CC26xx Driver Library
osc.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../inc/hw_aon_pmctl.h"
#include "../inc/hw_ccfg.h"
#include "../inc/hw_fcfg1.h"
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"
#include "../inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "../inc/hw_ddi.h"
#include "../inc/hw_ddi_0_osc.h"
#include "rom.h"
#include "ddi.h"
#include "debug.h"

Data Structures

struct  XoscLf_Params_t
 A structure that defines the polynomial coefficients for calculating the XOSC LF ppm offset as function of temperature. More...
struct  HposcDebugData_t
 Data structure for experimental HPOSC polynomials calculation. More...


#define LOW_POWER_XOSC   1
#define HIGH_POWER_XOSC   0
#define OSC_SRC_CLK_HF   0x00000001
#define OSC_SRC_CLK_LF   0x00000004
#define OSC_RCOSC_HF   0x00000000
#define OSC_XOSC_HF   0x00000001
#define OSC_RCOSC_LF   0x00000002
#define OSC_XOSC_LF   0x00000003
#define SCLK_HF_RCOSC_HF   0
#define SCLK_HF_XOSC_HF   1
#define SCLK_LF_FROM_XOSC_HF   1
#define SCLK_LF_FROM_XOSC_LF   3


static void OSCXHfPowerModeSet (uint32_t ui32Mode)
 Set Power Mode for High Frequency XTAL Oscillator. More...
static void OSCClockLossEventEnable (void)
 Enables OSC clock loss event detection. More...
static void OSCClockLossEventDisable (void)
 Disables OSC clock loss event detection. More...
void OSCClockSourceSet (uint32_t ui32SrcClk, uint32_t ui32Osc)
 Configure the oscillator input to the a source clock. More...
uint32_t OSCClockSourceGet (uint32_t ui32SrcClk)
 Get the source clock settings. More...
static bool OSCHfSourceReady (void)
 Check if the HF clock source is ready to be switched. More...
static void OSCHfSourceSwitch (void)
 Switch the high frequency clock. More...
static bool OSC_IsHPOSCEnabled (void)
 Identifies if HPOSC is enabled. More...
static bool OSC_IsHPOSCEnabledWithHfDerivedLfClock (void)
 Identifies if HPOSC is enabled and that SCLK_LF is derived from XOSC_HF. More...
uint32_t OSCHF_GetStartupTime (uint32_t timeUntilWakeupInMs)
 Returns maximum startup time (in microseconds) of XOSC_HF. More...
void OSCHF_TurnOnXosc (void)
 Turns on XOSC_HF (but without switching to XOSC_HF). More...
bool OSCHF_AttemptToSwitchToXosc (void)
 Switch to XOSC_HF if XOSC_HF is ready. More...
void OSCHF_SwitchToRcOscTurnOffXosc (void)
 Switch to RCOSC_HF and turn off XOSC_HF. More...
uint32_t OSCHF_DebugGetCrystalAmplitude (void)
 Get crystal amplitude (assuming crystal is running). More...
uint32_t OSCHF_DebugGetExpectedAverageCrystalAmplitude (void)
 Get the expected average crystal amplitude. More...
uint32_t OSCHF_DebugGetCrystalStartupTime (void)
 Measure the crystal startup time. More...
void OSC_HPOSCInitializeFrequencyOffsetParameters (void)
 HPOSC initialization function. Must always be called before using HPOSC. More...
void OSC_HPOSC_Debug_InitFreqOffsetParams (HposcDebugData_t *pDebugData)
 Debug function to calculate the HPOSC polynomials for experimental data sets. More...
void OSC_HPOSCInitializeSingleInsertionFreqOffsParams (uint32_t measFieldAddress)
 Special HPOSC initialization function for single temperature compensation. More...
int32_t OSC_HPOSCRelativeFrequencyOffsetGet (int32_t tempDegC)
 Calculate the temperature dependent relative frequency offset of HPOSC. More...
void OSC_CapArrayAdjustWorkaround_Boot (void)
 Special XOSC_HF workaround adjustment for CC13x2 / CC26x2 XOSC_CAPARRAY_DELTA setting in CCFG (Customer configuration) More...
void OSC_AdjustXoscHfCapArray (int32_t capArrDelta)
 Adjust the XOSC HF cap array relative to the factory setting. More...
int16_t OSC_HPOSCRelativeFrequencyOffsetToRFCoreFormatConvert (int32_t HPOSC_RelFreqOffset)
 Converts the relative frequency offset of HPOSC to the RF Core parameter format. More...
void OSC_HPOSCRtcCompensate (int32_t relFreqOffset)
 Compensate the RTC increment based on the relative frequency offset of HPOSC. More...
void OSC_LFXOSCInitStaticOffset (void)
 Initialize device specific coefficient for XOSC LF RTC compensation. More...
int32_t OSC_LFXOSCRelativeFrequencyOffsetGet (int32_t temperature)
 Calculates the ppm offset of XOSC LF for a given temperature. More...