Macros | Functions
Attestation_PSA.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Attestation driver header.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <psa/initial_attestation.h>
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 Maximum attestation token size. More...
#define ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_SUCCESS   ((int_fast16_t)0)
 Successful status code. More...
#define ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_ERROR   ((int_fast16_t)-1)
 Generic error status code. More...
 An error status code returned if the hardware or software resource is currently unavailable. More...
#define ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_INVALID_INPUTS   ((int_fast16_t)-3)
 Operation failed due to invalid inputs. More...


int_fast16_t Attestation_PSA_getToken (const uint8_t *auth_challenge, size_t challenge_size, uint8_t *token_buf, size_t token_buf_size, size_t *token_size)
 Get initial attestation token. More...
void Attestation_PSA_init (void)
 This function initializes the Attestation module. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximum attestation token size.

The maximum size of an attestation token that can be generated by the attestation service. Used to configure buffers for services that verify the produced tokens.


#define ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_SUCCESS   ((int_fast16_t)0)

Successful status code.

Functions return ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_SUCCESS if the function was executed successfully.


#define ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_ERROR   ((int_fast16_t)-1)

Generic error status code.

Functions return ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_ERROR if the function was not executed successfully and no more pertinent error code could be returned.



An error status code returned if the hardware or software resource is currently unavailable.

Attestation driver implementations may have hardware or software limitations on how many clients can simultaneously perform operations. This status code is returned if the mutual exclusion mechanism signals that an operation cannot currently be performed.


#define ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_INVALID_INPUTS   ((int_fast16_t)-3)

Operation failed due to invalid inputs.

Functions return ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_INVALID_INPUTS if input validation fails.

Function Documentation

§ Attestation_PSA_getToken()

int_fast16_t Attestation_PSA_getToken ( const uint8_t *  auth_challenge,
size_t  challenge_size,
uint8_t *  token_buf,
size_t  token_buf_size,
size_t *  token_size 

Get initial attestation token.

[in]auth_challengePointer to buffer where challenge input is stored.
[in]challenge_sizeSize of challenge object in bytes. Must be 32, 48, or 64-bytes.
[out]token_bufPointer to the buffer where attestation token will be stored, with a maximum buffer size of ATTESTATION_PSA_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE.
[in]token_buf_sizeSize of allocated buffer for token, in bytes.
[out]token_sizeSize of the token that has been returned, in bytes.
Return values
ATTESTATION_PSA_STATUS_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLEThe required hardware resource was not available. Try again later.

§ Attestation_PSA_init()

void Attestation_PSA_init ( void  )

This function initializes the Attestation module.

This function must also be called before any other Attestation driver APIs. This function call does not modify any peripheral registers.
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