TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Fields
smLinkSecurityReq_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint8 authReq
 Authentication Requirements.
smEccKeys_t eccKeys
 Optionally specified ECC keys for pairing. Secure Connections only.
uint8 ioCaps
 I/O Capabilities (ie.
uint8 isSCOnlyMode
 TRUE if Secure Connections Only Mode. Secure Connections only.
keyDist_t keyDist
 Key Distribution mask.
uint8 localOob [KEYLEN]
 Out-Of-Bounds local data. Secure Connections only.
uint8 localOobAvailable
 True if local Out-of-band key available. Secure Connections only.
uint8 maxEncKeySize
 Maximum Encryption Key size (7-16 bytes)
uint8 oob [KEYLEN]
 Out-Of-Bounds key from remote device.
uint8 oobAvailable
 True if remote Out-of-band key available.
uint8 oobConfirm [KEYLEN]
 Out-Of-Bounds confirm from remote device. Secure Connections only.

Detailed Description

Link Security Requirements

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