 Bit16 is forwarded to the event fabric.
0x8000 BIT17 Bit17 is forwarded to the event fabric.
RW 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0138
Physical Address 0x4002 2138 Instance 0x4002 2138
Description PI filter's Proportional Gain Value
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3:0 VAL Proportional Error is left shifted by this value. RW 0x5


Address Offset 0x0000 013C
Physical Address 0x4002 213C Instance 0x4002 213C
Description PI filter's Accumulator's Gain Value
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3:0 VAL Accumulated Error is left shifted by this value. RW 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0140
Physical Address 0x4002 2140 Instance 0x4002 2140
Description Systimer status register. This register can be used to read the running status of the timer and to resync the Systimer with RTC.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RESERVED5 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 SYNCUP This bit indicates sync status of Systimer with RTC. The bitfield has a reset value of '1' , which gets cleared to '0' after the systimer synchronizes with RTC on the first LFTICK edge. A write to this bit resynchronizes the Systimer with RTC on the next LFTICK edge. A read value of '1' indicates the synchronization is ongoing and a read of '0' indicates the synchronization is done. RW 1
3:1 RESERVED1 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000
0 VAL This bit indicates if the system time is initialized and running.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 STOP system timer is not running.
0x1 RUN system timer is running
RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0144
Physical Address 0x4002 2144 Instance 0x4002 2144
Description ARMSET on read gives out the status of the 5 channels
1. channel state UNARMED returns 0
2. channel state CAPTURE or COMPARE returns 1
A write to ARMSET has for each channel the following effect:
1. If ARMSTA[x]==0 -> no effect
2. If ARMSTA[x]==1 and channel x is in CAPTURE state then no effect on the channel
3. Else Set channel in COMPARE mode using existing CHxVAL value
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RESERVED5 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 CH4 Arming channel 4 for either compare or capture operation.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 SET if channel 3 is in CAPTURE state then no effect on the channel Else  Set channel in COMPARE mode using existing CH3
VAL value
RW 0
3 CH3 Arming channel 3 for either compare or capture operation.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 SET if channel 3 is in CAPTURE state then no effect on the channel Else  Set channel in COMPARE mode using existing CH3
VAL value
RW 0
2 CH2 Arming channel 2 for either compare or capture operation.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 SET if channel 2 is in CAPTURE state then no effect on the channel Else  Set channel in COMPARE mode using existing CH2VAL value
RW 0
1 CH1 Arming channel 1 for either compare or capture operation.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 SET if channel 1 is in CAPTURE state then no effect on the channel Else  Set channel in COMPARE mode using existing CH1VAL value
RW 0
0 CH0 Arming channel 0 for either compare or capture operation.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 SET if channel 0 is in CAPTURE state then no effect on the channel
3. Else  Set channel in COMPARE mode using existing CH0VAL value
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0148
Physical Address 0x4002 2148 Instance 0x4002 2148
Description ARMCLR on read gives out the status of the 5 channels
1. channel state UNARMED returns 0
2. channel state CAPTURE or COMPARE returns 1
A write to ARMCLR has for each channel the following effect:
1. If ARMCLR[x]==0 no effect
2. Else Set channel in UNARMED state without triggering event unless a compare/capture event happens in the same cycle
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RESERVED5 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 CH4 Disarming channel 4
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 CLR Set channel in UNARMED state without triggering event unless a compare/capture event happens in the same cycle
RW 0
3 CH3 Disarming channel 3
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 CLR Set channel in UNARMED state without triggering event unless a compare/capture event happens in the same cycle
RW 0
2 CH2 Disarming channel 2
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 CLR Set channel in UNARMED state without triggering event unless a compare/capture event happens in the same cycle
RW 0
1 CH1 Disarming channel 1
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 CLR Set channel in UNARMED state without triggering event unless a compare/capture event happens in the same cycle
RW 0
0 CH0 Disarming channel 0
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOEFF No effect on the channel
0x1 CLR Set channel in UNARMED state without triggering event unless a compare/capture event happens in the same cycle
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 014C
Physical Address 0x4002 214C Instance 0x4002 214C
Description Save/restore alias register for channel 0. A read to this register behaves exactly as a read to CH0CC.
A write to CH0CCSR sets CH0VAL value of register without affecting channel state or configuration
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0150
Physical Address 0x4002 2150 Instance 0x4002 2150
Description Save/restore alias registers channel 1. i. A read to CH1CCSR behaves exactly as a read to CH1VAL.
A write to this register sets CH0CC.VAL without affecting channel state or configuration.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0154
Physical Address 0x4002 2154 Instance 0x4002 2154
Description Save/restore alias registers channel 2. i. A read to CH2CCSR behaves exactly as a read to CH2VAL.
A write to CH2CCSR sets CH2VAL value of register without affecting channel state or configuration
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0158
Physical Address 0x4002 2158 Instance 0x4002 2158
Description Save/restore alias registers channel 3. i. A read to CH3CCSR behaves exactly as a read to CH3VAL.
A write to CH3CCSR sets CH3VAL value of register without affecting channel state or configuration.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 015C
Physical Address 0x4002 215C Instance 0x4002 215C
Description Save/restore alias registers channel 4. i. A read to CH4CCSR behaves exactly as a read to CH4VAL.
A write to CH4CCSR sets CH4VAL value of register without affecting channel state or configuration.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 VAL Capture/compare value RW 0x0000 0000