CC26xx Driver Library
ioc.c File Reference
#include "ioc.h"


void IOCPortConfigureSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32PortId, uint32_t ui32IOConfig)
 Set the configuration of an IO port. More...
uint32_t IOCPortConfigureGet (uint32_t ui32IOId)
 Get the configuration of an IO port. More...
void IOCIOShutdownSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32IOShutdown)
 Set wake-up mode from shutdown on an IO port. More...
void IOCIOModeSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32IOMode)
 Set the IO Mode of an IO Port. More...
void IOCIOIntSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32Int, uint32_t ui32EdgeDet)
 Setup edge detection and interrupt generation on an IO Port. More...
void IOCIOEvtSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32Evt)
 Setup event generation on IO edge detection. More...
void IOCIOPortPullSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32Pull)
 Set the pull on an IO port. More...
void IOCIOHystSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32Hysteresis)
 Configure hysteresis on and IO port. More...
void IOCIOInputSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32Input)
 Enable/disable IO port as input. More...
void IOCIOSlewCtrlSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32SlewEnable)
 Configure slew rate on an IO port. More...
void IOCIODrvStrengthSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32IOCurrent, uint32_t ui32DrvStrength)
 Configure the drive strength source and current mode of an IO port. More...
void IOCIOPortIdSet (uint32_t ui32IOId, uint32_t ui32PortId)
 Setup the Port ID for this IO. More...
void IOCIntEnable (uint32_t ui32IOId)
 Enables individual IO edge detect interrupt. More...
void IOCIntDisable (uint32_t ui32IOId)
 Disables individual IO edge interrupt sources. More...
void IOCPinTypeGpioInput (uint32_t ui32IOId)
 Setup an IO for standard GPIO input. More...
void IOCPinTypeGpioOutput (uint32_t ui32IOId)
 Setup an IO for standard GPIO output. More...
void IOCPinTypeUart (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Rx, uint32_t ui32Tx, uint32_t ui32Cts, uint32_t ui32Rts)
 Configure a set of IOs for standard UART peripheral control. More...
void IOCPinTypeSpiMaster (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Rx, uint32_t ui32Tx, uint32_t ui32Fss, uint32_t ui32Clk)
 Configure a set of IOs for standard SPI peripheral master control. More...
void IOCPinTypeSpiSlave (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Rx, uint32_t ui32Tx, uint32_t ui32Fss, uint32_t ui32Clk)
 Configure a set of IOs for standard SPI peripheral slave control. More...
void IOCPinTypeI2c (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Data, uint32_t ui32Clk)
 Configure a set of IOs for standard I2C peripheral control. More...
void IOCPinTypeAux (uint32_t ui32IOId)
 Configure an IO for AUX control. More...