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ECJPAKE.h File Reference

Detailed Description

TI Driver for Elliptic Curve Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling.


Elliptic Curve Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling (EC-JPAKE) is a key agreement scheme that establishes a secure channel over an insecure network. It only requires sharing a password offline and does not require public key infrastructure or trusted third parties such as certificate authorities.

At the end of the EC-JPAKE scheme, both parties derive a shared secret from which a session key is derived.

The scheme is symmetric. Both parties perform the exact same operations to end up with the shared secret.

Steps involved

Since the scheme is symmetric, the steps involved will be illustrated using Alice and Bob as relevant parties.

  1. Alice and Bob decide on some pre-shared secret, the password, and negotiate this through some offline means such as during commissioning.
  2. Alice generates private keys x1, x2, v1, and v2 uniformly at random from [1, n - 1], where n is the order of the curve.
  3. Alice generates public keys X1 = x1 * G, X2 = x2 * G, V1 = v1 * G, and V2 = v2 * G.
  4. Alice generates Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) for (X1, x1) and (X2, x2). The required hash is computed by concatenating G, V, the public key the ZKP authenticates, and the UserID of the authenticator and hashing the new bitstring. The exact order and formatting of all parameters and any extra information such as length words must be agreed upon by both parties to yield the same result.
  5. Alice sends X1, X2, V1, V2, r1, r2, and her UserID to Bob.
  6. Bob generates private keys x3, x4, v3, and v4 uniformly at random from [1, n - 1], where n is the order of the curve.
  7. Bob generates public keys X3 = x3 * G, X4 = x4 * G, V3 = v3 * G, and V4 = v4 * G.
  8. Bob generates Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) for (X3, x3) and (X4, x4).
  9. Bob sends X3, X4, V3, V4, r3, r4, and his UserID to Bob.
  10. Alice and Bob verify the other parties ZKPs and break off the scheme if they do not check out.
  11. Alice computes the new generator point G2 = (X1 + X3 + X4).
  12. Alice computes the combined private key x5 = x2 * s, where s is the pre-shared secret.
  13. Alice computes the combined public key X5 = x5 * G2.
  14. Alice computes a ZKP for (X5, x5) using G2 as the generator point of the ZKP.
  15. Alice sends X5, V5, r5, and her UserID to Bob.
  16. Bob computes the new generator point G3 = (X3 + X1 + X2).
  17. Bob computes the combined private key x6 = x4 * s, where s is the pre-shared secret.
  18. Bob computes the combined public key X6 = x6 * G3.
  19. Bob computes a ZKP for (X6, x6) using G3 as the generator point of the ZKP.
  20. Bob sends X6, V6, r6, and his UserID to Alice.
  21. Alice and Bob verify the other parties ZKPs and break off the scheme if they do not check out. This involves computing the other parties generator point.
  22. Alice computes shared secret K = (X6 - (X4 * x5)) * x2.
  23. Bob computes shared secret K = (X5 - (X2 * x6)) * x4.
  24. Alice and Bob each run K through a mutually agreed upon key derivation function to compute the symmetric session key.


Before starting an ECJPAKE operation

Before starting an ECJPAKE operation, the application must do the following:

  1. Call ECJPAKE_init() to initialize the driver
  2. Call ECJPAKE_Params_init() to initialize the ECJPAKE_Params to default values.
  3. Modify the ECJPAKE_Params as desired
  4. Call ECJPAKE_open() to open an instance of the driver

Round one

  1. Initialize the following private key CryptoKeys. Seed them with keying material uniformly drawn from [1, n - 1]
    • myPrivateKey1
    • myPrivateKey2
    • myPrivateV1
    • myPrivateV2
  2. Initialize the following blank public key CryptoKeys:
    • myPublicKey1
    • myPublicKey2
    • myPublicV1
    • myPublicV2
    • theirPublicKey1
    • theirPublicKey2
    • theirPublicV1
    • theirPublicV2
  3. Call ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys() to generate all round one keys as needed.
  4. Generate the hashes for the ZKPs using previously agreed upon formatting. Use the default generator point of the curve in the first round.
  5. Generate your two ZKPs by calling ECJPAKE_generateZKP() once per ZKP.
  6. Exchange public keys, UserIDs, and ZKP signatures. Write the received keying material into the relevant buffers or load them into key stores as specified by the CryptoKeys initialised earlier.
  7. Verify the other party's ZKPs after computing their ZKP hash by calling ECJPAKE_verifyZKP() once per ZKP.
  8. You can now let all V keys, myPrivateKey1, and all ZKP signatures go out of scope and re-use their memory.

Round two

  1. Initialize the following private key CryptoKeys. Seed myPrivateV with keying material uniformly drawn from [1, n - 1]. Initialise the preSharedSecret with the common keying material previously shared between you and the other party.
    • preSharedSecret
    • myCombinedPrivateKey
  2. Initialize the following blank public key CryptoKeys:
    • theirNewGenerator
    • myNewGenerator
    • myCombinedPublicKey
    • myPublicV
  3. Call ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys() to generate the remaining round two keys.
  4. Generate the hash for your ZKP use myNewGenerator as your generator point.
  5. Exchange public keys, UserIDs, and ZKP signatures. Write the received keying material into the relevant buffers or load them into key stores as specified by the CryptoKeys initialised earlier.
  6. Verify the other party's ZKP after computing their ZKP hash by calling ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(). Use theirNewGenerator as the generator point for this ZKP.
  7. You can now let all keys and keying material but myCombinedPrivateKey, theirCombinedPublicKey, theirPublicKey2, and myPrivateKey2 go out of scope.

Computing the shared secret

  1. Initialize the following blank public key CryptoKey:
    • sharedSecret
  2. Call ECJPAKE_computeSharedSecret().
  3. Run sharedSecret through a key derivation function to compute the shared symmetric session key.

Key Formatting

The ECJPAKE API expects the private and public keys to be formatted in octet string format. The details of octet string formatting can be found in SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Private keys and V's are formatted as big-endian integers of the same length as the curve length.

Public keys, public V's, generator points, and shared secrets are points on an elliptic curve. These points can be expressed in several ways. This API uses points expressed in uncompressed affine coordinates by default. The octet string format requires a formatting byte in the first byte of the public key. When using uncompressed affine coordinates, this is the value 0x04. The point itself is stored as a concatenated array of X followed by Y. X and Y are big-endian. Some implementations do not require or yield the Y coordinate for ECJPAKE on certain curves. It is recommended that the full keying material buffer of twice the curve param length is used to facilitate code-reuse. Implementations that do not use the Y coordinate will zero-out the Y-coordinate whenever they write a point to the CryptoKey.

This API accepts and returns the keying material of public keys according to the following table:

Curve Type Keying Material Array Array Length
Short Weierstrass [0x04, X, Y] 1 + 2 * Curve Param Length
Montgomery [0x04, X, Y] 1 + 2 * Curve Param Length
Edwards [0x04, X, Y] 1 + 2 * Curve Param Length

The r component of the ZKP signature, hash, and preSharedSecret also all use the octet string format. They are interpreted as big-endian integers.


// Import ECJPAKE Driver definitions
// Since we are using default ECJPAKE_Params, we just pass in NULL for that parameter.
ecjpakeHandle = ECJPAKE_open(0, NULL);
ECJPAKE_Handle handle = ECJPAKE_open(0, &params);
ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys operationRoundOneGenerateKeys;
ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys;
ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP operationGenerateZKP;
ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP operationVerifyZKP;
ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret operationComputeSharedSecret;
// Generate my round one keys
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateKey1 = &myPrivateCryptoKey1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateKey2 = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicKey1 = &myPublicCryptoKey1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicKey2 = &myPublicCryptoKey2;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateV1 = &myPrivateCryptoV1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateV2 = &myPrivateCryptoV2;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicV1 = &myPublicCryptoV1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicV2 = &myPublicCryptoV2;
result = ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys(handle, &operationRoundOneGenerateKeys);
// Generate hashes here
// generate my round one ZKPs
operationGenerateZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateKey = &myPrivateCryptoKey1;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV1;
operationGenerateZKP.hash = myHash1;
operationGenerateZKP.r = myR1;
result = ECJPAKE_generateZKP(handle, &operationGenerateZKP);
operationGenerateZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateKey = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV2;
operationGenerateZKP.hash = myHash2;
operationGenerateZKP.r = myR2;
result = ECJPAKE_generateZKP(handle, &operationGenerateZKP);
// Do ZKP and key transmission here
// Verify their round one ZKPs
// Generate their hashes here
operationVerifyZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationVerifyZKP.theirGenerator = NULL;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicKey = &theirPublicCryptoKey1;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicV = &theirPublicCryptoV1;
operationVerifyZKP.hash = theirHash1;
operationVerifyZKP.r = theirR1;
result = ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(handle, &operationVerifyZKP);
operationVerifyZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationVerifyZKP.theirGenerator = NULL;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicKey = &theirPublicCryptoKey2;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicV = &theirPublicCryptoV2;
operationVerifyZKP.hash = theirHash2;
operationVerifyZKP.r = theirR2;
result = ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(handle,&operationVerifyZKP);
// Round two starts now
// Generate my round two keys
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPrivateKey2 = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPublicKey1 = &myPublicCryptoKey1;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPublicKey2 = &myPublicCryptoKey2;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.theirPublicKey1 = &theirPublicCryptoKey1;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.theirPublicKey2 = &theirPublicCryptoKey2;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.preSharedSecret = &preSharedSecretCryptoKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.theirNewGenerator = &theirGeneratorKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myNewGenerator = &myGeneratorKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myCombinedPrivateKey = &myCombinedPrivateKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myCombinedPublicKey = &myCombinedPublicKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV3;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPublicV = &myPublicCryptoV3;
result = ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys(handle, &operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys);
// Generate my round two ZKP
// Generate the round two hash here
operationGenerateZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateKey = &myCombinedPrivateKey;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV3;
operationGenerateZKP.hash = myHash3;
operationGenerateZKP.r = myR3;
result = ECJPAKE_generateZKP(handle, &operationGenerateZKP);
// Exchange keys and ZKPs again
// Verify their second round ZKP
// Generate their round two hash here
operationVerifyZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationVerifyZKP.theirGenerator = &theirGeneratorKey;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicKey = &theirCombinedPublicKey;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicV = &theirPublicCryptoV3;
operationVerifyZKP.hash = theirHash3;
operationVerifyZKP.r = theirR3;
result = ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(handle, &operationVerifyZKP);
// Generate shared secret
operationComputeSharedSecret.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationComputeSharedSecret.myCombinedPrivateKey = &myCombinedPrivateKey;
operationComputeSharedSecret.theirCombinedPublicKey = &theirCombinedPublicKey;
operationComputeSharedSecret.theirPublicKey2 = &theirPublicCryptoKey2;
operationComputeSharedSecret.myPrivateKey2 = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationComputeSharedSecret.sharedSecret = &sharedSecretCryptoKey;
result = ECJPAKE_computeSharedSecret(handle, &operationComputeSharedSecret);
// Close the driver


Basic ECJPAKE exchange

// My fixed keying material
uint8_t myPrivateKeyMaterial1[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPrivateKeyMaterial2[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPrivateVMaterial1[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPrivateVMaterial2[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPrivateVMaterial3[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
// My derived keying material
uint8_t myPublicKeyMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPublicKeyMaterial2[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPublicVMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPublicVMaterial2[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myPublicVMaterial3[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myCombinedPublicKeyMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myCombinedPrivateKeyMaterial1[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t myGenerator[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
// Their fixed keying material
uint8_t theirHash1[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirHash2[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirHash3[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
// Their derived keying material
uint8_t theirPublicKeyMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirPublicKeyMaterial2[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirPublicVMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirPublicVMaterial2[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirPublicVMaterial3[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirCombinedPublicKeyMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
uint8_t theirGenerator[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
// Shared secrets
uint8_t preSharedSecretKeyingMaterial[NISTP256_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES] = "This is our password";
uint8_t sharedSecretKeyingMaterial1[NISTP256_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES];
// Pre-Shared Secret Key
CryptoKey preSharedSecretCryptoKey;
// Final shared secret keys
CryptoKey sharedSecretCryptoKey;
// My's keys
CryptoKey myPrivateCryptoKey1;
CryptoKey myPrivateCryptoKey2;
CryptoKey myPrivateCryptoV1;
CryptoKey myPrivateCryptoV2;
CryptoKey myPrivateCryptoV3;
CryptoKey myCombinedPrivateKey;
CryptoKey myPublicCryptoKey1;
CryptoKey myPublicCryptoKey2;
CryptoKey myPublicCryptoV1;
CryptoKey myPublicCryptoV2;
CryptoKey myPublicCryptoV3;
CryptoKey myCombinedPublicKey;
CryptoKey myGeneratorKey;
// Their's Keys
CryptoKey theirPublicCryptoKey1;
CryptoKey theirPublicCryptoKey2;
CryptoKey theirPublicCryptoV1;
CryptoKey theirPublicCryptoV2;
CryptoKey theirPublicCryptoV3;
CryptoKey theirCombinedPublicKey;
CryptoKey theirGeneratorKey;
// NISTP256 generator
// Pre-shared secret
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&preSharedSecretCryptoKey, preSharedSecretKeyingMaterial,
// Final shared secret key
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&sharedSecretCryptoKey, sharedSecretKeyingMaterial1, sizeof(sharedSecretKeyingMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&sharedSecretCryptoKey2, sharedSecretKeyingMaterial2,
// My keys
// This example assumes that the private keying material buffers already
// contains random bytes. Otherwise, we need to use a TRNG or DRBG to fill
// them after initialising the CryptoKeys.
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&myPrivateCryptoKey1, myPrivateKeyMaterial1, sizeof(myPrivateKeyMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&myPrivateCryptoKey2, myPrivateKeyMaterial2, sizeof(myPrivateKeyMaterial2));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&myPrivateCryptoV1, myPrivateVMaterial1, sizeof(myPrivateVMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&myPrivateCryptoV2, myPrivateVMaterial2, sizeof(myPrivateVMaterial2));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&myPrivateCryptoV3, myPrivateVMaterial3, sizeof(myPrivateVMaterial3));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myPublicCryptoKey1, myPublicKeyMaterial1, sizeof(myPublicKeyMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myPublicCryptoKey2, myPublicKeyMaterial2, sizeof(myPublicKeyMaterial2));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myPublicCryptoV1, myPublicVMaterial1, sizeof(myPublicVMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myPublicCryptoV2, myPublicVMaterial2, sizeof(myPublicVMaterial2));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myPublicCryptoV3, myPublicVMaterial3, sizeof(myPublicVMaterial3));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myCombinedPrivateKey, myCombinedPrivateKeyMaterial1,
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myCombinedPublicKey, myCombinedPublicKeyMaterial1,
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&myGeneratorKey, myGenerator, sizeof(myGenerator));
// Their keys
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirPublicCryptoKey1, theirPublicKeyMaterial1, sizeof(theirPublicKeyMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirPublicCryptoKey2, theirPublicKeyMaterial2, sizeof(theirPublicKeyMaterial2));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirPublicCryptoV1, theirPublicVMaterial1, sizeof(theirPublicVMaterial1));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirPublicCryptoV2, theirPublicVMaterial2, sizeof(theirPublicVMaterial2));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirPublicCryptoV3, theirPublicVMaterial3, sizeof(theirPublicVMaterial3));
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirCombinedPublicKey, theirCombinedPublicKeyMaterial1,
CryptoKeyPlaintext_initBlankKey(&theirGeneratorKey, theirGenerator, sizeof(theirGenerator));
// Initial driver setup
ECJPAKE_Handle handle = ECJPAKE_open(0, &params);
ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys operationRoundOneGenerateKeys;
ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys;
ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP operationGenerateZKP;
ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP operationVerifyZKP;
ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret operationComputeSharedSecret;
// Generate my round one keys
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateKey1 = &myPrivateCryptoKey1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateKey2 = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicKey1 = &myPublicCryptoKey1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicKey2 = &myPublicCryptoKey2;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateV1 = &myPrivateCryptoV1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPrivateV2 = &myPrivateCryptoV2;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicV1 = &myPublicCryptoV1;
operationRoundOneGenerateKeys.myPublicV2 = &myPublicCryptoV2;
int_fast16_t result = ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys(handle, &operationRoundOneGenerateKeys);
// Generate hashes here
// generate my round one ZKPs
operationGenerateZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateKey = &myPrivateCryptoKey1;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV1;
operationGenerateZKP.hash = myHash1;
operationGenerateZKP.r = myR1;
result = ECJPAKE_generateZKP(handle, &operationGenerateZKP);
operationGenerateZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateKey = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV2;
operationGenerateZKP.hash = myHash2;
operationGenerateZKP.r = myR2;
result = ECJPAKE_generateZKP(handle, &operationGenerateZKP);
// Do ZKP and key transmission here
// Verify their round one ZKPs
// Generate their hashes here
operationVerifyZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationVerifyZKP.theirGenerator = NULL;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicKey = &theirPublicCryptoKey1;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicV = &theirPublicCryptoV1;
operationVerifyZKP.hash = theirHash1;
operationVerifyZKP.r = theirR1;
result = ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(handle, &operationVerifyZKP);
operationVerifyZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationVerifyZKP.theirGenerator = NULL;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicKey = &theirPublicCryptoKey2;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicV = &theirPublicCryptoV2;
operationVerifyZKP.hash = theirHash2;
operationVerifyZKP.r = theirR2;
result = ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(handle,&operationVerifyZKP);
// Round two starts now
// Generate my round two keys
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPrivateKey2 = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPublicKey1 = &myPublicCryptoKey1;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPublicKey2 = &myPublicCryptoKey2;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.theirPublicKey1 = &theirPublicCryptoKey1;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.theirPublicKey2 = &theirPublicCryptoKey2;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.preSharedSecret = &preSharedSecretCryptoKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.theirNewGenerator = &theirGeneratorKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myNewGenerator = &myGeneratorKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myCombinedPrivateKey = &myCombinedPrivateKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myCombinedPublicKey = &myCombinedPublicKey;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV3;
operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys.myPublicV = &myPublicCryptoV3;
result = ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys(handle, &operationRoundTwoGenerateKeys);
// Generate my round two ZKP
// Generate the round two hash here
operationGenerateZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateKey = &myCombinedPrivateKey;
operationGenerateZKP.myPrivateV = &myPrivateCryptoV3;
operationGenerateZKP.hash = myHash3;
operationGenerateZKP.r = myR3;
result = ECJPAKE_generateZKP(handle, &operationGenerateZKP);
// Exchange keys and ZKPs again
// Verify their second round ZKP
// Generate their round two hash here
operationVerifyZKP.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationVerifyZKP.theirGenerator = &theirGeneratorKey;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicKey = &theirCombinedPublicKey;
operationVerifyZKP.theirPublicV = &theirPublicCryptoV3;
operationVerifyZKP.hash = theirHash3;
operationVerifyZKP.r = theirR3;
result = ECJPAKE_verifyZKP(handle, &operationVerifyZKP);
// Generate shared secret
operationComputeSharedSecret.curve = &ECCParams_NISTP256;
operationComputeSharedSecret.myCombinedPrivateKey = &myCombinedPrivateKey;
operationComputeSharedSecret.theirCombinedPublicKey = &theirCombinedPublicKey;
operationComputeSharedSecret.theirPublicKey2 = &theirPublicCryptoKey2;
operationComputeSharedSecret.myPrivateKey2 = &myPrivateCryptoKey2;
operationComputeSharedSecret.sharedSecret = &sharedSecretCryptoKey;
result = ECJPAKE_computeSharedSecret(handle, &operationComputeSharedSecret);
// Run sharedSecretCryptoKey through a key derivation function and
// confirm to the other party that we have derived the same key

Using KeyStore for ECJPAKE Keys

// This example shows how to import presharedsecret as a KeyStore key and
// how to use KeyStore to store the newly generated sharedsecrets from ECJPAKE
KeyStore_PSA_KeyFileId presharedsecretKeyID;
KeyStore_PSA_KeyFileId sharedsecretKeyID1;
// Pre-shared secret
KeyStore_PSA_setKeyAlgorithm(&presharedsecretKeyAttributes, KEYSTORE_PSA_ALG_PAKE);
GET_KEY_ID(presharedsecretKeyID, 0);
status = KeyStore_PSA_importKey(&presharedsecretKeyAttributes,
while(1); // handle error
KeyStore_PSA_initKey(&preSharedSecretCryptoKey, presharedsecretKeyID, preSharedSecretLength, NULL);
// Final computed shared secrets
GET_KEY_ID(sharedsecretKeyID1, 0);
KeyStore_PSA_initBlankKey(&sharedSecretCryptoKey, sharedsecretKeyID1, preSharedSecretLength,
// The application can continue to use the sharedSecretCryptoKey and preSharedSecretCryptoKey as they would
// use with plaintext keys with ECJPAKE driver
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ti/drivers/cryptoutils/cryptokey/CryptoKey.h>
#include <ti/drivers/cryptoutils/ecc/ECCParams.h>
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Data Structures

struct  ECJPAKE_Config
 ECJPAKE Global configuration. More...
struct  ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys
 Struct containing the parameters required to generate the first round of keys. More...
struct  ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP
 Struct containing the parameters required to generate a ZKP. More...
struct  ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP
 Struct containing the parameters required to verify a ZKP. More...
struct  ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys
 Struct containing the parameters required to generate the second round keys. More...
struct  ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret
 Struct containing the parameters required to compute the shared secret. More...
union  ECJPAKE_Operation
 Union containing pointers to all supported operation structs. More...
struct  ECJPAKE_Params
 ECJPAKE Parameters. More...


 Successful status code. More...
 Generic error status code. More...
 An error status code returned if the hardware or software resource is currently unavailable. More...
 The public key of the other party is not valid. More...
 The public key of the other party does not lie upon the curve. More...
 A coordinate of the public key of the other party is too large. More...
 The result of the operation is the point at infinity. More...
 The private key passed into the the call is invalid. More...
 The private v passed into the the call is invalid. More...
 The ongoing operation was canceled. More...
 A provided output key was not initialized as blank. More...
 KeyStore operation within ECJPAKE failed. More...
 ECJPAKE operation not supported. More...


typedef ECJPAKE_ConfigECJPAKE_Handle
 A handle that is returned from an ECJPAKE_open() call. More...
typedef void(* ECJPAKE_CallbackFxn) (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, int_fast16_t returnStatus, ECJPAKE_Operation operation, ECJPAKE_OperationType operationType)
 The definition of a callback function used by the ECJPAKE driver when used in ECJPAKE_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_CALLBACK. More...


 The way in which ECJPAKE function calls return after performing an encryption + authentication or decryption + verification operation. More...
enum  ECJPAKE_OperationType {
 Enum for the operation types supported by the driver. More...


void ECJPAKE_init (void)
 This function initializes the ECJPAKE module. More...
void ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys_init (ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys *operation)
 Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys struct to its defaults. More...
void ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP_init (ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP *operation)
 Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP struct to its defaults. More...
void ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP_init (ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP *operation)
 Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP struct to its defaults. More...
void ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys_init (ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys *operation)
 Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys struct to its defaults. More...
void ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret_init (ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret *operation)
 Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret struct to its defaults. More...
void ECJPAKE_close (ECJPAKE_Handle handle)
 Function to close an ECJPAKE peripheral specified by the ECJPAKE handle. More...
ECJPAKE_Handle ECJPAKE_open (uint_least8_t index, const ECJPAKE_Params *params)
 This function opens a given ECJPAKE peripheral. More...
void ECJPAKE_Params_init (ECJPAKE_Params *params)
 Function to initialize the ECJPAKE_Params struct to its defaults. More...
int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys *operation)
 Generates all public and private keying material for the first round of the EC-JPAKE scheme. More...
int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_generateZKP (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP *operation)
 Generates the r component of a Schnorr Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) signature. More...
int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_verifyZKP (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP *operation)
 Verifies a Schnorr Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) signature. More...
int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys *operation)
 Generates all public and private keying material for the first round of the EC-JPAKE scheme. More...
int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_computeSharedSecret (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret *operation)
 Computes the shared secret. More...
int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_cancelOperation (ECJPAKE_Handle handle)
 Cancels an ongoing ECJPAKE operation. More...
ECJPAKE_Handle ECJPAKE_construct (ECJPAKE_Config *config, const ECJPAKE_Params *params)
 Constructs a new ECJPAKE object. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Common ECJPAKE status code reservation offset. ECJPAKE driver implementations should offset status codes with ECJPAKE_STATUS_RESERVED growing negatively.

Example implementation specific status codes:




Successful status code.

Functions return ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESS if the function was executed successfully.



Generic error status code.

Functions return ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERROR if the function was not executed successfully.



An error status code returned if the hardware or software resource is currently unavailable.

ECJPAKE driver implementations may have hardware or software limitations on how many clients can simultaneously perform operations. This status code is returned if the mutual exclusion mechanism signals that an operation cannot currently be performed.



The public key of the other party is not valid.

The public key received from the other party is not valid.



The public key of the other party does not lie upon the curve.

The public key received from the other party does not lie upon the agreed upon curve.



A coordinate of the public key of the other party is too large.

A coordinate of the public key received from the other party is larger than the prime of the curve. This implies that the point was not correctly generated on that curve.



The result of the operation is the point at infinity.

The operation yielded the point at infinity on this curve. This point is not permitted for further use in ECC operations.



The private key passed into the the call is invalid.

Private keys must be integers in the interval [1, n - 1], where n is the order of the curve.



The private v passed into the the call is invalid.

Private v must be integers in the interval [1, n - 1], where n is the order of the curve.



The ongoing operation was canceled.



A provided output key was not initialized as blank.



KeyStore operation within ECJPAKE failed.



ECJPAKE operation not supported.

Typedef Documentation

§ ECJPAKE_Handle

A handle that is returned from an ECJPAKE_open() call.

§ ECJPAKE_CallbackFxn

typedef void(* ECJPAKE_CallbackFxn) (ECJPAKE_Handle handle, int_fast16_t returnStatus, ECJPAKE_Operation operation, ECJPAKE_OperationType operationType)

The definition of a callback function used by the ECJPAKE driver when used in ECJPAKE_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_CALLBACK.

handleHandle of the client that started the ECJPAKE operation.
returnStatusThe result of the ECJPAKE operation. May contain an error code if the result is the point at infinity for example.
operationA union of pointers to operation structs. Only one type of pointer is valid per call to the callback function. Which type is currently valid is determined by /c operationType. The union allows easier access to the struct's fields without the need to typecase the result.
operationTypeThis parameter determined which operation the callback refers to and which type to access through /c operation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ ECJPAKE_ReturnBehavior

The way in which ECJPAKE function calls return after performing an encryption + authentication or decryption + verification operation.

Not all ECJPAKE operations exhibit the specified return behavor. Functions that do not require significant computation and cannot offload that computation to a background thread behave like regular functions. Which functions exhibit the specfied return behavior is implementation dependent. Specifically, a software-backed implementation run on the same CPU as the application will emulate the return behavior while not actually offloading the computation to the background thread.

ECJPAKE functions exhibiting the specified return behavior have restrictions on the context from which they may be called.

Task Hwi Swi

The function call will return immediately while the ECJPAKE operation goes on in the background. The registered callback function is called after the operation completes. The context the callback function is called (task, HWI, SWI) is implementation-dependent.


The function call will block while ECJPAKE operation goes on in the background. ECJPAKE operation results are available after the function returns.


The function call will continuously poll a flag while ECJPAKE operation goes on in the background. ECJPAKE operation results are available after the function returns.

§ ECJPAKE_OperationType

Enum for the operation types supported by the driver.


Function Documentation

§ ECJPAKE_init()

void ECJPAKE_init ( void  )

This function initializes the ECJPAKE module.

The ECJPAKE_config structure must exist and be persistent before this function can be called. This function must also be called before any other ECJPAKE driver APIs. This function call does not modify any peripheral registers.

§ ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys_init()

void ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys_init ( ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys operation)

Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys struct to its defaults.

operationA pointer to ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys structure for initialization

Defaults values are all zeros.

§ ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP_init()

void ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP_init ( ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP operation)

Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP struct to its defaults.

operationA pointer to ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP structure for initialization

Defaults values are all zeros.

§ ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP_init()

void ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP_init ( ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP operation)

Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP struct to its defaults.

operationA pointer to ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP structure for initialization

Defaults values are all zeros.

§ ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys_init()

void ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys_init ( ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys operation)

Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys struct to its defaults.

operationA pointer to ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys structure for initialization

Defaults values are all zeros.

§ ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret_init()

void ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret_init ( ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret operation)

Function to initialize an ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret struct to its defaults.

operationA pointer to ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret structure for initialization

Defaults values are all zeros.

§ ECJPAKE_close()

void ECJPAKE_close ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle)

Function to close an ECJPAKE peripheral specified by the ECJPAKE handle.

ECJPAKE_open() has to be called first.
handleAn ECJPAKE handle returned from ECJPAKE_open()
See also

§ ECJPAKE_open()

ECJPAKE_Handle ECJPAKE_open ( uint_least8_t  index,
const ECJPAKE_Params params 

This function opens a given ECJPAKE peripheral.

ECJPAKE controller has been initialized using ECJPAKE_init()
indexLogical peripheral number for the ECJPAKE indexed into the ECJPAKE_config table
paramsPointer to an parameter block, if NULL it will use default values.
An ECJPAKE_Handle on success or a NULL on an error or if it has been opened already.
See also

§ ECJPAKE_Params_init()

void ECJPAKE_Params_init ( ECJPAKE_Params params)

Function to initialize the ECJPAKE_Params struct to its defaults.

paramsAn pointer to ECJPAKE_Params structure for initialization

Defaults values are: returnBehavior = ECJPAKE_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_BLOCKING callbackFxn = NULL timeout = SemaphoreP_WAIT_FOREVER custom = NULL

§ ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys()

int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle,
ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys operation 

Generates all public and private keying material for the first round of the EC-JPAKE scheme.

This function generates all public and private keying material required for the first round of the EC-JPAKE scheme.

[in]handleAn ECJPAKE handle returned from ECJPAKE_open()
[in]operationA pointer to a struct containing the requisite parameters to execute the function.
Call ECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeys_init() on /c operation.
Generate the two sets of hashes and ZKPs for the two public/private key pairs.
Return values
ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESSThe operation succeeded.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERRORThe operation failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEThe required hardware resource was not available. Try again later.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_CANCELEDThe operation was canceled.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_POINT_AT_INFINITYThe computed public key is the point at infinity.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEYThe private key passed into the the call is invalid.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_INVALID_PRIVATE_VThe private v passed into the the call is invalid.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_KEYSTORE_ERRORThe keystore operation to retrieve or store the keys failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe driver does not support persistent keystore keys.

§ ECJPAKE_generateZKP()

int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_generateZKP ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle,
ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP operation 

Generates the r component of a Schnorr Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) signature.

This function generates the r component of a ZKP using the hash and private keys. The hash must be computed prior. This function does not compute the hash for the application. There is no strictly defined bit-level implementation guideline for generating the hash in the EC-JPAKE scheme. Hence, interoperability could not be guaranteed between different EC-JPAKE implementations. Usually, the hash will be a concatenation of the public V, public key, generator point, and user ID. There may be other components such as length fields mixed in.

[in]handleAn ECJPAKE handle returned from ECJPAKE_open()
[in]operationA pointer to a struct containing the requisite parameters to execute the function.
If in round one, ECJPAKE_roundOneGenerateKeys() must be called prior. Else, ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys() must be called prior. The hash must also have been computed prior to calling this function. Call ECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKP_init() on /c operation.
Send all ZKP signatures (r, public V, user ID) together with the public keys to the other party.
Return values
ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESSThe operation succeeded.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERRORThe operation failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEThe required hardware resource was not available. Try again later.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_CANCELEDThe operation was canceled.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_KEYSTORE_ERRORThe keystore operation to retrieve or store the keys failed.

§ ECJPAKE_verifyZKP()

int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_verifyZKP ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle,
ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP operation 

Verifies a Schnorr Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) signature.

This function computes if a received Schnorr ZKP correctly verifies a received public key.

[in]handleAn ECJPAKE handle returned from ECJPAKE_open()
[in]operationA pointer to a struct containing the requisite parameters to execute the function.
Receive the relevant ZKP signature parameters. Compute the hash. If in the second round, compute the generator first by calling ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys(). Call ECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKP_init() on /c operation.
Return values
ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESSThe operation succeeded.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERRORThe operation failed. Signature did not verify correctly.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEThe required hardware resource was not available. Try again later.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_CANCELEDThe operation was canceled.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_ON_CURVEThe public key of the other party does not lie upon the curve.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_PUBLIC_KEY_LARGER_THAN_PRIMEA coordinate of the public key of the other party is too large.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_KEYSTORE_ERRORThe keystore operation to retrieve or store the keys failed.

§ ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys()

int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_roundTwoGenerateKeys ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle,
ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys operation 

Generates all public and private keying material for the first round of the EC-JPAKE scheme.

This function generates all public and private keying material required for the first round of the EC-JPAKE scheme.

[in]handleAn ECJPAKE handle returned from ECJPAKE_open()
[in]operationA pointer to a struct containing the requisite parameters to execute the function.
Call ECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeys_init() on /c operation.
Generate the hash and ZKP signature for the second round public/private key.
Return values
ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESSThe operation succeeded.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERRORThe operation failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEThe required hardware resource was not available. Try again later.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_CANCELEDThe operation was canceled.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEYThe private key passed into the the call is invalid.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_INVALID_PRIVATE_VThe private v passed into the the call is invalid.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_KEYSTORE_ERRORThe keystore operation to retrieve or store the keys failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe driver does not support persistent keystore keys.

§ ECJPAKE_computeSharedSecret()

int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_computeSharedSecret ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle,
ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret operation 

Computes the shared secret.

This function computes the shared secret between both parties. The shared secret is a point on the elliptic curve and is used to further derive the symmetric session key via a key derivation function.

[in]handleAn ECJPAKE handle returned from ECJPAKE_open()
[in]operationA pointer to a struct containing the requisite parameters to execute the function.
Call ECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecret_init() on /c operation.
The shared secret must be processed by a key derivation function to compute the symmetric session key. It is recommended that the two parties prove to each other that they are in posession of the symmetric session key. While this should be implied by the successful verification of the three ZKPs in the scheme, it is nonetheless good practice.
Return values
ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESSThe operation succeeded.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERRORThe operation failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEThe required hardware resource was not available. Try again later.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_CANCELEDThe operation was canceled.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_KEYSTORE_ERRORThe keystore operation to retrieve or store the keys failed.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe driver does not support persistent keystore keys.

§ ECJPAKE_cancelOperation()

int_fast16_t ECJPAKE_cancelOperation ( ECJPAKE_Handle  handle)

Cancels an ongoing ECJPAKE operation.

Asynchronously cancels an ECJPAKE operation. Only available when using ECJPAKE_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_CALLBACK or ECJPAKE_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_BLOCKING. The operation will terminate as though an error occured. The return status code of the operation will be ECJPAKE_STATUS_CANCELED.

handleHandle of the operation to cancel
Return values
ECJPAKE_STATUS_SUCCESSThe operation was canceled.
ECJPAKE_STATUS_ERRORThe operation was not canceled. There may be no operation to cancel.

§ ECJPAKE_construct()

ECJPAKE_Handle ECJPAKE_construct ( ECJPAKE_Config config,
const ECJPAKE_Params params 

Constructs a new ECJPAKE object.

Unlike ECJPAKE_open(), ECJPAKE_construct() does not require the hwAttrs and object to be allocated in a ECJPAKE_Config array that is indexed into. Instead, the ECJPAKE_Config, hwAttrs, and object can be allocated at any location. This allows for relatively simple run-time allocation of temporary driver instances on the stack or the heap. The drawback is that this makes it more difficult to write device-agnostic code. If you use an ifdef with DeviceFamily, you can choose the correct object and hwAttrs to allocate. That compilation unit will be tied to the device it was compiled for at this point. To change devices, recompilation of the application with a different DeviceFamily setting is necessary.

configECJPAKE_Config describing the location of the object and hwAttrs.
paramsECJPAKE_Params to configure the driver instance.
Returns a ECJPAKE_Handle on success or NULL on failure.
The object struct config points to must be zeroed out prior to calling this function. Otherwise, unexpected behavior may ensue.
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