TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Fields
linkDBInfo_t Struct Reference

Information pertaining to the linklinkDB info. More...

Data Fields

uint8 addr [B_ADDR_LEN]
 Other Device's address.
uint8 addrPriv [B_ADDR_LEN]
 Other Device's Private address.
uint8 addrType
 Address type of connected device.
uint16 connInterval
 The connection's interval (n * 1.23 ms)
uint16 connLatency
 current connection latency
uint8 connRole
 Connection formed as Master or Slave.
uint16 connTimeout
 current connection timeout
uint16 MTU
 The connection's MTU size.
uint8 stateFlags
 LinkDB Connection State Flags

Detailed Description

Information pertaining to the linklinkDB info.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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