TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
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TRNG driver

TRNG driver implementation for a CC26XX device. More...




file  TRNGCC26XX.h
 TRNG driver implementation for a CC26XX device.

Data Structures

struct  TRNGCC26XX_Config
 TRNGCC26XX Global Configuration. More...
struct  TRNGCC26XX_HWAttrs
 TRNGCC26XX Hardware Attributes. More...
struct  TRNGCC26XX_Object
 TRNGCC26XX Object. More...
struct  TRNGCC26XX_Params
 TRNGCC26XX Parameters. More...


#define TRNGCC26XX_MAX_SAMPLES_MAX   16777216
#define TRNGCC26XX_MIN_SAMPLES_MAX   16384


typedef struct TRNGCC26XX_Config TRNGCC26XX_Config
 TRNGCC26XX Global Configuration.
typedef struct TRNGCC26XX_ConfigTRNGCC26XX_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a TRNGCC26XX_open() call.
typedef struct TRNGCC26XX_HWAttrs TRNGCC26XX_HWAttrs
 TRNGCC26XX Hardware Attributes. More...
typedef struct TRNGCC26XX_Object TRNGCC26XX_Object
 TRNGCC26XX Object. More...
typedef struct TRNGCC26XX_Params TRNGCC26XX_Params
 TRNGCC26XX Parameters. More...


void TRNGCC26XX_close (TRNGCC26XX_Handle handle)
 Close the TRNG driver. More...
uint32_t TRNGCC26XX_getNumber (TRNGCC26XX_Handle handle, TRNGCC26XX_Params *params, int8_t *status)
 This routine returns a 32 bit TRNG number. More...
void TRNGCC26XX_init (void)
 TRNG Driver initialization. More...
int8_t TRNGCC26XX_isParamValid (TRNGCC26XX_Params *params)
 Check that the parameters used are valid configurations. More...
TRNGCC26XX_Handle TRNGCC26XX_open (uint8_t index)
 Open the TRNGCC26XX peripheral specified by the index value. This peripheral will be configured as specified by pParams. Alternatively, if pParams is NULL, default values will be used. More...
int8_t TRNGCC26XX_Params_init (TRNGCC26XX_Params *params)
 Initialize TRNG configuration parameters to their defaults. More...

Detailed Description

TRNG driver implementation for a CC26XX device.


Driver Include

The TRNG header file should be included in an application as follows:

#include <ti/drivers/trng/TRNGCC26XX.h>


The TRNGCC26XX driver provides reentrant access to the TRNG module within the CC26XX. Reentrant access is controlled by creating a global critical section when requesting a random number. This critical section disables all Hwi's from running.

General Behavior

For code examples, see the use cases below.

Initialing the TRNGCC26XX Driver

Opening the TRNGCC26XX Driver

// Open the driver

Initializing client parameters

TRNGCC26XX_Params trngParams;
// Initialize parameters.
// Optionally modify trngParams

Validating client parameters

TRNGCC26XX_Params trngParams;
// Initialize parameters.
// Set client parameters.
trngParams.minSamplesPerCycle = 256;
trngParams.maxSamplesPerCycle = 256;
trngParams.clocksPerSample = 1;
// Validate parameters.
// Parameters are valid.

Generating a random number

TRNGCC26XX_Params trngParams;
uint8_t trngStatusFlag;
uint32_t trngNum1;
uint32_t trngNum2;
// Init driver.
// Open TRNG peripheral.
// Initialize parameters.
// Generate a random number. Use optional status flag.
trngNum1 = TRNGCC26XX_getNumber(&trngParams, &trngStatusFlag);
// Check if status was okay
if (trngStatusFlag == TRNGCC26XX_STATUS_SUCCESS)
// Random number was generated successfully
// Generate a second random number using the default values and no
// status flag.
trngNum2 = TRNGCC26XX_getNumber(NULL, NULL);

Supported transaction modes

Error handling

If an error occurs during a call to TRNGCC26XX_getNumber, the error status will be set into the status flag and the returned random number shall be 0. passing the status flag is optional.

Supported Functions

API function Description
TRNGCC26XX_open() Open driver (stub)
TRNGCC26XX_close() Close driver (stub)
TRNGCC26XX_Params_init() Initialize parameters for random number generation
TRNGCC26XX_init() Generates a random number
TRNGCC26XX_isParamValid Validate client configuration parameters

Macro Definition Documentation



Number of clocks cycles per sample must be between 1 (0) and 16 (15), inclusive.



Number returned from TRNGCC26XX_getNumber when invalid parameters are used.


#define TRNGCC26XX_MAX_SAMPLES_MAX   16777216

Maximum samples per cycle range, maximum value

Maximum may be 0, or greater than or equal to 2^8 and less than or equal to 2^24.



Maximum samples per cycle range, minimum value

Maximum may be 0, or greater than or equal to 2^8 and less than or equal to 2^24.


#define TRNGCC26XX_MIN_SAMPLES_MAX   16384

Minimum samples per cycle range, maximum value

Minimum may be 0, or greater than or equal to 2^6 and less than 2^14.



Minimum samples per cycle range, minimum value

Minimum may be 0, or greater than or equal to 2^6 and less than 2^14.

Typedef Documentation


TRNGCC26XX Hardware Attributes.

Hardware Attribute structure for TRNG peripherals.

§ TRNGCC26XX_Object

TRNGCC26XX Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

§ TRNGCC26XX_Params

TRNGCC26XX Parameters.

This holds the TRNG configuration parameters to be used. see the functions description of TRNGConfigure() in trng.h for more information.

Function Documentation

§ TRNGCC26XX_close()

void TRNGCC26XX_close ( TRNGCC26XX_Handle  handle)

Close the TRNG driver.

Calling context: Hwi, Swi or Task.
handlea TRNGCC26XX_Handle returned from TRNGCC26XX_open().

§ TRNGCC26XX_getNumber()

uint32_t TRNGCC26XX_getNumber ( TRNGCC26XX_Handle  handle,
TRNGCC26XX_Params params,
int8_t *  status 

This routine returns a 32 bit TRNG number.

params must be initialized with valid configurations. Calling context: Hwi, Swi or Task.
params- caller's configuration parameters. input parameter.
status- a user provided pointer to a status flag in case of failure. This parameter may be left NULL. output parameter. TRNGCC26XX_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful. TRNGCC26XX_STATUS_ILLEGAL_PARAM if params is null or configuration is illegal.
handlea TRNGCC26XX_Handle returned from TRNGCC26XX_open
A 32 bit TRNG number.

§ TRNGCC26XX_init()

void TRNGCC26XX_init ( void  )

TRNG Driver initialization.

Calling context: Hwi, Swi or Task.

§ TRNGCC26XX_isParamValid()

int8_t TRNGCC26XX_isParamValid ( TRNGCC26XX_Params params)

Check that the parameters used are valid configurations.

params must be initialized with valid configurations. Calling context: Hwi, Swi or Task.
params- caller's configuration parameters. input parameter.
TRNGCC26XX_STATUS_SUCCESS if params is a valid configuration. TRNGCC26XX_STATUS_ILLEGAL_PARAM if params is an invalid configuration.

§ TRNGCC26XX_open()

TRNGCC26XX_Handle TRNGCC26XX_open ( uint8_t  index)

Open the TRNGCC26XX peripheral specified by the index value. This peripheral will be configured as specified by pParams. Alternatively, if pParams is NULL, default values will be used.

Calling context: Hwi, Swi or Task.
indexLogical peripheral Number indexed in the HWAttrs table.
a TRNGCC26XX_Handle

§ TRNGCC26XX_Params_init()

int8_t TRNGCC26XX_Params_init ( TRNGCC26XX_Params params)

Initialize TRNG configuration parameters to their defaults.

Calling context: Hwi, Swi or Task.
params- TRNG configuration parameters. input parameter.
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