CC26xx Driver Library
[uart.h] Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter


static void UARTParityModeSet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Parity)
 Sets the type of parity. More...
static uint32_t UARTParityModeGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Gets the type of parity currently being used. More...
static void UARTFIFOLevelSet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32TxLevel, uint32_t ui32RxLevel)
 Sets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated. More...
void UARTFIFOLevelGet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t *pui32TxLevel, uint32_t *pui32RxLevel)
 Gets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated. More...
void UARTConfigSetExpClk (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32UARTClk, uint32_t ui32Baud, uint32_t ui32Config)
 Sets the configuration of a UART. More...
void UARTConfigGetExpClk (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32UARTClk, uint32_t *pui32Baud, uint32_t *pui32Config)
 Gets the current configuration of a UART. More...
static void UARTEnable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Enables transmitting and receiving. More...
void UARTDisable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Disables transmitting and receiving. More...
static void UARTFIFOEnable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Enables the transmit and receive FIFOs. More...
static void UARTFIFODisable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Disables the transmit and receive FIFOs. More...
static bool UARTCharsAvail (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Determines if there are any characters in the receive FIFO. More...
static bool UARTSpaceAvail (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Determines if there is any space in the transmit FIFO. More...
int32_t UARTCharGetNonBlocking (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Receives a character from the specified port. More...
int32_t UARTCharGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Waits for a character from the specified port. More...
bool UARTCharPutNonBlocking (uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Data)
 Sends a character to the specified port. More...
void UARTCharPut (uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Data)
 Waits to send a character from the specified port. More...
static bool UARTBusy (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Determines whether the UART transmitter is busy or not. More...
static void UARTBreakCtl (uint32_t ui32Base, bool bBreakState)
 Causes a BREAK to be sent. More...
void UARTIntRegister (uint32_t ui32Base, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
 Registers an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt in the dynamic interrupt table. More...
void UARTIntUnregister (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Unregisters an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt in the dynamic interrupt table. More...
static void UARTIntEnable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
 Enables individual UART interrupt sources. More...
static void UARTIntDisable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
 Disables individual UART interrupt sources. More...
static uint32_t UARTIntStatus (uint32_t ui32Base, bool bMasked)
 Gets the current interrupt status. More...
static void UARTIntClear (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
 Clears UART interrupt sources. More...
static void UARTDMAEnable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32DMAFlags)
 Enable UART DMA operation. More...
static void UARTDMADisable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32DMAFlags)
 Disable UART DMA operation. More...
static uint32_t UARTRxErrorGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Gets current receiver errors. More...
static void UARTRxErrorClear (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Clears all reported receiver errors. More...
static void UARTHwFlowControlEnable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Enables hardware flow control for both CTS and RTS. More...
static void UARTHwFlowControlDisable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Disables hardware flow control for both CTS and RTS. More...

Detailed Description

Use printf()

DriverLib only supports writing a single character at a time to the UART buffer but it is possible to utilize the library function printf by overriding a few of the functions used by printf with a device specific definition. However, the implementation of printf is compiler specific and requires different functions to be overridden depending on the compiler.

Using printf can increase code size significantly but some compilers provide a highly optimized and configurable implementation suitable for embedded systems which makes the code size increase acceptable for most applications. See the compiler's documentation for details about how to configure the printf library function.

It is required that the application configures and enables the UART module before using printf function.

Code Composer Studio

In Code Composer Studio the functions fputc and fputs must be overridden.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Override 'fputc' function in order to use printf() to output to UART
int fputc(int _c, register FILE *_fp)
UARTCharPut(PRINTF_UART, (uint8_t)_c);
return _c;
// Override 'fputs' function in order to use printf() to output to UART
int fputs(const char *_ptr, register FILE *_fp)
unsigned int i, len;
len = strlen(_ptr);
for(i=0 ; i<len ; i++)
UARTCharPut(PRINTF_UART, (uint8_t)_ptr[i]);
return len;


In IAR the function putchar must be overridden.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Override 'putchar' function in order to use printf() to output to UART.
int putchar(int data)
UARTCharPut(PRINTF_UART, (uint8_t)data);
return data;

Function Documentation

§ UARTBreakCtl()

static void UARTBreakCtl ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
bool  bBreakState 

Causes a BREAK to be sent.

For proper transmission of a break command, the break must be asserted for at least two complete frames.
ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
bBreakStatecontrols the output level.
  • true : Asserts a break condition on the UART.
  • false : Removes the break condition.
675 {
676  // Check the arguments.
677  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
679  // Set the break condition as requested.
680  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) =
681  (bBreakState ?
682  (HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) | UART_LCRH_BRK) :
683  (HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) & ~(UART_LCRH_BRK)));
684 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
Here is the call graph for this function:

§ UARTBusy()

static bool UARTBusy ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Determines whether the UART transmitter is busy or not.

Allows the caller to determine whether all transmitted bytes have cleared the transmitter hardware. If false is returned, the transmit FIFO is empty and all bits of the last transmitted character, including all stop bits, have left the hardware shift register.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns status of UART transmitter.
  • true : UART is transmitting.
  • false : All transmissions are complete.
649 {
650  // Check the argument.
651  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
653  // Determine if the UART is busy.
654  return((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_BUSY) ?
656 }
#define UART_BUSY
Definition: uart.h:186
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
#define UART_IDLE
Definition: uart.h:187

§ UARTCharGet()

int32_t UARTCharGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Waits for a character from the specified port.

This function gets a character from the receive FIFO for the specified port. If there are no characters available, this function waits until a character is received before returning.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns the character read from the specified port, cast as an int32_t.

Referenced by UARTSpaceAvail().

200 {
201  // Check the arguments.
202  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
204  // Wait until a char is available.
205  while(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_RXFE)
206  {
207  }
209  // Now get the character.
210  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DR));
211 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTCharGetNonBlocking()

int32_t UARTCharGetNonBlocking ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Receives a character from the specified port.

This function gets a character from the receive FIFO for the specified port.

The UARTCharsAvail() function should be called before attempting to call this function.
ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns the character read from the specified port, cast as an int32_t. A -1 is returned if there are no characters present in the receive FIFO.
See also

Referenced by UARTSpaceAvail().

176 {
177  // Check the arguments.
178  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
180  // See if there are any characters in the receive FIFO.
181  if(!(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_RXFE))
182  {
183  // Read and return the next character.
184  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DR));
185  }
186  else
187  {
188  // There are no characters, so return a failure.
189  return(-1);
190  }
191 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTCharPut()

void UARTCharPut ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint8_t  ui8Data 

Waits to send a character from the specified port.

This function sends the character ui8Data to the transmit FIFO for the specified port. If there is no space available in the transmit FIFO, this function waits until there is space available before returning.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui8Datais the character to be transmitted.

Referenced by UARTSpaceAvail().

247 {
248  // Check the arguments.
249  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
251  // Wait until space is available.
252  while(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_TXFF)
253  {
254  }
256  // Send the char.
257  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DR) = ui8Data;
258 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTCharPutNonBlocking()

bool UARTCharPutNonBlocking ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint8_t  ui8Data 

Sends a character to the specified port.

This function writes the character ui8Data to the transmit FIFO for the specified port. This function does not block, so if there is no space available, then a false is returned, and the application must retry the function later.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui8Datais the character to be transmitted.
Returns status of the character transmit.
  • true : The character was successfully placed in the transmit FIFO.
  • false : There was no space available in the transmit FIFO. Try again later.

Referenced by UARTSpaceAvail().

220 {
221  // Check the arguments.
222  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
224  // See if there is space in the transmit FIFO.
225  if(!(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_TXFF))
226  {
227  // Write this character to the transmit FIFO.
228  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DR) = ui8Data;
230  // Success.
231  return(true);
232  }
233  else
234  {
235  // There is no space in the transmit FIFO, so return a failure.
236  return(false);
237  }
238 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTCharsAvail()

static bool UARTCharsAvail ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Determines if there are any characters in the receive FIFO.

This function returns a flag indicating whether or not there is data available in the receive FIFO.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns status of the receive FIFO.
  • true : There is data in the receive FIFO.
  • false : There is no data in the receive FIFO.
527 {
528  // Check the arguments.
529  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
531  // Return the availability of characters.
532  return((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_RXFE) ? false : true);
533 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTConfigGetExpClk()

void UARTConfigGetExpClk ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32UARTClk,
uint32_t *  pui32Baud,
uint32_t *  pui32Config 

Gets the current configuration of a UART.

The baud rate and data format for the UART is determined, given an explicitly provided peripheral clock (hence the ExpClk suffix). The returned baud rate is the actual baud rate; it may not be the exact baud rate requested or an "official" baud rate. The data format returned in pui32Config is enumerated the same as the ui32Config parameter of UARTConfigSetExpClk().

The peripheral clock is not necessarily the same as the processor clock. The frequency of the peripheral clock is set by the system control.
ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32UARTClkis the rate of the clock supplied to the UART module.
pui32Baudis a pointer to storage for the baud rate.
pui32Configis a pointer to storage for the data format.

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().

127 {
128  uint32_t ui32Int, ui32Frac;
130  // Check the arguments.
131  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
133  // Compute the baud rate.
134  ui32Int = HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IBRD);
135  ui32Frac = HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FBRD);
136  *pui32Baud = (ui32UARTClk * 4) / ((64 * ui32Int) + ui32Frac);
138  // Get the parity, data length, and number of stop bits.
139  *pui32Config = (HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &
142 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTConfigSetExpClk()

void UARTConfigSetExpClk ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32UARTClk,
uint32_t  ui32Baud,
uint32_t  ui32Config 

Sets the configuration of a UART.

This function configures the UART for operation in the specified data format.

The peripheral clock is not necessarily the same as the processor clock. The frequency of the peripheral clock is set by the system control.
ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32UARTClkis the rate of the clock supplied to the UART module.
ui32Baudis the desired baud rate.
  • Minimum baud rate: ui32Baud >= ceil(ui32UARTClk / 1,048,559.875)
  • Maximum baud rate: ui32Baud <= floor(ui32UARTClk / 15.875)
ui32Configis the data format for the port. The parameter is the bitwise OR of three values:

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().

98 {
99  uint32_t ui32Div;
101  // Check the arguments.
102  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
103  ASSERT(ui32Baud != 0);
105  // Stop the UART.
106  UARTDisable(ui32Base);
108  // Compute the fractional baud rate divider.
109  ui32Div = (((ui32UARTClk * 8) / ui32Baud) + 1) / 2;
111  // Set the baud rate.
112  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IBRD) = ui32Div / 64;
113  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FBRD) = ui32Div % 64;
115  // Set parity, data length, and number of stop bits.
116  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) = ui32Config;
117 }
void UARTDisable(uint32_t ui32Base)
Disables transmitting and receiving.
Definition: uart.c:150
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
Here is the call graph for this function:

§ UARTDisable()

void UARTDisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Disables transmitting and receiving.

This function clears the UARTEN, TXE, and RXE bits, waits for the end of transmission of the current character, and flushes the transmit FIFO.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.

Referenced by UARTConfigSetExpClk(), and UARTEnable().

151 {
153  // Check the arguments.
154  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
156  // Wait for end of TX.
157  while(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_BUSY)
158  {
159  }
161  // Disable the FIFO.
162  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &= ~(UART_LCRH_FEN);
164  // Disable the UART.
167 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTDMADisable()

static void UARTDMADisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32DMAFlags 

Disable UART DMA operation.

This function is used to disable UART DMA features that were enabled by UARTDMAEnable(). The specified UART DMA features are disabled.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32DMAFlagsis a bit mask of the DMA features to disable. The parameter is the bitwise OR of any of the following values:
  • UART_DMA_RX : Enable DMA for receive.
  • UART_DMA_TX : Enable DMA for transmit.
  • UART_DMA_ERR_RXSTOP : Disable DMA receive on UART error.
937 {
938  // Check the arguments.
939  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
941  // Clear the requested bits in the UART DMA control register.
942  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DMACTL) &= ~ui32DMAFlags;
943 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTDMAEnable()

static void UARTDMAEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32DMAFlags 

Enable UART DMA operation.

The specified UART DMA features are enabled. The UART can be configured to use DMA for transmit or receive, and to disable receive if an error occurs.

The uDMA controller must also be set up before DMA can be used with the UART.
ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32DMAFlagsis a bit mask of the DMA features to enable. The parameter is the bitwise OR of any of the following values:
  • UART_DMA_RX : Enable DMA for receive.
  • UART_DMA_TX : Enable DMA for transmit.
  • UART_DMA_ERR_RXSTOP : Disable DMA receive on UART error.
910 {
911  // Check the arguments.
912  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
914  // Set the requested bits in the UART DMA control register.
915  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DMACTL) |= ui32DMAFlags;
916 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTEnable()

static void UARTEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Enables transmitting and receiving.

This function sets the UARTEN, TXE, and RXE bits, and enables the transmit and receive FIFOs.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
443 {
444  // Check the arguments.
445  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
447  // Enable the FIFO.
448  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) |= UART_LCRH_FEN;
450  // Enable RX, TX, and the UART.
453 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
Here is the call graph for this function:

§ UARTFIFODisable()

static void UARTFIFODisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Disables the transmit and receive FIFOs.

This functions disables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the UART.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
503 {
504  // Check the arguments.
505  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
507  // Disable the FIFO.
508  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &= ~(UART_LCRH_FEN);
509 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTFIFOEnable()

static void UARTFIFOEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Enables the transmit and receive FIFOs.

This functions enables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the UART.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
482 {
483  // Check the arguments.
484  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
486  // Enable the FIFO.
487  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) |= UART_LCRH_FEN;
488 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTFIFOLevelGet()

void UARTFIFOLevelGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t *  pui32TxLevel,
uint32_t *  pui32RxLevel 

Gets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated.

This function gets the FIFO level at which transmit and receive interrupts are generated.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
pui32TxLevelis a pointer to storage for the transmit FIFO level, returned as one of:
pui32RxLevelis a pointer to storage for the receive FIFO level, returned as one of:

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().

76 {
77  uint32_t ui32Temp;
79  // Check the arguments.
80  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
82  // Read the FIFO level register.
83  ui32Temp = HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IFLS);
85  // Extract the transmit and receive FIFO levels.
86  *pui32TxLevel = ui32Temp & UART_IFLS_TXSEL_M;
87  *pui32RxLevel = ui32Temp & UART_IFLS_RXSEL_M;
88 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTFIFOLevelSet()

static void UARTFIFOLevelSet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32TxLevel,
uint32_t  ui32RxLevel 

Sets the FIFO level at which interrupts are generated.

This function sets the FIFO level at which transmit and receive interrupts are generated.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32TxLevelis the transmit FIFO interrupt level, specified as one of:
ui32RxLevelis the receive FIFO interrupt level, specified as one of:
319 {
320  // Check the arguments.
321  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
322  ASSERT((ui32TxLevel == UART_FIFO_TX1_8) ||
323  (ui32TxLevel == UART_FIFO_TX2_8) ||
324  (ui32TxLevel == UART_FIFO_TX4_8) ||
325  (ui32TxLevel == UART_FIFO_TX6_8) ||
326  (ui32TxLevel == UART_FIFO_TX7_8));
327  ASSERT((ui32RxLevel == UART_FIFO_RX1_8) ||
328  (ui32RxLevel == UART_FIFO_RX2_8) ||
329  (ui32RxLevel == UART_FIFO_RX4_8) ||
330  (ui32RxLevel == UART_FIFO_RX6_8) ||
331  (ui32RxLevel == UART_FIFO_RX7_8));
333  // Set the FIFO interrupt levels.
334  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IFLS) = ui32TxLevel | ui32RxLevel;
335 }
#define UART_FIFO_RX2_8
Definition: uart.h:157
#define UART_FIFO_TX7_8
Definition: uart.h:148
#define UART_FIFO_RX6_8
Definition: uart.h:159
#define UART_FIFO_RX7_8
Definition: uart.h:160
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
#define UART_FIFO_TX6_8
Definition: uart.h:147
#define UART_FIFO_TX4_8
Definition: uart.h:146
#define UART_FIFO_TX1_8
Definition: uart.h:144
#define UART_FIFO_RX4_8
Definition: uart.h:158
#define UART_FIFO_RX1_8
Definition: uart.h:156
#define UART_FIFO_TX2_8
Definition: uart.h:145
Here is the call graph for this function:

§ UARTHwFlowControlDisable()

static void UARTHwFlowControlDisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Disables hardware flow control for both CTS and RTS.

Hardware flow control is disabled by default.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
1032 {
1033  // Check the arguments.
1034  ASSERT( UARTBaseValid( ui32Base ));
1036  HWREG( ui32Base + UART_O_CTL ) &= ~( UART_CTL_CTSEN | UART_CTL_RTSEN );
1037 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTHwFlowControlEnable()

static void UARTHwFlowControlEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Enables hardware flow control for both CTS and RTS.

Hardware flow control is disabled by default.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
1012 {
1013  // Check the arguments.
1014  ASSERT( UARTBaseValid( ui32Base ));
1016  HWREG( ui32Base + UART_O_CTL ) |= ( UART_CTL_CTSEN | UART_CTL_RTSEN );
1017 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTIntClear()

static void UARTIntClear ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntFlags 

Clears UART interrupt sources.

The specified UART interrupt sources are cleared, so that they no longer assert. This function must be called in the interrupt handler to keep the interrupt from being recognized again immediately upon exit.

Due to write buffers and synchronizers in the system it may take several clock cycles from a register write clearing an event in a module and until the event is actually cleared in the NVIC of the system CPU. It is recommended to clear the event source early in the interrupt service routine (ISR) to allow the event clear to propagate to the NVIC before returning from the ISR. At the same time, an early event clear allows new events of the same type to be pended instead of ignored if the event is cleared later in the ISR. It is the responsibility of the programmer to make sure that enough time has passed before returning from the ISR to avoid false re-triggering of the cleared event. A simple, although not necessarily optimal, way of clearing an event before returning from the ISR is:
  1. Write to clear event (interrupt source). (buffered write)
  2. Dummy read from the event source module. (making sure the write has propagated)
  3. Wait two system CPU clock cycles (user code or two NOPs). (allowing cleared event to propagate through any synchronizers)
ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32IntFlagsis a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared.
879 {
880  // Check the arguments
881  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
883  // Clear the requested interrupt sources
884  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_ICR) = ui32IntFlags;
885 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTIntDisable()

static void UARTIntDisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntFlags 

Disables individual UART interrupt sources.

This function disables the indicated UART interrupt sources. Only the sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; disabled sources have no effect on the processor.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32IntFlagsis the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
788 {
789  // Check the arguments.
790  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
792  // Disable the specified interrupts.
793  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IMSC) &= ~(ui32IntFlags);
794 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTIntEnable()

static void UARTIntEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntFlags 

Enables individual UART interrupt sources.

This function enables the indicated UART interrupt sources. Only the sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; disabled sources have no effect on the processor.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32IntFlagsis the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled. The parameter is the bitwise OR of any of the following:
755 {
756  // Check the arguments.
757  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
759  // Enable the specified interrupts.
760  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IMSC) |= ui32IntFlags;
761 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTIntRegister()

void UARTIntRegister ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
void(*)(void)  pfnHandler 

Registers an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt in the dynamic interrupt table.

Only use this function if you want to use the dynamic vector table (in SRAM)!

This function registers a function as the interrupt handler for a specific interrupt and enables the corresponding interrupt in the interrupt controller.

Specific UART interrupts must be enabled via UARTIntEnable(). It is the interrupt handler's responsibility to clear the interrupt source.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART module.
pfnHandleris a pointer to the function to be called when the UART interrupt occurs.
See also
IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt handlers.

Referenced by UARTBreakCtl().

267 {
268  // Check the arguments.
269  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
271  // Register and enable the interrupt handler.
272  // (Doing the '& 0xFFFF' to catch both buffered and unbuffered offsets)
273  if (( ui32Base & 0xFFFF ) == ( UART0_BASE & 0xFFFF ))
274  {
275  IntRegister(INT_UART0_COMB, pfnHandler);
276  IntEnable(INT_UART0_COMB);
277  }
278  else if (( ui32Base & 0xFFFF ) == ( UART1_BASE & 0xFFFF ))
279  {
280  IntRegister(INT_UART1_COMB, pfnHandler);
281  IntEnable(INT_UART1_COMB);
282  }
283  else if (( ui32Base & 0xFFFF ) == ( UART2_BASE & 0xFFFF ))
284  {
285  IntRegister(INT_UART2_COMB, pfnHandler);
286  IntEnable(INT_UART2_COMB);
287  }
288  else
289  {
290  IntRegister(INT_UART3_COMB, pfnHandler);
291  IntEnable(INT_UART3_COMB);
292  }
293 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
void IntRegister(uint32_t ui32Interrupt, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
Registers a function as an interrupt handler in the dynamic vector table.
Definition: interrupt.c:151
void IntEnable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
Enables an interrupt or system exception.
Definition: interrupt.c:281
Here is the call graph for this function:

§ UARTIntStatus()

static uint32_t UARTIntStatus ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
bool  bMasked 

Gets the current interrupt status.

This function returns the interrupt status for the specified UART. Either the raw interrupt status or the status of interrupts that are allowed to reflect to the processor can be returned.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
bMaskedselects either raw or masked interrupt.
  • true : Masked interrupt status is required.
  • false : Raw interrupt status is required.
Returns the current interrupt status, enumerated as a bit field of:
823 {
824  // Check the arguments.
825  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
827  // Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as
828  // requested.
829  if(bMasked)
830  {
831  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_MIS));
832  }
833  else
834  {
835  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_RIS));
836  }
837 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTIntUnregister()

void UARTIntUnregister ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Unregisters an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt in the dynamic interrupt table.

This function does the actual unregistering of the interrupt handler. It clears the handler to be called when a UART interrupt occurs. This function also masks off the interrupt in the interrupt controller so that the interrupt handler no longer is called.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART module.
See also
IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt handlers.

Referenced by UARTBreakCtl().

302 {
303  // Check the arguments.
304  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
306  // Disable and unregister the interrupt.
307  // (Doing the '& 0xFFFF' to catch both buffered and unbuffered offsets)
308  if (( ui32Base & 0xFFFF ) == ( UART0_BASE & 0xFFFF ))
309  {
310  IntDisable(INT_UART0_COMB);
311  IntUnregister(INT_UART0_COMB);
312  }
313  else if (( ui32Base & 0xFFFF ) == ( UART1_BASE & 0xFFFF ))
314  {
315  IntDisable(INT_UART1_COMB);
316  IntUnregister(INT_UART1_COMB);
317  }
318  else if (( ui32Base & 0xFFFF ) == ( UART2_BASE & 0xFFFF ))
319  {
320  IntDisable(INT_UART2_COMB);
321  IntUnregister(INT_UART2_COMB);
322  }
323  else
324  {
325  IntDisable(INT_UART3_COMB);
326  IntUnregister(INT_UART3_COMB);
327  }
328 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
void IntUnregister(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
Unregisters an interrupt handler in the dynamic vector table.
Definition: interrupt.c:187
void IntDisable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
Disables an interrupt or system exception.
Definition: interrupt.c:325
Here is the call graph for this function:

§ UARTParityModeGet()

static uint32_t UARTParityModeGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Gets the type of parity currently being used.

This function gets the type of parity used for transmitting data and expected when receiving data.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns the current parity settings, specified as one of:
283 {
284  // Check the arguments.
285  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
287  // Return the current parity setting
288  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &
290 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTParityModeSet()

static void UARTParityModeSet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32Parity 

Sets the type of parity.

This function sets the type of parity to use for transmitting and expect when receiving.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
ui32Parityspecifies the type of parity to use. The last two allow direct control of the parity bit; it is always either one or zero based on the mode.
249 {
250  // Check the arguments.
251  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
252  ASSERT((ui32Parity == UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE) ||
253  (ui32Parity == UART_CONFIG_PAR_EVEN) ||
254  (ui32Parity == UART_CONFIG_PAR_ODD) ||
255  (ui32Parity == UART_CONFIG_PAR_ONE) ||
256  (ui32Parity == UART_CONFIG_PAR_ZERO));
258  // Set the parity mode.
259  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) = ((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &
261  UART_LCRH_PEN)) | ui32Parity);
262 }
Definition: uart.h:134
Definition: uart.h:133
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
Definition: uart.h:132
Definition: uart.h:136
Definition: uart.h:135

§ UARTRxErrorClear()

static void UARTRxErrorClear ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Clears all reported receiver errors.

This function is used to clear all receiver error conditions reported via UARTRxErrorGet(). If using the overrun, framing error, parity error or break interrupts, this function must be called after clearing the interrupt to ensure that later errors of the same type trigger another interrupt.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
990 {
991  // Check the arguments.
992  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
994  // Any write to the Error Clear Register will clear all bits which are
995  // currently set.
996  HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_ECR) = 0;
997 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTRxErrorGet()

static uint32_t UARTRxErrorGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Gets current receiver errors.

This function returns the current state of each of the 4 receiver error sources. The returned errors are equivalent to the four error bits returned via the previous call to UARTCharGet() or UARTCharGetNonBlocking() with the exception that the overrun error is set immediately the overrun occurs rather than when a character is next read.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns a bitwise OR combination of the receiver error flags:
966 {
967  // Check the arguments.
968  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
970  // Return the current value of the receive status register.
971  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_RSR) & 0x0000000F);
972 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71

§ UARTSpaceAvail()

static bool UARTSpaceAvail ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Determines if there is any space in the transmit FIFO.

This function returns a flag indicating whether or not there is space available in the transmit FIFO.

ui32Baseis the base address of the UART port.
Returns status of the transmit FIFO.
  • true : There is space available in the transmit FIFO.
  • false : There is no space available in the transmit FIFO.
551 {
552  // Check the arguments.
553  ASSERT(UARTBaseValid(ui32Base));
555  // Return the availability of space.
556  return((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_TXFF) ? false : true);
557 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:71
Here is the call graph for this function:

Macro Definition Documentation


#define UART_BUSY   0x00000001

Referenced by UARTBusy().


#define UART_CONFIG_PAR_EVEN   0x00000006

Referenced by UARTParityModeSet().


#define UART_CONFIG_PAR_MASK   0x00000086


#define UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE   0x00000000

Referenced by UARTParityModeSet().


#define UART_CONFIG_PAR_ODD   0x00000002

Referenced by UARTParityModeSet().


#define UART_CONFIG_PAR_ONE   0x00000082

Referenced by UARTParityModeSet().


#define UART_CONFIG_PAR_ZERO   0x00000086

Referenced by UARTParityModeSet().


#define UART_CONFIG_STOP_MASK   0x00000008


#define UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE   0x00000000


#define UART_CONFIG_STOP_TWO   0x00000008


#define UART_CONFIG_WLEN_5   0x00000000


#define UART_CONFIG_WLEN_6   0x00000020


#define UART_CONFIG_WLEN_7   0x00000040


#define UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8   0x00000060


#define UART_CONFIG_WLEN_MASK   0x00000060


#define UART_DMA_ERR_RXSTOP   0x00000004


#define UART_DMA_RX   0x00000001


#define UART_DMA_TX   0x00000002


#define UART_FIFO_RX1_8   0x00000000

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_RX2_8   0x00000008

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_RX4_8   0x00000010

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_RX6_8   0x00000018

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_RX7_8   0x00000020

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_TX1_8   0x00000000

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_TX2_8   0x00000001

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_TX4_8   0x00000002

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_TX6_8   0x00000003

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_FIFO_TX7_8   0x00000004

Referenced by UARTFIFOLevelSet().


#define UART_IDLE   0x00000000

Referenced by UARTBusy().




















#define UART_RXERROR_BREAK   0x00000004


#define UART_RXERROR_FRAMING   0x00000001


#define UART_RXERROR_OVERRUN   0x00000008


#define UART_RXERROR_PARITY   0x00000002