TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Fields
hciEvt_BLEExtCteConnectionlessIqReport_t Struct Reference

LE Extended CTE Connectionless IQ Report Event. More...

Data Fields

uint8 BLEEventCode
 BLE Event Code.
uint8 channelIndex
 index of channel
uint8 cteType
 cte type
uint8 dataLen
 samples data length
uint16 eventCounter
 periodic adv event counter
uint8 eventIndex
 event number
osal_event_hdr_t hdr
 osal event header
void * iqSamples
 list of interleaved I/Q samples (list size is dataLen*2)
uint16 rssi
 current rssi
uint8 rssiAntenna
 antenna ID
uint8 sampleCtrl
 sample control - default filtering or RAW_RF
uint8 sampleRate
 sample rate (1/2/3/4 MHz)
uint8 sampleSize
 sample size (8 or 16 bit)
uint8 slotDuration
 sampling slot 1us or 2us
uint8 status
 packet status (success or CRC error)
uint16 syncHandle
 sync handle in periodic adv
uint16 totalDataLen
 samples data length includes in all next events

Detailed Description

LE Extended CTE Connectionless IQ Report Event.

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