TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
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This module implements the Generic Access Protocol (GAP) More...


 GAP Callbacks
 GAP Constants
 GAP Events
 GAP Parameters
 GAP Structures


file  gap.h
 GAP layer interface.


#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RAND(pAddr)
#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RPN(pAddr)
#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RPR(pAddr)
#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RS(pAddr)


bStatus_t GAP_Authenticate (gapAuthParams_t *pParams, gapPairingReq_t *pPairReq)
bStatus_t GAP_Bond (uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t authenticated, uint8_t secureConnections, smSecurityInfo_t *pParams, uint8_t startEncryption)
bStatus_t GAP_DeviceInit (uint8_t profileRole, uint8_t taskID, GAP_Addr_Modes_t addrMode, uint8_t *pRandomAddr)
uint8_t * GAP_GetDevAddress (uint8 wantIA)
uint8_t * GAP_GetIRK (void)
uint16_t GAP_GetParamValue (uint16_t paramID)
uint8_t * GAP_GetSRK (void)
void GAP_Init (uint8_t task_id)
uint8_t GAP_isPairing (void)
uint8_t GAP_NumActiveConnections (void)
bStatus_t GAP_PasscodeUpdate (uint32_t passcode, uint16_t connectionHandle)
bStatus_t GAP_PasskeyUpdate (uint8_t *pPasskey, uint16_t connectionHandle)
uint16_t GAP_ProcessEvent (uint8_t task_id, uint16_t events)
void GAP_RegisterBondMgrCBs (gapBondMgrCBs_t *pCBs)
bStatus_t Gap_RegisterConnEventCb (pfnGapConnEvtCB_t cb, GAP_CB_Action_t action, uint16_t connHandle)
void GAP_RegisterForMsgs (uint8_t taskID)
bStatus_t GAP_SendSlaveSecurityRequest (uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t authReq)
bStatus_t GAP_SetParamValue (uint16_t paramID, uint16_t paramValue)
bStatus_t GAP_SetPrivacyMode (GAP_Peer_Addr_Types_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr, uint8_t mode)
bStatus_t GAP_Signable (uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t authenticated, smSigningInfo_t *pParams)
bStatus_t GAP_TerminateAuth (uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t reason)
bStatus_t GAP_TerminateLinkReq (uint16_t connectionHandle, uint8_t reason)
bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReq (gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t *pParams)
bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReqReply (gapUpdateLinkParamReqReply_t *pParams)
bStatus_t GapConfig_SetParameter (Gap_configParamIds_t param, void *pValue)

Detailed Description

This module implements the Generic Access Protocol (GAP)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RAND (   pAddr)
(GAP_IS_ADDR_RPR(pAddr) | \
GAP_IS_ADDR_RPN(pAddr) | \
#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RPR(pAddr)
Definition: gap.h:55

Is the address any type of random address?


#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RPN (   pAddr)
Get top 2 bits of address.
Definition: gap.h:609
#define B_ADDR_LEN
Default Public and Random Address Length.
Definition: bcomdef.h:115
Random Private Non-Resolvable Address (b10)
Definition: gap.h:613

Is the address random private non-resolvable (NRPA)?

pAddrpointer to address
TRUE the address is an NRPA
FALSE the address is not an NRPA


#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RPR (   pAddr)
Get top 2 bits of address.
Definition: gap.h:609
#define B_ADDR_LEN
Default Public and Random Address Length.
Definition: bcomdef.h:115
Random Private Resolvable Address (b01)
Definition: gap.h:615

Is the address random private resolvable (RPA)?

pAddrpointer to address
TRUE the address is an RPA
FALSE the address is not an RPA


#define GAP_IS_ADDR_RS (   pAddr)
Random Static Address (b11)
Definition: gap.h:611
Get top 2 bits of address.
Definition: gap.h:609
#define B_ADDR_LEN
Default Public and Random Address Length.
Definition: bcomdef.h:115

Is the address random static?

pAddrpointer to address
TRUE the address is random static
FALSE the address is not random static

Function Documentation

§ GAP_Authenticate()

bStatus_t GAP_Authenticate ( gapAuthParams_t pParams,
gapPairingReq_t pPairReq 

Start Authentication

Start the Authentication process with the requested device. This function is used to Initiate/Allow pairing. Called by both master and slave device (Central and Peripheral).

This API should not be called by the application if the gapbondmgr exists as it will be used automatically based on GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE
Corresponding Events:
After pairing is completed successfully, the calling task will receive a GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT of type gapAuthCompleteEvent_t
After a failed pairing, the calling task will receive a GAP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_EVT
pParamsAuthentication parameters
pPairReqEnter these parameters if the Pairing Request was already received.
NULL, if waiting for Pairing Request or if initiating.
SUCCESS : authentication request sent to stack
bleIncorrectMode : Not correct profile role
FAILURE : not workable

§ GAP_Bond()

bStatus_t GAP_Bond ( uint16_t  connectionHandle,
uint8_t  authenticated,
uint8_t  secureConnections,
smSecurityInfo_t pParams,
uint8_t  startEncryption 

Set up the connection's bound parameters.

This API should not be called by the application if the gapbondmgr exists as it will be used automatically when a connection is formed to a previously bonded device
Corresponding Events:
GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT of type gapBondCompleteEvent_t
connectionHandleconnection handle of the signing information
authenticatedTRUE if bond is authenticated.
secureConnectionsTRUE if bond has Secure Connections strength.
pParamsthe connected device's security parameters
startEncryptionwhether or not to start encryption
bleIncorrectMode : Not correct profile role
FAILURE : not workable

§ GAP_DeviceInit()

bStatus_t GAP_DeviceInit ( uint8_t  profileRole,
uint8_t  taskID,
GAP_Addr_Modes_t  addrMode,
uint8_t *  pRandomAddr 

GAP Device Initialization

Setup the device. Can only be called once per reset. In order to change the address mode / random address, it is necessary to reset the device and call this API again. In the case where the address mode or random address is different than it was for the last initialization, all bonds and local information stored in NV will be erased.

Corresponding Events:
GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT of type gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t
profileRoleGAP Profile Roles: GAP Profile Roles
taskIDend application task to receive unprocessed GAP events.
addrModeOwn address mode. If always using Resolvable Private Address, set this to either ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_PUBLIC_ID or ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_RANDOM_ID. If always using Identity Address, set this to either ADDRMODE_PUBLIC or ADDRMODE_RANDOM.
pRandomAddrPointer to 6-byte Random Static Address of this device that will be copied to the stack. Valid only if addrMode is ADDRMODE_RANDOM or ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_RANDOM_ID and can not be NULL in these cases. Ignored for other address types.
SUCCESS : initialization started
INVALIDPARAMETER : invalid profile role, role combination, or invalid Random Static Address,
bleIncorrectMode : initialization has already occurred
bleInternalError : error erasing NV

§ GAP_GetDevAddress()

uint8_t* GAP_GetDevAddress ( uint8  wantIA)

Get the address of this device

wantIATRUE for Identity Address. FALSE for Resolvable Private Address (if the device has been initialized with the address mode ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_PUBLIC_ID or ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_RANDOM_ID)
pointer to device address.

§ GAP_GetIRK()

uint8_t* GAP_GetIRK ( void  )

Get the IRK

The memory indicated by the returned pointer should not be modified directly if it is desired to update the IRK. Instead, use the GAP_CONFIG_PARAM_IRK
pointer to the 16-byte IRK

§ GAP_GetParamValue()

uint16_t GAP_GetParamValue ( uint16_t  paramID)

Get a GAP Parameter value.

paramIDparameter ID: Gap_ParamIDs_t
GAP Parameter value
0xFFFF if invalid

§ GAP_GetSRK()

uint8_t* GAP_GetSRK ( void  )

Get the SRK

The memory indicated by the returned pointer should not be modified directly if it is desired to update the SRK. Instead, use the GAP_CONFIG_PARAM_SRK
pointer to the 16-byte SRK

§ GAP_Init()

void GAP_Init ( uint8_t  task_id)

Initialization for GAP module

This should only be used in osal_icall_ble.c in osalInitTasks()

task_idOSAL task ID

§ GAP_isPairing()

uint8_t GAP_isPairing ( void  )

Check if GAP is currently pairing.

This API is not needed if the gapbondmgr exists as pairing states are returned via the pfnPairStateCB_t callback
TRUE if pairing
FALSE otherwise

§ GAP_NumActiveConnections()

uint8_t GAP_NumActiveConnections ( void  )

Returns the number of active connections.

Number of active connections.

§ GAP_PasscodeUpdate()

bStatus_t GAP_PasscodeUpdate ( uint32_t  passcode,
uint16_t  connectionHandle 

Update the passkey in a numeric value (not string).

This API should be called in response to receiving a GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT

This function is the same as GAP_PasskeyUpdate, except that the passkey is passed in as a non-string format.
passcodenot string - range: 0 - 999,999.
connectionHandleconnection handle.
SUCCESS : will start pairing with this entry
bleIncorrectMode : Link not found
INVALIDPARAMETER : passkey == NULL or passkey isn't formatted properly

§ GAP_PasskeyUpdate()

bStatus_t GAP_PasskeyUpdate ( uint8_t *  pPasskey,
uint16_t  connectionHandle 

Update the passkey in string format.

This API should be called in response to receiving a GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT

This function is the same as GAP_PasscodeUpdate, except that the passkey is passed in as a string format.
This API should not be called by the application if the gapbondmgr exists as it is abstracted through GAPBondMgr_PasscodeRsp
pPasskeynew passkey - pointer to numeric string (ie. "019655" ) This string's range is "000000" to "999999"
connectionHandleconnection handle.
SUCCESS : will start pairing with this entry
bleIncorrectMode : Link not found
INVALIDPARAMETER : passkey == NULL or passkey isn't formatted properly

§ GAP_ProcessEvent()

uint16_t GAP_ProcessEvent ( uint8_t  task_id,
uint16_t  events 

GAP Module event processing

This should only be used in osal_icall_ble.c in tasksArr[]

task_idOSAL task ID
eventsOSAL event received
bitmask of events that weren't processed

§ GAP_RegisterBondMgrCBs()

void GAP_RegisterBondMgrCBs ( gapBondMgrCBs_t pCBs)

Register bond manager call backs

pCBspointer to Bond Manager Callbacks.

§ Gap_RegisterConnEventCb()

bStatus_t Gap_RegisterConnEventCb ( pfnGapConnEvtCB_t  cb,
GAP_CB_Action_t  action,
uint16_t  connHandle 

Register/Unregister a connection event callback

It is only possible to register for one connection handle of for all connection handles. In the case of unregistering, it does not matter what connHandle or cb is passed in as whatever is currently registered will be unregistered.

The application owns the memory pointed to by pReport in pfnGapConnEvtCB_t. That is, it is responsible for freeing this memory.
The callback needs to be registered for each reconnection. It is not retained across a disconnect / reconnect.
cbFunction pointer to a callback.
actionRegister or unregister the callback.
connHandleif CONNHANDLE_ALL, apply to all connections.
else, apply only for a specific connection.
bleGAPNotFound : connection handle not found
bleInvalidRange : the callback function was NULL or action is invalid
bleMemAllocError : there is not enough memory to register the callback.

§ GAP_RegisterForMsgs()

void GAP_RegisterForMsgs ( uint8_t  taskID)

Register for GAP Messages

Register a task ID to receive extra (unprocessed) HCI status and complete, and Host events.

taskIDDefault task ID to send events.

§ GAP_SendSlaveSecurityRequest()

bStatus_t GAP_SendSlaveSecurityRequest ( uint16_t  connectionHandle,
uint8_t  authReq 

Generate a Slave Requested Security message to the master.

This API should not be called by the application if the gapbondmgr exists as it will be used automatically based on GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE and the GAP role of the device
connectionHandleconnection handle.
authReqAuthentication Requirements: Bit 2: MITM, Bits 0-1: bonding (0 - no bonding, 1 - bonding) Bit 3: Secure Connections
SUCCESS : will send
bleNotConnected : Link not found
bleIncorrectMode : wrong GAP role, must be a Peripheral Role

§ GAP_SetParamValue()

bStatus_t GAP_SetParamValue ( uint16_t  paramID,
uint16_t  paramValue 

Set a GAP Parameter value

Use this function to change the default GAP parameter values.

paramIDparameter ID: Gap_ParamIDs_t
paramValuenew param value

§ GAP_SetPrivacyMode()

bStatus_t GAP_SetPrivacyMode ( GAP_Peer_Addr_Types_t  addrType,
uint8_t *  pAddr,
uint8_t  mode 

Set the Privacy Mode of the requested device to the desired mode.

This should not be called if the bond manager is present as the bond manager will handle this automatically based on the connected device's capabilities and the own device's capabilities.
addrTyperemote device's identity address type
pAddrpointer to the address
modeGAP Privacy Modes to use for this device
SUCCESS : match
FAILURE : don't match
INVALIDPARAMETER : parameters invalid

§ GAP_Signable()

bStatus_t GAP_Signable ( uint16_t  connectionHandle,
uint8_t  authenticated,
smSigningInfo_t pParams 

Set up the connection to accept signed data.

This API should not be called by the application if the gapbondmgr exists as it will be used automatically when signing occurs
connectionHandleconnection handle of the signing information
authenticatedTRUE if the signing information is authenticated, FALSE otherwise
pParamssigning parameters
bleIncorrectMode : Not correct profile role
FAILURE : not workable

§ GAP_TerminateAuth()

bStatus_t GAP_TerminateAuth ( uint16_t  connectionHandle,
uint8_t  reason 

Terminate Authentication

Send a Pairing Failed message and end any existing pairing.

Corresponding Events:
connectionHandleconnection handle.
reasonPairing Failed reason code.
SUCCESS : function was successful
bleMemAllocError : memory allocation error
INVALIDPARAMETER : one of the parameters were invalid
bleNotConnected : link not found
bleInvalidRange : one of the parameters were not within range

§ GAP_TerminateLinkReq()

bStatus_t GAP_TerminateLinkReq ( uint16_t  connectionHandle,
uint8_t  reason 

Terminate a link connection.

Corresponding Events:
GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT of type gapTerminateLinkEvent_t
connectionHandleconnection handle of link to terminate or CONNHANDLE_ALL
reasonterminate reason.
SUCCESS : termination request sent to stack
bleIncorrectMode : No Link to terminate
bleInvalidTaskID : not app that established link

§ GAP_UpdateLinkParamReq()

bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReq ( gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t pParams)

Update the link parameters to a Master or Slave device.

As long as LL connection updates are supported on the own device (which is the case by default), an LL Connection Update procedure will be attempted. If this fails, the stack will automatically attempt an L2CAP parameter update request.

Corresponding Events:
After the update procedure is complete, the calling task will receive a GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT of type gapLinkUpdateEvent_t regardless of the connection parameter update procedure that occurred.
pParamslink update parameters
SUCCESS : update request sent to stack
INVALIDPARAMETER : one of the parameters were invalid
bleIncorrectMode : invalid profile role
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode : already updating link parameters
bleNotConnected : not in a connection

§ GAP_UpdateLinkParamReqReply()

bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReqReply ( gapUpdateLinkParamReqReply_t pParams)

Reply to a Connection Parameter Update Request that was received from a remote device.

This API should be used in response to a GAP_UPDATE_LINK_PARAM_REQ_EVENT which will only be received when GAP_PARAM_LINK_UPDATE_DECISION is set to GAP_UPDATE_REQ_PASS_TO_APP.

Corresponding Events:
The calling task should call this API in response to a GAP_UPDATE_LINK_PARAM_REQ_EVENT of type gapUpdateLinkParamReqEvent_t
After the update procedure is complete, the calling task will receive a GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT of type gapLinkUpdateEvent_t
pParamslocal device's desired connection parameters.
SUCCESS : reply sent successfully
INVALIDPARAMETER : one of the parameters were invalid
bleIncorrectMode : invalid profile role
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode : already updating link parameters
bleNotConnected : not in a connection

§ GapConfig_SetParameter()

bStatus_t GapConfig_SetParameter ( Gap_configParamIds_t  param,
void *  pValue 

Set a GAP Configuration Parameter

Use this function to write a GAP configuration parameter. These parameters must be set before GAP_DeviceInit

paramparameter ID: Gap_configParamIds_t
pValuepointer to parameter value. Cast based on the type defined in Gap_configParamIds_t
bleInvalidRange NULL pointer was passed
bleIncorrectMode Device is already initialized
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