Instance: CPU_NVIC
Component: CPU_NVIC
Base address: 0xE000E100

TOP:CPU_NVIC Register Summary

Register Name


Register Width (Bits)

Register Reset

Address Offset

Physical Address




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0000

0xE000 E100




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0004

0xE000 E104




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0008

0xE000 E108




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0080

0xE000 E180




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0084

0xE000 E184




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0088

0xE000 E188




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0100

0xE000 E200




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0104

0xE000 E204




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0108

0xE000 E208




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0180

0xE000 E280




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0184

0xE000 E284




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0188

0xE000 E288




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0200

0xE000 E300




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0204

0xE000 E304




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0208

0xE000 E308




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0280

0xE000 E380




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0284

0xE000 E384




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0288

0xE000 E388




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0300

0xE000 E400




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0304

0xE000 E404




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0308

0xE000 E408




0x0000 0000

0x0000 030C

0xE000 E40C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0310

0xE000 E410




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0314

0xE000 E414




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0318

0xE000 E418




0x0000 0000

0x0000 031C

0xE000 E41C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0320

0xE000 E420




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0324

0xE000 E424




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0328

0xE000 E428




0x0000 0000

0x0000 032C

0xE000 E42C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0330

0xE000 E430




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0334

0xE000 E434




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0338

0xE000 E438




0x0000 0000

0x0000 033C

0xE000 E43C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0340

0xE000 E440




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0344

0xE000 E444




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0348

0xE000 E448




0x0000 0000

0x0000 034C

0xE000 E44C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0350

0xE000 E450




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0354

0xE000 E454




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0358

0xE000 E458




0x0000 0000

0x0000 035C

0xE000 E45C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0360

0xE000 E460




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0364

0xE000 E464




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0368

0xE000 E468




0x0000 0000

0x0000 036C

0xE000 E46C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0370

0xE000 E470




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0374

0xE000 E474




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0378

0xE000 E478




0x0000 0000

0x0000 037C

0xE000 E47C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0380

0xE000 E480




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0384

0xE000 E484




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0388

0xE000 E488




0x0000 0000

0x0000 038C

0xE000 E48C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0390

0xE000 E490




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0394

0xE000 E494




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0398

0xE000 E498




0x0000 0000

0x0000 039C

0xE000 E49C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03A0

0xE000 E4A0




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03A4

0xE000 E4A4




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03A8

0xE000 E4A8




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03AC

0xE000 E4AC




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03B0

0xE000 E4B0




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03B4

0xE000 E4B4




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03B8

0xE000 E4B8




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03BC

0xE000 E4BC




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03C0

0xE000 E4C0




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03C4

0xE000 E4C4




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03C8

0xE000 E4C8




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03CC

0xE000 E4CC




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03D0

0xE000 E4D0




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03D4

0xE000 E4D4




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03D8

0xE000 E4D8




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03DC

0xE000 E4DC




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03E0

0xE000 E4E0




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03E4

0xE000 E4E4




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03E8

0xE000 E4E8




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03EC

0xE000 E4EC




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03F0

0xE000 E4F0




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03F4

0xE000 E4F4




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03F8

0xE000 E4F8




0x0000 0000

0x0000 03FC

0xE000 E4FC




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0400

0xE000 E500




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0404

0xE000 E504




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0408

0xE000 E508




0x0000 0000

0x0000 040C

0xE000 E50C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0410

0xE000 E510




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0414

0xE000 E514




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0418

0xE000 E518




0x0000 0000

0x0000 041C

0xE000 E51C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0420

0xE000 E520




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0424

0xE000 E524




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0428

0xE000 E528




0x0000 0000

0x0000 042C

0xE000 E52C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0430

0xE000 E530




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0434

0xE000 E534




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0438

0xE000 E538




0x0000 0000

0x0000 043C

0xE000 E53C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0440

0xE000 E540




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0444

0xE000 E544

TOP:CPU_NVIC Register Descriptions


Address Offset 0x0000 0000
Physical Address 0xE000 E100 Instance 0xE000 E100
Description Enables or reads the enabled state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 SETENA For SETENA[m] in NVIC_ISER*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is enabled RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0004
Physical Address 0xE000 E104 Instance 0xE000 E104
Description Enables or reads the enabled state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 SETENA For SETENA[m] in NVIC_ISER*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is enabled RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0008
Physical Address 0xE000 E108 Instance 0xE000 E108
Description Enables or reads the enabled state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 SETENA For SETENA[m] in NVIC_ISER*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is enabled RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0080
Physical Address 0xE000 E180 Instance 0xE000 E180
Description Clears or reads the enabled state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 CLRENA For CLRENA[m] in NVIC_ICER*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is enabled RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0084
Physical Address 0xE000 E184 Instance 0xE000 E184
Description Clears or reads the enabled state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 CLRENA For CLRENA[m] in NVIC_ICER*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is enabled RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0088
Physical Address 0xE000 E188 Instance 0xE000 E188
Description Clears or reads the enabled state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 CLRENA For CLRENA[m] in NVIC_ICER*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is enabled RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0100
Physical Address 0xE000 E200 Instance 0xE000 E200
Description Enables or reads the pending state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 SETPEND For SETPEND[m] in NVIC_ISPR*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is pending RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0104
Physical Address 0xE000 E204 Instance 0xE000 E204
Description Enables or reads the pending state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 SETPEND For SETPEND[m] in NVIC_ISPR*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is pending RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0108
Physical Address 0xE000 E208 Instance 0xE000 E208
Description Enables or reads the pending state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 SETPEND For SETPEND[m] in NVIC_ISPR*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is pending RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0180
Physical Address 0xE000 E280 Instance 0xE000 E280
Description Clears or reads the pending state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 CLRPEND For CLRPEND[m] in NVIC_ICPR*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is pending RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0184
Physical Address 0xE000 E284 Instance 0xE000 E284
Description Clears or reads the pending state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 CLRPEND For CLRPEND[m] in NVIC_ICPR*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is pending RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0188
Physical Address 0xE000 E288 Instance 0xE000 E288
Description Clears or reads the pending state of each group of 32 interrupts
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 CLRPEND For CLRPEND[m] in NVIC_ICPR*n, indicates whether interrupt 32*n + m is pending RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0200
Physical Address 0xE000 E300 Instance 0xE000 E300
Description For each group of 32 interrupts, shows the active state of each interrupt
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ACTIVE For ACTIVE[m] in NVIC_IABR*n, indicates the active state for interrupt 32*n+m RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0204
Physical Address 0xE000 E304 Instance 0xE000 E304
Description For each group of 32 interrupts, shows the active state of each interrupt
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ACTIVE For ACTIVE[m] in NVIC_IABR*n, indicates the active state for interrupt 32*n+m RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0208
Physical Address 0xE000 E308 Instance 0xE000 E308
Description For each group of 32 interrupts, shows the active state of each interrupt
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ACTIVE For ACTIVE[m] in NVIC_IABR*n, indicates the active state for interrupt 32*n+m RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0280
Physical Address 0xE000 E380 Instance 0xE000 E380
Description For each group of 32 interrupts, determines whether each interrupt targets Non-secure or Secure state
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ITNS For ITNS[m] in NVIC_ITNS*n, `IAAMO the target Security state for interrupt 32*n+m RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0284
Physical Address 0xE000 E384 Instance 0xE000 E384
Description For each group of 32 interrupts, determines whether each interrupt targets Non-secure or Secure state
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ITNS For ITNS[m] in NVIC_ITNS*n, `IAAMO the target Security state for interrupt 32*n+m RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0288
Physical Address 0xE000 E388 Instance 0xE000 E388
Description For each group of 32 interrupts, determines whether each interrupt targets Non-secure or Secure state
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ITNS For ITNS[m] in NVIC_ITNS*n, `IAAMO the target Security state for interrupt 32*n+m RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0300
Physical Address 0xE000 E400 Instance 0xE000 E400
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*0, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*0+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*0, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*0+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*0, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*0+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*0, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*0+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0304
Physical Address 0xE000 E404 Instance 0xE000 E404
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*1, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*1+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*1, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*1+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*1, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*1+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*1, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*1+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0308
Physical Address 0xE000 E408 Instance 0xE000 E408
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*2, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*2+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*2, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*2+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*2, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*2+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*2, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*2+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 030C
Physical Address 0xE000 E40C Instance 0xE000 E40C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*3, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*3+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*3, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*3+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*3, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*3+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*3, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*3+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0310
Physical Address 0xE000 E410 Instance 0xE000 E410
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*4, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*4+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*4, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*4+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*4, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*4+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*4, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*4+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0314
Physical Address 0xE000 E414 Instance 0xE000 E414
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*5, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*5+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*5, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*5+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*5, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*5+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*5, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*5+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0318
Physical Address 0xE000 E418 Instance 0xE000 E418
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*6, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*6+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*6, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*6+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*6, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*6+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*6, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*6+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 031C
Physical Address 0xE000 E41C Instance 0xE000 E41C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*7, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*7+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*7, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*7+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*7, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*7+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*7, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*7+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0320
Physical Address 0xE000 E420 Instance 0xE000 E420
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*8, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*8+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*8, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*8+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*8, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*8+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*8, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*8+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0324
Physical Address 0xE000 E424 Instance 0xE000 E424
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*9, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*9+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*9, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*9+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*9, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*9+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*9, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*9+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0328
Physical Address 0xE000 E428 Instance 0xE000 E428
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*10, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*10+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*10, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*10+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*10, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*10+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*10, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*10+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 032C
Physical Address 0xE000 E42C Instance 0xE000 E42C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*11, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*11+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*11, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*11+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*11, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*11+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*11, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*11+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0330
Physical Address 0xE000 E430 Instance 0xE000 E430
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*12, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*12+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*12, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*12+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*12, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*12+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*12, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*12+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0334
Physical Address 0xE000 E434 Instance 0xE000 E434
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*13, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*13+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*13, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*13+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*13, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*13+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*13, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*13+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0338
Physical Address 0xE000 E438 Instance 0xE000 E438
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*14, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*14+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*14, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*14+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*14, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*14+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*14, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*14+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 033C
Physical Address 0xE000 E43C Instance 0xE000 E43C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*15, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*15+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*15, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*15+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*15, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*15+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*15, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*15+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0340
Physical Address 0xE000 E440 Instance 0xE000 E440
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*16, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*16+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*16, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*16+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*16, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*16+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*16, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*16+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0344
Physical Address 0xE000 E444 Instance 0xE000 E444
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*17, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*17+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*17, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*17+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*17, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*17+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*17, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*17+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0348
Physical Address 0xE000 E448 Instance 0xE000 E448
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*18, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*18+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*18, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*18+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*18, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*18+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*18, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*18+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 034C
Physical Address 0xE000 E44C Instance 0xE000 E44C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*19, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*19+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*19, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*19+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*19, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*19+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*19, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*19+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0350
Physical Address 0xE000 E450 Instance 0xE000 E450
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*20, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*20+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*20, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*20+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*20, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*20+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*20, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*20+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0354
Physical Address 0xE000 E454 Instance 0xE000 E454
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*21, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*21+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*21, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*21+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*21, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*21+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*21, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*21+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0358
Physical Address 0xE000 E458 Instance 0xE000 E458
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*22, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*22+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*22, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*22+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*22, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*22+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*22, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*22+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 035C
Physical Address 0xE000 E45C Instance 0xE000 E45C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*23, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*23+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*23, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*23+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*23, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*23+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*23, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*23+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0360
Physical Address 0xE000 E460 Instance 0xE000 E460
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*24, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*24+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*24, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*24+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*24, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*24+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*24, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*24+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0364
Physical Address 0xE000 E464 Instance 0xE000 E464
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*25, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*25+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*25, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*25+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*25, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*25+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*25, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*25+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0368
Physical Address 0xE000 E468 Instance 0xE000 E468
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*26, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*26+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*26, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*26+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*26, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*26+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*26, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*26+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 036C
Physical Address 0xE000 E46C Instance 0xE000 E46C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*27, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*27+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*27, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*27+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*27, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*27+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*27, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*27+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0370
Physical Address 0xE000 E470 Instance 0xE000 E470
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*28, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*28+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*28, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*28+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*28, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*28+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*28, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*28+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0374
Physical Address 0xE000 E474 Instance 0xE000 E474
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*29, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*29+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*29, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*29+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*29, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*29+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*29, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*29+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0378
Physical Address 0xE000 E478 Instance 0xE000 E478
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*30, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*30+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*30, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*30+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*30, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*30+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*30, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*30+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 037C
Physical Address 0xE000 E47C Instance 0xE000 E47C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*31, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*31+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*31, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*31+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*31, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*31+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*31, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*31+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0380
Physical Address 0xE000 E480 Instance 0xE000 E480
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*32, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*32+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*32, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*32+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*32, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*32+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*32, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*32+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0384
Physical Address 0xE000 E484 Instance 0xE000 E484
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*33, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*33+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*33, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*33+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*33, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*33+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*33, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*33+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0388
Physical Address 0xE000 E488 Instance 0xE000 E488
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*34, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*34+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*34, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*34+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*34, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*34+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*34, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*34+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 038C
Physical Address 0xE000 E48C Instance 0xE000 E48C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*35, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*35+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*35, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*35+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*35, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*35+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*35, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*35+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0390
Physical Address 0xE000 E490 Instance 0xE000 E490
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*36, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*36+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*36, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*36+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*36, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*36+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*36, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*36+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0394
Physical Address 0xE000 E494 Instance 0xE000 E494
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*37, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*37+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*37, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*37+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*37, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*37+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*37, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*37+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0398
Physical Address 0xE000 E498 Instance 0xE000 E498
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*38, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*38+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*38, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*38+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*38, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*38+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*38, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*38+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 039C
Physical Address 0xE000 E49C Instance 0xE000 E49C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*39, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*39+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*39, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*39+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*39, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*39+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*39, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*39+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03A0
Physical Address 0xE000 E4A0 Instance 0xE000 E4A0
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*40, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*40+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*40, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*40+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*40, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*40+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*40, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*40+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03A4
Physical Address 0xE000 E4A4 Instance 0xE000 E4A4
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*41, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*41+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*41, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*41+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*41, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*41+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*41, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*41+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03A8
Physical Address 0xE000 E4A8 Instance 0xE000 E4A8
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*42, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*42+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*42, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*42+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*42, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*42+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*42, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*42+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03AC
Physical Address 0xE000 E4AC Instance 0xE000 E4AC
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*43, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*43+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*43, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*43+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*43, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*43+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*43, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*43+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03B0
Physical Address 0xE000 E4B0 Instance 0xE000 E4B0
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*44, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*44+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*44, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*44+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*44, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*44+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*44, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*44+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03B4
Physical Address 0xE000 E4B4 Instance 0xE000 E4B4
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*45, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*45+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*45, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*45+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*45, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*45+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*45, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*45+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03B8
Physical Address 0xE000 E4B8 Instance 0xE000 E4B8
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*46, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*46+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*46, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*46+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*46, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*46+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*46, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*46+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03BC
Physical Address 0xE000 E4BC Instance 0xE000 E4BC
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*47, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*47+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*47, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*47+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*47, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*47+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*47, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*47+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03C0
Physical Address 0xE000 E4C0 Instance 0xE000 E4C0
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*48, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*48+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*48, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*48+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*48, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*48+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*48, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*48+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03C4
Physical Address 0xE000 E4C4 Instance 0xE000 E4C4
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*49, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*49+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*49, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*49+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*49, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*49+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*49, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*49+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03C8
Physical Address 0xE000 E4C8 Instance 0xE000 E4C8
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*50, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*50+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*50, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*50+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*50, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*50+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*50, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*50+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03CC
Physical Address 0xE000 E4CC Instance 0xE000 E4CC
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*51, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*51+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*51, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*51+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*51, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*51+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*51, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*51+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03D0
Physical Address 0xE000 E4D0 Instance 0xE000 E4D0
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*52, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*52+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*52, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*52+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*52, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*52+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*52, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*52+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03D4
Physical Address 0xE000 E4D4 Instance 0xE000 E4D4
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*53, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*53+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*53, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*53+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*53, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*53+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*53, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*53+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03D8
Physical Address 0xE000 E4D8 Instance 0xE000 E4D8
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*54, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*54+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*54, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*54+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*54, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*54+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*54, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*54+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03DC
Physical Address 0xE000 E4DC Instance 0xE000 E4DC
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*55, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*55+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*55, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*55+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*55, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*55+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*55, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*55+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03E0
Physical Address 0xE000 E4E0 Instance 0xE000 E4E0
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*56, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*56+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*56, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*56+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*56, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*56+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*56, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*56+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03E4
Physical Address 0xE000 E4E4 Instance 0xE000 E4E4
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*57, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*57+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*57, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*57+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*57, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*57+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*57, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*57+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03E8
Physical Address 0xE000 E4E8 Instance 0xE000 E4E8
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*58, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*58+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*58, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*58+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*58, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*58+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*58, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*58+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03EC
Physical Address 0xE000 E4EC Instance 0xE000 E4EC
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*59, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*59+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*59, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*59+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*59, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*59+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*59, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*59+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03F0
Physical Address 0xE000 E4F0 Instance 0xE000 E4F0
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*60, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*60+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*60, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*60+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*60, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*60+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*60, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*60+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03F4
Physical Address 0xE000 E4F4 Instance 0xE000 E4F4
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*61, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*61+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*61, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*61+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*61, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*61+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*61, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*61+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03F8
Physical Address 0xE000 E4F8 Instance 0xE000 E4F8
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*62, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*62+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*62, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*62+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*62, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*62+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*62, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*62+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 03FC
Physical Address 0xE000 E4FC Instance 0xE000 E4FC
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*63, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*63+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*63, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*63+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*63, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*63+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*63, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*63+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0400
Physical Address 0xE000 E500 Instance 0xE000 E500
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*64, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*64+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*64, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*64+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*64, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*64+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*64, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*64+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0404
Physical Address 0xE000 E504 Instance 0xE000 E504
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*65, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*65+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*65, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*65+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*65, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*65+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*65, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*65+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0408
Physical Address 0xE000 E508 Instance 0xE000 E508
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*66, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*66+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*66, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*66+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*66, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*66+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*66, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*66+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 040C
Physical Address 0xE000 E50C Instance 0xE000 E50C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*67, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*67+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*67, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*67+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*67, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*67+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*67, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*67+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0410
Physical Address 0xE000 E510 Instance 0xE000 E510
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*68, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*68+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*68, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*68+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*68, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*68+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*68, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*68+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0414
Physical Address 0xE000 E514 Instance 0xE000 E514
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*69, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*69+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*69, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*69+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*69, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*69+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*69, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*69+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0418
Physical Address 0xE000 E518 Instance 0xE000 E518
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*70, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*70+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*70, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*70+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*70, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*70+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*70, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*70+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 041C
Physical Address 0xE000 E51C Instance 0xE000 E51C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*71, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*71+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*71, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*71+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*71, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*71+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*71, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*71+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0420
Physical Address 0xE000 E520 Instance 0xE000 E520
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*72, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*72+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*72, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*72+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*72, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*72+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*72, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*72+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0424
Physical Address 0xE000 E524 Instance 0xE000 E524
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*73, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*73+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*73, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*73+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*73, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*73+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*73, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*73+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0428
Physical Address 0xE000 E528 Instance 0xE000 E528
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*74, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*74+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*74, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*74+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*74, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*74+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*74, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*74+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 042C
Physical Address 0xE000 E52C Instance 0xE000 E52C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*75, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*75+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*75, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*75+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*75, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*75+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*75, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*75+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0430
Physical Address 0xE000 E530 Instance 0xE000 E530
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*76, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*76+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*76, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*76+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*76, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*76+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*76, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*76+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0434
Physical Address 0xE000 E534 Instance 0xE000 E534
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*77, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*77+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*77, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*77+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*77, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*77+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*77, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*77+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0438
Physical Address 0xE000 E538 Instance 0xE000 E538
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*78, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*78+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*78, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*78+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*78, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*78+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*78, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*78+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 043C
Physical Address 0xE000 E53C Instance 0xE000 E53C
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*79, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*79+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*79, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*79+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*79, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*79+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*79, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*79+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0440
Physical Address 0xE000 E540 Instance 0xE000 E540
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*80, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*80+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*80, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*80+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*80, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*80+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*80, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*80+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0444
Physical Address 0xE000 E544 Instance 0xE000 E544
Description Sets or reads interrupt priorities
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_N3 For register NVIC_IPR*81, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*81+3, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_N2 For register NVIC_IPR*81, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*81+2, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_N1 For register NVIC_IPR*81, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*81+1, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_N0 For register NVIC_IPR*81, `IAAMO the priority of interrupt number 4*81+0, or is RES0 if the PE does not implement this interrupt RW 0x00