TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Fields
rtlsSrv_PeriodicAdvRpt_t Struct Reference

Periodic adverting report event. More...

Data Fields

uint8_t cteType
 0x00 AoA CTE
0x01 - AoD CTE with 1us slots
0x02 - AoD CTE with 2us slots
0xFF - No CTE
uint8_t dataLen
 Length of the Data field (Range: 0 to 247)
uint8_t dataStatus
 0x00 - Data complete
0x01 - Data incomplete, more data to come
0x02 - Data incomplete, data truncated, no more to come
uint8_t opcode
 RTLS event opcode.
uint8_t * pData
 Data received from a Periodic Advertising packet.
int8_t rssi
 RSSI value for the received packet (Range: -127 to +20 dBm); If the packet contains CTE, this value is not available.
uint16_t syncHandle
 Handle identifying the periodic advertising train.
int8_t txPower
 Tx Power information (Range: -127 to +20 dBm)

Detailed Description

Periodic adverting report event.

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