Example Application Guide

This section provides an overview of the TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack out-of-box example applications and instructions on how to run them.

The Wi-SUN FAN mesh network consists of two types of logical devices:

  • The border router device

  • Router node devices.

This separation of the device types derives from the Wi-SUN FAN Specification. The TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack can be configured in either of the two roles by choosing the corresponding application.

The example applications provided in the TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack are developed for the CC13xx platform. The examples can be run in two modes:

  • Embedded mode, where the full Wi-SUN Stack and application run on the CC13xx device.

  • NWP mode, where the CC13xx device acts as a network processor. In this case, you will need a host device, e.g. a laptop.

You can read more about these two modes in the chapter Architecture Choices.

For each example you will find two variants:

  • The _src variant, which exposes all open source code.

  • The non-src variant, which uses libraries as much as possible.

The advantage to using the _src example projects can be to learn about the TI Wi-SUN FAN stack. It can simplify debugging.

The advantage to using the non-src variant is that this uses prebuilt libraries. This means that the build time is as low as possible.

Router Node Embedded Mode Example Application (ns_coap_node)

A router node (RN) is a device capable of connecting to other devices in the mesh network. It can provide upward and downward packet forwarding. A new device is able to join the network through any router. The connections between different router nodes form the mesh topology. The ns_coap_node example implements the router node with embedded mode architecture. This is the recommended example to use as a starting point for router node development.

The ns_coap_node example is a fully embedded application demonstrating a CoAP server on Wi-SUN FAN stack. The example is intended to work with the border router example, which acts as the CoAP client that interacts via the CoAP protocol with the CoAP node server. CoAP is an abbreviation of COnstrained Application Protocol.

Running the Application

For information on how to run the router node example application please see the README.md included with the application source code.

Device support

ns_coap_node is supported on the following development boards:

  • CC1312R7 LaunchPad

  • CC1352P7-1 LaunchPad

Router Node Embedded Mode Example Application with OAD (ns_coap_oad)

The ns_coap_oad example is an extension of ns_coap_node example. In addition to the coap server for the LED resource, the application also has OAD capabilities. The CC1312R7 and CC1352P7-1 Launchpads support off chip oad. But the 13x4 series supports both on-chip and off-chip OAD examples.

Running the Application

For information on how to run the application please see the README.md included with the application source code.

Device support

ns_coap_node is supported on the following development boards:

  • CC1312R7 LaunchPad

  • CC1352P7-1 LaunchPad

  • CC1314R10 Launchpad

  • CC1354P10 Launchpad

Router Node NWP Mode Example Application (ns_node)

A router node (RN) is a device capable of connecting to other devices in the mesh network. It can provide upward and downward packet forwarding. A new device is able to join the network through any router. The connections between different router nodes form the mesh topology. The ns_node example implements the router node with NWP mode architecture. Please note, in most situations it makes sense to run the router node in embedded mode. For an example of this, please refer to the Router Node Embedded Mode Example Application (ns_coap_node).

Running the Application

For information on how to run the router node example application please see the README.md included with the application source code.

Device support

ns_node is supported on the following development boards:

  • CC1312R1 LaunchPad

  • CC1352P-1 LaunchPad

  • CC1352R1 LaunchPad

  • CC1312R7 LaunchPad

  • CC1352P7-1 LaunchPad

Border Router Example Application (ns_br)

A border router (BR) device is a router that can also act as gateway between the Wi-SUN FAN and a different network. In addition, the border router acts as the root device and establishes the network. For this reason, a Wi-SUN FAN needs at least one BR. The ns_br example implements the border router with NWP mode architecture.

Running the Application

For information on how to run the border router example application please see the README.md included with the application source code.

Device support

ns_br is supported on the following development boards:

  • CC1312R7 LaunchPad

  • CC1352P7-1 LaunchPad

Configuration Parameters

Example configuration is done mainly through SysConfig. You can read about SysConfig configuration in System Configuration (SysConfig).

For NWP mode, many values can be set at run time through the NWP interface. Please see the NWP interface guide or ti-wisunfan py-spinel readme for details.