TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Fields
l2capPsm_t Struct Reference

L2CAP PSM structure. Allocated one for each registered PSM. More...

Data Fields

uint16 initPeerCredits
 Number of LE-frames that peer device can send.
uint8 maxNumChannels
 Maximum number of CO Channels supported by PSM.
uint16 mtu
 Maximum SDU size that can be received by local device.
uint16 peerCreditThreshold
 Low threshold for peer credit count.
pfnVerifySecCB_t pfnVerifySecCB
 PSM security verification callback (can be NULL)
uint16 psm
 Registered PSM.
uint8 taskId
 Task registered with PSM.

Detailed Description

L2CAP PSM structure. Allocated one for each registered PSM.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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