Radio Software Bundle (rflib) Release Notes

Table of Contents


The Radio Software Bundle (RFLib) component for CC13xx and CC26xx consists of:


The following documentation is included in RFLib.


CC1312PSIP: Regulation of TX power vs VDDS (3.3V-3.8V)

TX power is regulated for power supply voltage changes in the CC1312PSIP device. This reduces the effect of increasing VDDS on the TX power and limits the TX power from going much higher than 20 dBm. The TX power regulation is applied when VDDS > 3.3V and the device is set to transmit 17 dBm or above.

Under these conditions, the feature maintains the TX power close to the original power setting even when VDDS is increased. For TX power setting below 17 dBm, the feature has no effect on the device behavior.

RF Sysconfig: Antenna Switch Hardware Changes

The antenna switch, available under “Use Hardware”, is required by P device boards (matching regex /CC....P/). To ensure correct RF performance, the correct value for this option is now selected by default in the UI, but not when adding the RF module in a config script.

Make sure this option is selected for correct RF performance. It must also be placed before any assignments related to the RF module for coex.

See snippet below to add correct hardware:

const RF = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/RF");
if (("board" in system.deviceData) && ("RF" in system.deviceData.board.components)) {
    RF.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.RF;

What’s New

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-470 CC13x4: Add support for increased Sub-1GHz PA table resolution
RFDRIVER-782 Change RF driver SWTCXO command termination from abort to graceful stop
RFCORE-961 CC2652R-Q1: PA Table Update - Improved Performance
RFCORE-1009 CC1312PSIP: PA Table Update - New High PA Entries
RFCORE-987 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5/20 dBm: WB-DSSS - Release Candidate
RFCORE-932 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: 50 kbps/ 200 kbps / 1 Mbps 2-GFSK - Characterized
RFCORE-967 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 20 dBm: PROP 16.384 kbps OOK, Manchester encoding - Characterized
RFCORE-971 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5/20 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M, Coded and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Characterized
RFCORE-980 CC1314R, CC1354P/R: PA Table Update - Increased Sub-1GHz Granularity
RFCORE-972 cc13x4_cc26x4: PA Table Update - Increased Sub-1GHz Granularity
RFCORE-1016 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 20dBm: IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Characterized
RFCORE-993 cc13x4: Settings Release - 5/20dBm: Sub1GHz WB-DSSS, 50Kbps - Characterized
RFCORE-924 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5 dBm: 50/25/12.5/6.25 kbps SUN O-QPSK - Release Candidate
RFCORE-982 CC2674R10: Settings Release - 5 dBm: ZigBee Frontend ID - Characterized
RFCORE-892 cc13x1_cc26x1: Settings Update - Patch: Remove deprecated “rf_patch_cpe_multi_protocol”
RFCORE-966 CC1312PSIP: PA Table Update - 20 dBm: Characterized
RFCORE-965 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 20 dBm: 50 kbps 2-GFSK - Characterized
RFCORE-964 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 20 dBm: Zigbee R23 500 kbps 2-GFSK - Characterized
RFCORE-933 CC1312PSIP: PA Table Update - 14 dBm: Characterized
RFCORE-934 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: Wireless MBUS S1-/S2-/T-/C-Mode - Characterized
RFCORE-931 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: 9.6 kbps Narrowband - Characterized
RFCORE-927 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5/14 dBm: PROP 16.384 kbps OOK, Manchester encoding - Characterized
RFCORE-944 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: Wi-SUN Mode #1-5 - Characterized
RFCORE-952 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: 4.8 kbps OOK - Characterized
RFCORE-940 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: SimpleLink Long Range 2.5/5 kbps - Characterized
RFCORE-938 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: Zigbee R23 100/500 kbps 2-GFSK - Characterized
RFCORE-953 CC1312PSIP: Settings Release - 14 dBm: WB-DSSS 240/120/60/30 kbps with 1/2/4/8 x spreading - Characterized
RFCORE-979 CC1311R: PA Table Update - New entries for 868/915 MHz PHYs

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-743 cc13x2_cc26x2: SysConfig generates incorrect pOverrides_ble2Mbps when enabling BLE 2M PHY and Coexistence
RFCORE-983 cc13x4_cc26x4: Incorrect interrupt priorities cause IEEE CSMA command to stall indefinitely

Known Issues

ID Summary
None None

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release breaks compatibility with previous releases of RFLib in the following ways:


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.