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C_NoRTOS_Config | NoRTOS framework global configuration |
CADC_Config_ | ADC Global configuration |
CADC_FxnTable_ | The definition of a ADC function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation |
CADC_Params_ | ADC Parameters |
CADCBuf_Config_ | ADCBuf Global configuration |
CADCBuf_Conversion_ | An ADCBuf_Conversion data structure is used with ADCBuf_convert(). It indicates which channel to perform the ADC conversion on, how many conversions to make, and where to put them. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the ADCBuf_Callback when the ADC driver is in ADCBuf_RETURN_MODE_CALLBACK |
CADCBuf_FxnTable_ | The definition of an ADCBuf function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation |
CADCBuf_Params_ | ADC Parameters |
CADCBufCC26X2_AdcChannelLutEntry | Table entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal |
CADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrs | ADCBufCC26X2 Hardware Attributes |
CADCBufCC26X2_Object | ADCBufCC26X2 Object |
CADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension | CC26X2 specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params |
CADCBufCC26XX_AdcChannelLutEntry | Table entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal |
CADCBufCC26XX_HWAttrs | ADCBufCC26XX Hardware Attributes |
CADCBufCC26XX_Object | ADCBufCC26XX Object |
CADCBufCC26XX_ParamsExtension | CC26XX specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params |
CADCCC26XX_HWAttrs | ADCCC26XX Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions |
CADCCC26XX_Object | ADCCC26XX Object |
CAESCCM_Config_ | AESCCM Global configuration |
CAESCCM_Operation_ | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and authenticating/verifying a message |
CAESCCM_Params_ | CCM Parameters |
CAESCCMCC26XX_HWAttrs | AESCCMCC26XX Hardware Attributes |
CAESECB_Config_ | AESECB Global configuration |
CAESECB_Operation_ | Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and a message |
CAESECB_Params_ | ECB Parameters |
CAESECBCC26XX_HWAttrs | AESECBCC26XX Hardware Attributes |
CCryptoCC26XX_AESCBC_Transaction | CryptoCC26XX AES-CBC Transaction |
CCryptoCC26XX_AESCCM_Transaction | CryptoCC26XX AES-CCM Transaction |
CCryptoCC26XX_AESECB_Transaction | CryptoCC26XX AES-ECB Transaction |
CCryptoCC26XX_Config | CryptoCC26XX Global Configuration |
CCryptoCC26XX_HWAttrs | CryptoCC26XX Hardware Attributes |
CCryptoCC26XX_Object | CryptoCC26XX Object |
CCryptoCC26XX_Params | CryptoCC26XX Parameters |
CCryptoCC26XX_Transaction | CryptoCC26XX Transaction |
CCryptoKey_ | CryptoKey datastructure |
CCryptoKey_KeyBlob_ | Keyblob CryptoKey datastructure |
CCryptoKey_KeyStore_ | Key store CryptoKey datastructure |
CCryptoKey_Plaintext_ | Plaintext CryptoKey datastructure |
CDisplay_Config | Display Global configuration |
CDisplay_FxnTable | The definition of a Display function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Display driver implementation |
CDisplay_Params | Display Parameters |
CDisplayDogm1286_HWAttrs | |
CDisplayDogm1286_Object | |
CDisplayGrLib_Object | |
CDisplayHost_HWAttrs | DisplayHost Attributes |
CDisplayHost_Object | DisplayHost Object |
CDisplaySharp_HWAttrsV1 | |
CDisplaySharp_Object | |
CDisplaySharpColor_t | Foreground and background color struct, compatible with GrLib |
CDisplayUart_HWAttrs | DisplayUart Attributes |
CDisplayUart_Object | DisplayUart Object |
CECCParams_CurveParams_ | A structure containing the parameters of an elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form |
CECDH_Config_ | ECC Global configuration |
CECDH_Operation_ | Union containing pointers to all supported operation structs |
CECDH_OperationComputeSharedSecret_ | Struct containing the parameters required to compute the shared secret |
CECDH_OperationGeneratePublicKey_ | Struct containing the parameters required to generate a public key |
CECDH_Params_ | ECC Parameters |
CECDHCC26X2_HWAttrs_ | ECDHCC26X2 Hardware Attributes |
CECDHCC26X2_Object_ | ECDHCC26X2 Object |
CECDSA_Config_ | ECDSA Global configuration |
CECDSA_Operation_ | Union containing pointers to all supported operation structs |
CECDSA_OperationSign_ | Struct containing the parameters required for signing a message |
CECDSA_OperationVerify_ | Struct containing the parameters required for verifying a message |
CECDSA_Params_ | ECDSA Parameters |
CECDSACC26X2_HWAttrs_ | ECDSACC26X2 Hardware Attributes |
CECDSACC26X2_Object_ | ECDSACC26X2 Object |
CECJPAKE_Config_ | ECJPAKE Global configuration |
CECJPAKE_Operation_ | Union containing pointers to all supported operation structs |
CECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret_ | Struct containing the parameters required to compute the shared secret |
CECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP_ | Struct containing the parameters required to generate a ZKP |
CECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys_ | Struct containing the parameters required to generate the first round of keys |
CECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys_ | Struct containing the parameters required to generate the second round keys |
CECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP_ | Struct containing the parameters required to verify a ZKP |
CECJPAKE_Params_ | ECJPAKE Parameters |
CECJPAKECC26X2_HWAttrs_ | ECJPAKECC26X2 Hardware Attributes |
CECJPAKECC26X2_Object_ | ECJPAKECC26X2 Object |
CGPIOCC26XX_Config | GPIO device specific driver configuration structure |
CGPTimerCC26XX_Config | GPTimer Global configuration |
CGPTimerCC26XX_HWAttrs | GPTimer26XX Hardware attributes |
CGPTimerCC26XX_Object | GPTimer26XX Object |
CGPTimerCC26XX_Params | GPTimerCC26XX Parameters |
CI2C_Config_ | I2C global configuration |
CI2C_FxnTable_ | The definition of an I2C function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2C driver implementation |
CI2C_Params_ | I2C Parameters |
CI2C_Transaction_ | This structure defines the I2C slave address, pointers to write and read buffers, and their associated byte counts. If no data needs to be written, the write byte count should be zero. Similarly, if no data needs to be read, the read byte count should be set to zero |
CI2CCC26XX_HWAttrsV1 | I2CCC26XX Hardware attributes |
CI2CCC26XX_I2CPinCfg | I2CCC26XX Pin Configuration |
CLCD_Buffer | LCD_Buffer used to store data to be printed on the LCD display |
CLCD_Command | Format of LCD commands used by the LCD controller |
CLCD_Config | The LCD_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the LCD driver implementation |
CLCD_HWAttrs | LCD Hardware attributes |
CLCD_Object | LCD Object |
CLCD_Params | LCD Parameters are used to with the LCD_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using LCD_Params_init() |
CList_Elem | |
CList_List | |
CNVS_Attrs | NVS attributes |
CNVS_Config_ | NVS Global configuration |
CNVS_FxnTable | The definition of an NVS function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific NVS driver implementation |
CNVS_Params | NVS Parameters |
CNVSCC26XX_HWAttrs | NVSCC26XX hardware attributes |
CNVSCC26XX_Object | |
CNVSRAM_HWAttrs | NVSRAM Hardware Attributes |
CNVSRAM_Object | |
CNVSSPI25X_HWAttrs | NVSSPI25X attributes |
CNVSSPI25X_Object | |
CPDMCC26XX_BufferRequest | A PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer() |
CPDMCC26XX_Config | The PDMCC26XX_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the PDMCC26XX driver implementation |
CPDMCC26XX_HWAttrs | PDMCC26XX Hardware attributes |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioClockConfig | PDMCC26XX_I2S Audio Clock configuration |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioFormatConfig | PDMCC26XX_I2S Hardware configuration |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioPinConfig | PDMCC26XX_I2S Audio Pin configuration |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRelease | A PDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRelease data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_I2S_releaseBuffer() |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRequest | A PDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_I2S_requestBuffer() |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_Config | The PDMCC26XX_I2S_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the PDMCC26XX_I2S driver implementation |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_HWAttrs | PDMCC26XX_I2S Hardware attributes |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_Object | PDMCC26XX_I2S Object |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_Params | PDMCC26XX I2S Parameters are used when calling PDMCC26XX_I2S_open() |
CPDMCC26XX_I2S_StreamNotification | A PDMCC26XX_I2S_StreamNotification data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_I2S_CallbackFxn(). Provides notification about available buffers and potential errors |
CPDMCC26XX_metaData | Metadata associated with an array of PCM data |
CPDMCC26XX_Object | PDMCC26XX Object |
CPDMCC26XX_Params | PDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init() |
CPDMCC26XX_pcmBuffer | PCM buffer pointed to in a PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest |
CPDMCC26XX_StreamNotification | A PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn(). Provides notification about available buffers and potential errors |
CPIN_State_s | Underlying data structure for type PIN_State |
CPINCC26XX_HWAttrs | PINCC26XX Hardware attributes |
CPower_NotifyObj_ | Power notify object structure |
CPowerCC26X2_Config | Global configuration structure |
CPowerCC26X2_ModuleState | PowerCC26X2_ModuleState |
CPowerCC26XX_Config | Global configuration structure |
CPowerCC26XX_ModuleState | PowerCC26XX_ModuleState |
CPWM_Config_ | PWM Global configuration |
CPWM_FxnTable_ | The definition of a PWM function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific PWM driver implementation |
CPWM_Params_ | PWM Parameters |
CPWMTimerCC26XX_HwAttrs | PWMTimer26XX Hardware attributes |
CPWMTimerCC26XX_Object | PWMTimer26XX Object |
CRF_AccessParams | RF request access parameter struct |
CRF_InfoVal | Stores output parameters for RF_getInfo() |
CRF_Mode | Specifies a RF core firmware configuration |
CRF_Object | Stores the client's internal confguration and states |
CRF_Params | RF driver configuration parameters |
CRF_RadioSetup | A unified type for radio setup commands of different PHYs |
CRF_RatConfigCapture | RF_ratCapture parameter structure |
CRF_RatConfigCompare | RF_ratCompare parameter structure |
CRF_RatConfigOutput | RAT related IO parameter structure |
CRF_ScheduleCmdParams | |
CRF_ScheduleMap | RF schedule map structure |
CRF_ScheduleMapElement | RF schedule map entry structure |
CRF_TxPowerTable_Entry | TX power configuration entry in a TX power table |
CRF_TxPowerTable_Value | PA configuration value for a certain power level |
CRFCC26XX_HWAttrsV2 | RF Hardware attributes |
CRingBuf_Object | |
CSD_Config_ | SD Global configuration |
CSD_FxnTable_ | The definition of a SD function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SD driver implementation |
CSD_Params_ | SD Parameters |
CSDFatFS_Config_ | SDFatFS Global configuration |
CSDFatFS_Object_ | SDFatFS Object The application must not access any member variables of this structure! |
CSDSPI_HWAttrs | SDSPI Hardware attributes |
CSDSPI_HWAttrs_ | |
CSDSPI_Object_ | SDSPI Object |
CSHA2_Config_ | SHA2 Global configuration |
CSHA2_Operation_ | Union containing pointers to all supported operation structs |
CSHA2_OperationFinishlHash_ | Struct containing the parameters required to process the last blocks of a message and finalize the hash |
CSHA2_OperationOneStep_ | Struct containing the parameters required to hash a message in one go |
CSHA2_OperationProcessHash_ | Struct containing the parameters required to continue hashing a message |
CSHA2_OperationStartHash_ | Struct containing the parameters required to start hashing a message |
CSHA2_Params_ | SHA2 Parameters |
CSHA2CC26X2_HWAttrs_ | SHA2CC26XX Hardware Attributes |
CSHA2CC26X2_Object_ | SHA2CC26XX Object |
CSPI_Config_ | SPI Global configuration |
CSPI_FxnTable_ | The definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SPI driver implementation |
CSPI_Params_ | SPI Parameters |
CSPI_Transaction_ | A SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat frames are sent and received from the buffers pointed to txBuf and rxBuf. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the SPI_CallbackFxn when the SPI driver is in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK |
CSPICC26XXDMA_HWAttrsV1 | SPICC26XXDMA Hardware attributes |
Cspiffs_config | |
Cspiffs_DIR | |
Cspiffs_dirent | |
Cspiffs_stat | |
Cspiffs_t | |
CSPIFFSNVS_Data_ | SPIFFSNVS data object |
CTRNG_Config_ | TRNG Global configuration |
CTRNG_Params_ | TRNG Parameters |
CTRNGCC26X0_HWAttrs | TRNGCC26X0 Hardware Attributes |
CTRNGCC26X0_Object | TRNGCC26XX Object |
CTRNGCC26X2_HWAttrs | TRNGCC26X2 Hardware Attributes |
CTRNGCC26X2_Object | TRNGCC26XX Object |
CUART_Config_ | UART Global configuration |
CUART_FxnTable_ | The definition of a UART function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART driver implementation |
CUART_Params_ | UART Parameters |
CUARTCC26X0_HWAttrs | UARTCC26X0 Hardware attributes |
CUARTCC26X0_Object | UARTCC26X0 Object |
CUARTCC26X2_HWAttrs | UARTCC26X2 Hardware attributes |
CUARTCC26X2_Object | UARTCC26X2 Object |
CUARTCC26XX_HWAttrsV2 | UARTCC26XX Hardware attributes |
CUARTCC26XX_Object | UARTCC26XX Object |
CUDMACC26XX_Config | UDMACC26XX Global configuration |
CUDMACC26XX_HWAttrs | UDMACC26XX hardware attributes |
CUDMACC26XX_Object | UDMACC26XX object |
CWatchdog_Config_ | Watchdog Global configuration |
CWatchdog_FxnTable_ | The definition of a Watchdog function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Watchdog driver implementation |
CWatchdog_Params_ | Watchdog Parameters |
CWatchdogCC26XX_HWAttrs | Watchdog hardware attributes for CC26XX |
CWatchdogCC26XX_Object | Watchdog Object for CC26XX |