Z-Stack 7.40.00 is a component of the SimpleLink CC13xx CC26xx SDK, which contains the supported software for the CC13xx and CC26xx. Z-Stack includes the Zigbee® 3.0 Specification on top of the IEEE™ 802.15.4 Specification with the added benefit of running TI-RTOS7. Please refer to the Z-Stack Overview section for more information about the Z-Stack implementation. The SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK supports a Zigbee PRO 2017 (R22) certified solution, which runs on the SimpleLink MCU framework (TI-RTOS7, CCS / CCS Cloud). Z-Stack contains everything needed for a Zigbee certified solution, including tools, application examples, documentation, and source code. Application examples are Zigbee Cluster Library (ZCL) v7 certification-compliant and include a door lock, light, switch, temperature sensor and thermostat. Green Power (GP) device and sink examples have also been provided for select applications. Zigbee Network Processor (ZNP) configurations are also supported for two-chip architectures in which a host implements the (ZCL) and application.

Figure 10. Examples of Zigbee end product applications.¶
Zigbee is a higly interoperable, standards-based, wireless mesh technology for integrating monitoring, control, and sensor network applications into the Internet of Things. Based on the universal IEEE 802.15.4 standard, Zigbee was created to address the need for a cost-effective, standards-based wireless networking solution that supports low data-rates, low-power consumption, security, and reliability. With its support of self-healing mesh networking, Zigbee offers support for both centralized and decentralized network topologies. It allows nodes to find new routes throughout the network if one route fails, making it a robust wireless solution.
A technology specifically targeted for wireless sensor networks, Zigbee can be used in any monitoring and control application that requires a wireless link. The primary target markets are:
Building automation and home control/security
Advanced metering and smart energy
Commercial building automation and lighting control
Medical/patient monitoring
Logistics and asset tracking
Energy harvesting
For more information, please visit the Connectivity Standards Alliance.
Do not use this document as a substitute for the complete specification.
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