BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 (SDK 3.10) to BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 (SDK 3.20)

This section will describe a way to migrate a project from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 to a BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 project.


The BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 now has the RTLS (Real Time Localization System) examples which were previously available solely for the CC2640R2.

The changes between BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 and BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 are:

  1. Change of the folder structure in the four complementary projects that were not changed in BLE5-Stack 2.00.02. The explanations in this regard will be similar to the explanations in the porting guide from BLE5-Stack 2.00.01 to BLE5-Stack 2.00.02.

    From BLE5-Stack 2.00.04, all example projects now have the same structure:

    Example Project

    Project structure

    Host test

    Updated folder structure

    Multi role

    Same as previous release

    Project zero

    Updated folder structure

    Simple broadcaster

    Same as previous release

    Simple central

    Same as previous release

    Simple peripheral

    Same as previous release

    Simple peripheral oad off-chip

    Updated folder structure

    Simple peripheral oad on-chip

    Updated folder structure

    If you are porting a project that has been updated with the new folder structure, please skip to the Porting a Project With The Updated Folder Structure.

  2. The removal of the BIM and the Persistent Application projects from the OAD workspaces in the different IDE workspaces.

Porting A Project With The Same Folder Structure As The Previous Release

For this migration guide, Simple Peripheral from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 will be ported over to BLE5-Stack 2.00.04. Because the directory structure is nearly identical between the two releases, the recommended approach is to start with a BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 project that contains the same base functionality as the porting target project and merge in any custom functionality.

  1. Choose a BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality.

  2. Transfer all modified application files from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 into the BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example project.

    In this example, the following files from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 were moved into Simple Peripheral BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example:

    • simple_peripheral.c

    • simple_peripheral.h

  3. Modify main.c in the BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example if additional tasks were added in the BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 project.

  4. Move any profiles and services that the application is using to the BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 project.

  5. If necessary, update the project to use the newer TI-RTOS drivers that are supplied with the SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK.

  6. Refer to the Core SDK release notes for additional information and the TI-RTOS examples included with SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK.

    For additional information on how BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 uses TI-RTOS see TI-RTOS7 (RTOS Kernel) Overview.

    For any utilized TI Drivers, review TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide and TI Drivers API Reference.

Porting a Project With The Updated Folder Structure

In BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 some projects have been updated to the new folder structure. The biggest differences are:

  • Only one project per example (stack library is pre-built and included in the app project as library files).

  • Many project configurations moved from the .projectspec/.ewp files to the project makefile.

  • IAR: New required step to set up the workspace.

For this migration guide, Project Zero from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 will be ported over to BLE5-Stack 2.00.04. Because of this restructuring, the recommended approach is to start with a BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 project that contains the same base functionality as the porting target project and merge in any custom functionality.

  1. Choose a BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality.

  2. Transfer all modified application files from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 into the BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example project.

    In this example, the following files from BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 were moved into Project Zero BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example:

    • project_zero.c

    • project_zero.h

  3. The BIM project has been removed from the Project Zero workspace and now resides in the common nortos folder that is shared between the different protocol stacks (e.g. for the CC26X2R1: <sdk_install_dir>\examples\nortos\CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL\common\bim)

  4. Configure build_config.opt.

  5. Modify main.c in the BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 example if additional tasks were added in the BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 project.

  6. Move any profiles and services that the application is using to the BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 project.

  7. If necessary, update the project to use the newer TI-RTOS drivers that are supplied with the SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK.

  8. Refer to the Core SDK release notes for additional information and the TI-RTOS examples included with SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK.

    For additional information on how BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 uses TI-RTOS see TI-RTOS7 (RTOS Kernel) Overview.

    For any utilized TI Drivers, review TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide and TI Drivers API Reference.

  9. The following predefined symbols used to be stored in the stack library project. In order to use these features, the linked stack libraries must be replaced with custom libraries for that feature.

    For CCS, open the Project → Properties → Build → ARM Linker → File Search Path and make the substitutions.

    For IAR, open Options → Runtime Checking → Linker → Extra Options and make the substitutions.


    Default File

    Replace with file

    More information




    Delaying an ATT Read Request








    Exchanging Supported Privacy Feature Information








    Using the GATT Service





  10. The SC_HOST_DEBUG symbols has been moved from the stack project to the app project list of predefined symbols. For information on how to use this define, please see Bond Failure.

OAD Modifications

If you have modified any part of the BIM or Persistent Application projects in your BLE5-Stack 2.00.03 implementation, and need to rebuild the binaries, please pay notice to the fact that these projects are no longer included in the oad workspace. In BLE5-Stack 2.00.04 you must open these projects separately in their own workspace. This is the case for both CCS and IAR IDEs.