CC26xx Driver Library
pka.h File Reference
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"
#include "../inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "../inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "../inc/hw_pka.h"
#include "../inc/hw_pka_ram.h"
#include "interrupt.h"
#include "sys_ctrl.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <string.h>

Data Structures

union  PKA_EccParam224
union  PKA_EccParam256
union  PKA_EccParam384
union  PKA_EccParam512
union  PKA_EccParam521
struct  PKA_EccPoint224_
struct  PKA_EccPoint256_
struct  PKA_EccPoint384_
struct  PKA_EccPoint512_
struct  PKA_EccPoint521_


 Success. More...
 Failure. More...
 Invalid parameter. More...
 Buffer underflow. More...
#define PKA_STATUS_RESULT_0   4
 Result is all zeros. More...
 Big number compare return status if the first big number is greater than the second. More...
 Big number compare return status if the first big number is less than the second. More...
#define PKA_STATUS_EQUAL   7
 Big number compare return status if the first big number is equal to the second. More...
 PKA operation is in progress. More...
 No PKA operation is in progress. More...
 Location in PKA RAM is not available. More...
#define PKA_STATUS_X_ZERO   11
 X coordinate of public key is 0. More...
#define PKA_STATUS_Y_ZERO   12
 Y coordinate of public key is 0. More...
 X coordinate of public key is larger than the curve prime. More...
 Y coordinate of public key is larger than the curve prime. More...
 The public key is not on the specified elliptic curve. More...
 The address of the result passed into one of the PKA*GetResult functions is incorrect. More...
 The ECC operation resulted in the point at infinity. More...
#define NISTP224_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   28
#define NISTP256_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   32
#define NISTP384_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   48
#define NISTP521_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   66
#define BrainpoolP256R1_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   32
#define BrainpoolP384R1_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   48
#define BrainpoolP512R1_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   64
#define Curve25519_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   32


typedef struct PKA_EccPoint224_ PKA_EccPoint224
typedef struct PKA_EccPoint256_ PKA_EccPoint256
typedef struct PKA_EccPoint384_ PKA_EccPoint384
typedef struct PKA_EccPoint512_ PKA_EccPoint512
typedef struct PKA_EccPoint521_ PKA_EccPoint521


void PKAClearPkaRam (void)
 Zeroizes PKA RAM. More...
uint32_t PKAGetOpsStatus (void)
 Gets the PKA operation status. More...
bool PKAArrayAllZeros (const uint8_t *array, uint32_t arrayLength)
 Checks whether and array only consists of zeros. More...
void PKAZeroOutArray (const uint8_t *array, uint32_t arrayLength)
 Zeros-out an array. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumModStart (const uint8_t *bigNum, uint32_t bigNumLength, const uint8_t *modulus, uint32_t modulusLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts a big number modulus operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumModGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number modulus operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumDivideStart (const uint8_t *dividend, uint32_t dividendLength, const uint8_t *divisor, uint32_t divisorLength, uint32_t *resultQuotientMemAddr, uint32_t *resultRemainderMemAddr)
 Starts a big number divide operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumDivideGetQuotient (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *length, uint32_t resultQuotientMemAddr)
 Gets the quotient of the big number divide operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumDivideGetRemainder (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *length, uint32_t resultRemainderMemAddr)
 Gets the remainder of the big number divide operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpStart (const uint8_t *bigNum1, const uint8_t *bigNum2, uint32_t length)
 Starts the comparison of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpGetResult (void)
 Gets the result of the comparison operation of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumInvModStart (const uint8_t *bigNum, uint32_t bigNumLength, const uint8_t *modulus, uint32_t modulusLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts a big number inverse modulo operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumInvModGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number inverse modulo operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumExpModStart (const uint8_t *base, uint32_t baseLength, const uint8_t *exponent, uint32_t exponentLength, const uint8_t *modulus, uint32_t modulusLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts a big number modular exponentiation operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumExpModGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number modular exponentiation operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumMultiplyStart (const uint8_t *multiplicand, uint32_t multiplicandLength, const uint8_t *multiplier, uint32_t multiplierLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the multiplication of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumMultGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumAddStart (const uint8_t *bigNum1, uint32_t bigNum1Length, const uint8_t *bigNum2, uint32_t bigNum2Length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the addition of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumAddGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the addition operation on two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumSubStart (const uint8_t *minuend, uint32_t minuendLength, const uint8_t *subtrahend, uint32_t subtrahendLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the subtraction of one big number from another. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumSubGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the subtraction operation on two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKAEccMultiplyStart (const uint8_t *scalar, const uint8_t *curvePointX, const uint8_t *curvePointY, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, uint32_t length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts ECC multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKAEccMontgomeryMultiplyStart (const uint8_t *scalar, const uint8_t *curvePointX, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, uint32_t length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts ECC Montgomery multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKAEccMultiplyGetResult (uint8_t *curvePointX, uint8_t *curvePointY, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr, uint32_t length)
 Gets the result of ECC multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKAEccAddStart (const uint8_t *curvePoint1X, const uint8_t *curvePoint1Y, const uint8_t *curvePoint2X, const uint8_t *curvePoint2Y, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, uint32_t length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the ECC addition. More...
uint32_t PKAEccAddGetResult (uint8_t *curvePointX, uint8_t *curvePointY, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr, uint32_t length)
 Gets the result of the ECC addition. More...
uint32_t PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart (const uint8_t *curvePointX, const uint8_t *curvePointY, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, const uint8_t *order, uint32_t length)
 Begins the validation of a public key against a Short-Weierstrass curve. More...


const PKA_EccPoint224 NISTP224_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP224 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_prime
 Prime of the NISTP224 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_a
 a constant of the NISTP224 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_b
 b constant of the NISTP224 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_order
 Order of the NISTP224 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint256 NISTP256_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP256 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_prime
 Prime of the NISTP256 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_a
 a constant of the NISTP256 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_b
 b constant of the NISTP256 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_order
 Order of the NISTP256 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint384 NISTP384_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP384 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_prime
 Prime of the NISTP384 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_a
 a constant of the NISTP384 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_b
 b constant of the NISTP384 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_order
 Order of the NISTP384 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint521 NISTP521_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP521 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_prime
 Prime of the NISTP521 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_a
 a constant of the NISTP521 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_b
 b constant of the NISTP521 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_order
 Order of the NISTP521 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint256 BrainpoolP256R1_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_prime
 Prime of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_a
 a constant of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_b
 b constant of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_order
 Order of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint384 BrainpoolP384R1_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_prime
 Prime of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_a
 a constant of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_b
 b constant of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_order
 Order of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint512 BrainpoolP512R1_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_prime
 Prime of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_a
 a constant of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_b
 b constant of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_order
 Order of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint256 Curve25519_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the Curve25519 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_prime
 Prime of the Curve25519 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_a
 a constant of the Curve25519 curve when expressed in Montgomery form (By^2 = x^3 + a*x^2 + x). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_b
 b constant of the Curve25519 curve when expressed in Montgomery form (By^2 = x^3 + a*x^2 + x). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_order
 Order of the Curve25519 curve. More...