TI OAD API Documentation
Data Fields
imgFixedHdr_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint8_t bimVer
 BIM version.
uint32_t crc32
 Image's 32-bit CRC value.
uint8_t crcStat
 CRC status.
uint16_t hdrLen
 Total length of the image header.
uint8_t imgCpStat
 Image copy status.
uint32_t imgEndAddr
 Address of the last byte of a contiguous image.
uint8_t imgID [8]
 User-defined Image Identification bytes.
uint8_t imgNo
 Image number of 'image type'.
uint8_t imgType
 Image Type.
uint32_t imgVld
 Image validation bytes, used by BIM.
uint32_t len
 Image length in bytes.
uint8_t metaVer
 Metadata version.
uint32_t prgEntry
 Program entry address.
uint16_t rfu
 Reserved bytes.
uint8_t softVer [4]
 Software version of the image.
uint16_t techType
 Wireless protocol type BLE/TI-MAC/ZIGBEE etc.

Detailed Description

OAD Core image header structure definition

This header is required to be part of all OAD images

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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