TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
simple_np_gatt.h File Reference

Detailed Description


This file contains the interface for SNP GATT Layer.

Go to the source code of this file.


uint8_t SNP_addCharValueDecl (snpAddCharValueDeclReq_t *pReq, uint8_t uuidLen, snpAddCharValueDeclRsp_t *pRsp)
 SNP Add Characteristic Value Declaration. More...
uint8_t SNP_addDescriptionValue (snpAddCharDescDeclReq_t *lDescReq, snpAddCharDescDeclRsp_t *lDescRsp)
 SNP Add Characteristic Descriptor Declaration. More...
uint8_t SNP_addService (snpAddServiceReq_t *pReq, uint8_t uuidLen, snpAddServiceRsp_t *pRsp)
 SNP Add Service. More...
uint8_t SNP_getAttrValue (snpGetAttrValueReq_t *pReq, snpGetAttrValueRsp_t *pRsp, uint16_t *pDataLenght)
 SNP Get Attribute Value. More...
uint8_t SNP_getGATTParam (snpGetGattParamReq_t *pReq, snpGetGattParamRsp_t *pRsp, uint16_t *pDataLen)
 SNP Get GATT Parameter. More...
uint8_t SNP_processCharConfigUpdatedCnf (snpCharCfgUpdatedRsp_t *pReq)
 SNP Characteristic Configuration Update Confirm (0x8B) More...
uint8_t SNP_readCharCnf (snpCharReadCnf_t *pReq, uint16_t dataSize)
 SNP Read Characteristic Confirmation. More...
uint8_t SNP_registerService (snpRegisterServiceRsp_t *pRsp)
 SNP Register Service. More...
uint8_t SNP_sendNotifInd (snpNotifIndReq_t *pCmdStruct, int16_t length)
 SNP Send Notification Indication. More...
uint8_t SNP_setAttrValue (snpSetAttrValueReq_t *pReq, uint16_t dataLenght, snpSetAttrValueRsp_t *pRsp)
 SNP Set Attribute Value. More...
uint8_t SNP_setGATTParam (snpSetGattParamReq_t *pReq, uint16_t reqDataLen, snpSetGattParamRsp_t *pRsp)
 SNP Set GATT Parameter. More...
uint8_t SNP_writeCharCnf (snpCharWriteCnf_t *pReq)
 SNP Write Characteristic Confirmation. More...
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