TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
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This module implements the RTLS Services APIs. More...


 RTLS Services Commands
 RTLS Services Structures
 RTLS Services callbacks
 RTLS Services constants
 RTLS Services error codes
 RTLS Services event types


file  rtls_srv_api.h
 RTLS Services.


bStatus_t RTLSSrv_CLCteTransmitEnable (uint8 advHandle, uint8 enable)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_init (uint8_t numOfRTLSConns)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_initAntArray (uint8_t mainAntenna)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_processHciEvent (uint16_t hciEvt, uint16_t hciEvtSz, uint8_t *pEvtData)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_readAntennaInformationCmd (void)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_register (pfnAppEventHandlerCB_t pCB)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setCLCteSamplingEnableCmd (uint16_t syncHandle, uint8_t enable, uint8_t slotDuration, uint8_t maxSampleCte, uint8_t numAnt, uint8_t pAntPattern[])
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_SetCLCteTransmitParams (uint8 advHandle, uint8 cteLength, uint8 cteType, uint8 cteCount, uint8 switchLen, uint8 *pAntenna)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteReceiveParams (uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t samplingEnable, uint8_t slotDurations, uint8_t numAnt, uint8_t antArray[])
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteRequestEnableCmd (uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t enable, uint16_t interval, uint8_t length, uint8_t type)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteResponseEnableCmd (uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t enable)
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteTransmitParams (uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t types, uint8_t length, uint8_t antArray[])
bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setCteSampleAccuracy (uint16_t handle, uint8_t sampleRate1M, uint8_t sampleSize1M, uint8_t sampleRate2M, uint8_t sampleSize2M, uint8_t sampleCtrl)


uint8_t maxNumClCteBufs
 Maximum number of buffers for CL AoA.

Detailed Description

This module implements the RTLS Services APIs.

Function Documentation

§ RTLSSrv_CLCteTransmitEnable()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_CLCteTransmitEnable ( uint8  advHandle,
uint8  enable 


Used to request the advertiser to enable or disable the periodic advertising for the advertising set

/ref did_214342976

advHandle- Used to identify a periodic advertising train
enable- 0x00 - Periodic advertising is disabled (default)
  • 0x01 - Periodic advertising is enabled

§ RTLSSrv_init()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_init ( uint8_t  numOfRTLSConns)

Initialize RTLSSrv module

numOfRTLSConns- number of connections that RTLS Srv is required to support

§ RTLSSrv_initAntArray()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_initAntArray ( uint8_t  mainAntenna)

Initialize GPIO's which correspond to Antenna Table configured in sysConfig or in ble_user_config.c (antennaTbl) Initialize one of the antenna ID's(mainAntenna) as the main antenna used to Tx/Rx

mainAntenna- Antenna ID to be used as main receiving antenna
TRUE = success, FALSE = failure

§ RTLSSrv_processHciEvent()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_processHciEvent ( uint16_t  hciEvt,
uint16_t  hciEvtSz,
uint8_t *  pEvtData 


This is the HCI event handler for RTLSSrv module Any HCI event related to RTLS should pass through this API

hciEvt- is used to parse the event according to RTLS Services event types
hciEvtSz- size of evtData
pEvtData- pointer to event data structure RTLS Services Structures
TRUE = success, FALSE = failure

§ RTLSSrv_readAntennaInformationCmd()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_readAntennaInformationCmd ( void  )

Read Antenna information

bStatus_t - command was acked, async return status in case of an error provided by RTLSSRV_ANTENNA_INFORMATION_EVT

§ RTLSSrv_register()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_register ( pfnAppEventHandlerCB_t  pCB)

Register callback functions with RTLS Services

pCBpointer to callback function structure

§ RTLSSrv_setCLCteSamplingEnableCmd()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setCLCteSamplingEnableCmd ( uint16_t  syncHandle,
uint8_t  enable,
uint8_t  slotDuration,
uint8_t  maxSampleCte,
uint8_t  numAnt,
uint8_t  pAntPattern[] 


Request the Controller to enable or disable capturing IQ samples from the CTE of periodic advertising packets in the periodic advertising train identified by the syncHandle parameter.

/ref did_214342976

syncHandle- Handle identifying the periodic advertising train (Range: 0x0000 to 0x0EFF)
enable- 0x00 - Disable CTE sampling
  • 0x01 - Enable CTE sampling
slotDuration- Switching and sampling slots in 1 us or 2 us each (1 or 2).
maxSampleCte- 0 - Sample and report all available CTEs
1-16 - Max number of CTEs to sample and report in each periodic event
numAnt- Number of items in Antenna array (relevant to AoA only)
pAntPattern- Pointer to Antenna array (relevant to AoA only)

§ RTLSSrv_SetCLCteTransmitParams()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_SetCLCteTransmitParams ( uint8  advHandle,
uint8  cteLength,
uint8  cteType,
uint8  cteCount,
uint8  switchLen,
uint8 *  pAntenna 


Used to request the advertiser to enable or disable the periodic advertising for the advertising set

/ref did_214342976

advHandle- Used to identify a periodic advertising train
cteLength- CTE length in 8 us units.
cteType- 0x00 - AoA CTE
  • 0x01 - AoD CTE with 1 us slots.
  • 0x02 - AoD CTE with 2 us slots.
cteCount- The number of CTE to transmit in each periodic advertising interval. Range: 0x01-0x10
switchLen- The number of Antenna IDs in the pattern. Range: 0x02-0x4B.
pAntenna- list of Antenna IDs in the pattern.

§ RTLSSrv_setConnCteReceiveParams()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteReceiveParams ( uint16_t  connHandle,
uint8_t  samplingEnable,
uint8_t  slotDurations,
uint8_t  numAnt,
uint8_t  antArray[] 

Note: RTLSSrv_initAntArray must be called before calling this functions In order to not limit users GPIO configuration, it is the users responsibility to either call RTLSSrv_initAntArray or to initialize GPIO's in another manner

Used to:

  1. Enable or disable sampling received Constant Tone Extension fields on a connection
  2. Configure the antenna switching pattern
  3. Configure switching and sampling slot durations to be used
connHandle- Connection handle
samplingEnable- Sample CTE on a connection and report the samples to the User Application (0 or 1)
slotDurations- Switching and sampling slots in 1 μs or 2 μs each (1 or 2)
numAnt- The number of Antenna IDs in the pattern (2 to 75)
antArray- List of Antenna IDs in the pattern
bStatus_t - command was acked, async return status in case of an error provided by RTLS_ERROR_EVT

§ RTLSSrv_setConnCteRequestEnableCmd()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteRequestEnableCmd ( uint16_t  connHandle,
uint8_t  enable,
uint16_t  interval,
uint8_t  length,
uint8_t  type 

Start or stop initiating the CTE Request procedure on a connection Note that the API enables periodically requesting CTE by using the 'interval' parameter

connHandle- Connection handle
enable- Enable or disable CTE Request for a connection (1 or 0)
interval- Requested interval for initiating the CTE Request procedure in number of connection events (1 to 0xFFFF).
1 means the next CTE Request procedure is initiated at the connection interval following the completion of a previous CTE Request procedure.
The first CTE Request procedure is sent as soon as possible no matter the value set for this parameter.
length- Min length of the CTE being requested in 8 μs units (2 to 20)
type- Requested CTE type (0 - AoA, 1 - AoD with 1μs slots, 2 - AoD with 2μs slots)
bStatus_t - command was acked, async return status in case of an error provided by RTLS_ERROR_EVT

§ RTLSSrv_setConnCteResponseEnableCmd()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteResponseEnableCmd ( uint16_t  connHandle,
uint8_t  enable 

Enable responding to CTE requests

connHandle- Connection handle
enable- Enable or disable CTE Response for a connection (1 or 0)
bStatus_t - command was acked, async return status in case of an error provided by RTLS_ERROR_EVT

§ RTLSSrv_setConnCteTransmitParams()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setConnCteTransmitParams ( uint16_t  connHandle,
uint8_t  types,
uint8_t  length,
uint8_t  antArray[] 

Used to:

  1. Set the antenna switching pattern
  2. Set permitted Constant Tone Extension types used for transmitting Constant Tone Extensions requested by the peer device on a connection
connHandle- Connection handle
types- CTE types (0 - Allow AoA CTE Response)
length- The number of Antenna IDs in the pattern (2 to 75)
antArray- List of Antenna IDs in the pattern
bStatus_t - command was acked, async return status in case of an error provided by RTLS_ERROR_EVT

§ RTLSSrv_setCteSampleAccuracy()

bStatus_t RTLSSrv_setCteSampleAccuracy ( uint16_t  handle,
uint8_t  sampleRate1M,
uint8_t  sampleSize1M,
uint8_t  sampleRate2M,
uint8_t  sampleSize2M,
uint8_t  sampleCtrl 

Set CTE sampling accuracy

handleConnection/sync handle.
sampleRate1Msample rate for PHY 1M range : 1 - least accuracy (as in 5.1 spec) to 4 - most accuracy
sampleSize1Msample size for PHY 1M range : 1 - 8 bits (as in 5.1 spec) or 2 - 16 bits (more accurate)
sampleRate2Msample rate for PHY 2M range : 1 - least accuracy (as in 5.1 spec) to 4 - most accuracy
sampleSize2Msample size for PHY 2M range : 1 - 8 bits (as in 5.1 spec) or 2 - 16 bits (more accurate)
sampleCtrl- sample control flags range : range : bit0=0 - Default filtering, bit0=1 - RAW_RF(no filtering), , bit1..7=0 - spare
bStatus_t - command was acked, async return status in case of an error provided by RTLS_ERROR_EVT
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