TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
GAP Bond Manager Pairing State Events


 Get ECC keys done.
 Bonding record saved in NV.
 Central Address Resolution Characteristic Read.
 Resolvable Private Address Only Characteristic Read.

Detailed Description

These are the states that are returned through the pfnPairStateCB_t. See the specific state for its possible statuses.

Macro Definition Documentation



Pairing Complete

The following statuses are possible for this state: SUCCESS : pairing pairing is complete (Session keys have been exchanged) SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_PASSKEY_ENTRY_FAILED : user input failed SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_OOB_NOT_AVAIL : Out-of-band data not available SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_AUTH_REQ : Input and output capabilities of devices do not allow for authentication SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_CONFIRM_VALUE : the confirm value does not match the calculated compare value SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_NOT_SUPPORTED : pairing is unsupported SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_ENC_KEY_SIZE : encryption key size is insufficient SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED : The SMP command received is unsupported on this device SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_UNSPECIFIED : encryption failed to start bleTimeout : pairing failed to complete before timeout bleGAPBondRejected : keys did not match



Encryption has started

This event is returned after encryption has started, either using the keys from the pairing that has just completed, or using keys from NV for a bonded device.

The following statuses are possible for this state: SUCCESS : pairing has been initiated. A pairing request has been either sent or received. HCI_ERROR_CODE_PIN_KEY_MISSING : encryption key is missing HCI_ERROR_CODE_UNSUPPORTED_REMOTE_FEATURE : feature is unsupported by the remote device HCI_ERROR_CODE_LMP_LL_RESP_TIMEOUT : Timeout waiting for response bleGAPBondRejected (0x32): this is received due to one of the previous three errors



Pairing Started

The following statuses are possible for this state: SUCCESS : pairing has been initiated. A pairing request has been either sent or received.

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