Data Fields
RF_Params Struct Reference

RF driver configuration parameters. More...

#include <RF.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t nInactivityTimeout
uint32_t nPowerUpDuration
RF_Callback pPowerCb
RF_Callback pErrCb
 Callback function for driver error events. More...
bool bPowerUpXOSC
uint16_t nPowerUpDurationMargin
RF_ClientCallback pClientEventCb
RF_ClientEventMask nClientEventMask

Detailed Description

RF driver configuration parameters.

RF_Params is used for initial RF driver configuration. It is initialized by RF_Params_init() and used by RF_open(). Each client has its own set of parameters. They are reconfigured on a client switch. Some of the parameters can be changed during run-time using RF_control().

Field Documentation

§ nInactivityTimeout

uint32_t RF_Params::nInactivityTimeout

Inactivity timeout in microseconds. The default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (infinite).

§ nPowerUpDuration

uint32_t RF_Params::nPowerUpDuration

A custom power-up duration in microseconds. If 0, the RF driver will start with a conservative value and measure the actual time during the first power-up. The default value is 0.

§ pPowerCb

RF_Callback RF_Params::pPowerCb
Power up callback, will be removed future versions, see RF_Params::pClienteventCb instead. The default value is NULL.

§ pErrCb

RF_Callback RF_Params::pErrCb

Callback function for driver error events.

§ bPowerUpXOSC

bool RF_Params::bPowerUpXOSC

Allways enable XOSC_HF when the chip wakes up. This allows to enable XOSC_HF early after wake-up and improves power consumption in cases that most wake-ups are triggered by RF-related events. Set this value to false when RF operations are only rarely the cause for a wake-up from standby. The default value is true.

§ nPowerUpDurationMargin

uint16_t RF_Params::nPowerUpDurationMargin

An additional safety margin to be added to RF_Params::nPowerUpDuration. This is necessary because of other hardware and software interrupts preempting the RF driver interrupt handlers and state machine. The default value is platform-dependent.

§ pClientEventCb

RF_ClientCallback RF_Params::pClientEventCb

Callback function for client-related events. The default value is NULL.

§ nClientEventMask

RF_ClientEventMask RF_Params::nClientEventMask

Event mask used to subscribe certain client events. The purpose is to keep the number of callback executions small.

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