
The TI-RTOS7 Queue module provides a thread-safe unidirectional message passing module operating in a first in, first out (FIFO) basis. Queues are commonly used to allow high priority threads to pass messages to lower priority tasks for deferred processing; therefore allowing low priority tasks to block until necessary to run.

In Figure 17. a queue is configured for unidirectional communication from task A to task B. Task A “puts” messages into the queue and task B “gets” messages from the queue.


Figure 17. Queue Messaging Process

Functional Examples Figure 18. and Figure 19. illustrate how a queue is used to enqueue a button press message from a Hwi to a Swi to be post-processed within a task context.

hide footbox

box "Swi context"
    participant "Board Key module" as A
    participant Application as B
    database appMsgQueue as C
end box

-[#red]> A : Key press interrupt
<[#red]-- A

activate A

A -> B : Application_keyChangeHandler();
activate B

note right: Add APP_KEY_CHANGE_EVT into the queue
B -> B : Application_enqueueMsg();
activate B
autonumber stop
B -> : malloc();
B -> C: Queue_put();
activate C
C --> B:
deactivate C
B -> : Event_post();
deactivate B
B --> A
deactivate B
deactivate A


Figure 18. Sequence diagram for enqueuing a message

With interrupts enabled, a pin interrupt can occur asynchronously within a Hwi context. To keep interrupts as short as possible, the work associated to the interrupt is deferred to tasks for processing. In the some example applications, pin interrupts are abstracted via the Board Key module. This module notifies registered functions via a Swi callback. In this case, Application_keyChangeHandler is the registered callback function.

Step 1 in Figure 18. shows the callback to Application_keyChangeHandler when a key is pressed. This event is placed into the application’s queue for processing.

Listing 8. Defining Application_keyChangeHandler()
1void Application_keyChangeHandler(uint8 keys)
3  Application_enqueueMsg(APP_KEY_CHANGE_EVT, keys, NULL);

Step 2 in Figure 18. shows how this key press is enqueued for the application task. Here, memory is allocated so the message can be added to the queue.

Listing 9. Defining Application_enqueueMsg()
 1static uint8_t Application_enqueueMsg(uint8_t event, uint8_t state, uint8_t *pData)
 3  qEvt_t *pMsg = malloc(sizeof(qEvt_t));
 5  // Create dynamic pointer to message.
 6  if (pMsg)
 7  {
 8    pMsg->hdr.event = event;
 9    pMsg->hdr.state = state;
10    pMsg->pData = pData;
12    // Enqueue the message.
13    return Queue_put(appMsgQueue,pMsg->_elem);
14  }
16  return (false);

hide footbox

box "Task context"
    participant Application as A
    database appMsgQueue as B
end box

activate A
A -> : Event_pend()
note right: Task called Event_pend() and gets blocked
deactivate A


-> A : Posted event
activate A
autonumber 3
A -> A : while (pMsg = Queue_get())
activate A
autonumber stop

autonumber resume
A -> : Application_processAppMsg(pMsg);
note right: Application_processAppMsg \n{\n\tcase (APP_KEY_CHANGE_EVT):\n\t\tApplication_handleKeys()\n};
autonumber resume
A -> : free(pMsg)

autonumber stop
note right: Repeat while there are more messages\nin the queue
deactivate A


Figure 19. Sequence diagram for dequeuing a message

Step 3 in Figure 19., the application is unblocked by the posted event where it proceeds to check if messages have been placed in the queue for processing.

Listing 10. Processing application messages
 1// If RTOS queue is not empty, process app message
 2if (events & APP_QUEUE_EVT)
 4    scEvt_t *pMsg;
 5    while (pMsg = (scEvt_t *)Queue_get(appMsgQueue))
 6    {
 7        // Process message
 8        Application_processAppMsg(pMsg);
10        // Free the space from the message
11        free(pMsg);
12    }

Step 4 in Figure 19., the application takes the dequeued message and processes it.

Listing 11. Processing key interrupt message
 1static void Application_processAppMsg(sbcEvt_t *pMsg)
 3  switch (pMsg->hdr.event)
 4  {
 5    case APP_KEY_CHANGE_EVT:
 6      Application_handleKeys(pMsg->hdr.state);
 7      break;
 8    //...
 9  }

Step 5 in Figure 19., the application can now free the memory allocated in Step 2.