Radio Software Bundle (rflib) Release Notes

Table of Contents


The Radio Software Bundle (RFLib) component for CC13xx and CC26xx consists of:


The following documentation is included in RFLib.


RF Settings and Patches

RF settings and patches for device family cc13x4_cc26x4, as well as device CC1312PSIP, are in alpha state. They are not fully characterized and have only been tested in a limited manner. Support for certain settings and PHYs may be removed in the future.

Please consider this content for evaluation purposes only.

The cc13x1_cc26x1 CPE multi protocol patch (rf_patch_cpe_multi_protocol) will be deprecated and removed in 1Q23. All generated settings using this patch will be updated to refer to the corresponding protocol patches rf_patch_cpe[bt5, ieee_802_15_4, prop].

RF Sysconfig: Antenna Switch Hardware Changes

The antenna switch, available under “Use Hardware”, is required by P device boards (matching regex /CC....P/). To ensure correct RF performance, the correct value for this option is now selected by default in the UI, but not when adding the RF module in a config script.

Make sure this option is selected for correct RF performance. It must also be placed before any assignments related to the RF module for coex.

See snippet below to add correct hardware:

const RF = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/RF");
if (("board" in system.deviceData) && ("RF" in system.deviceData.board.components)) {
    RF.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.RF;

What’s New

ID Summary
RFCORE-906 cc13x4_cc26x4 (PG2.0): Settings Release - 5/20 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M, Coded and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Release Candidate
RFCORE-907 cc13x4_cc26x4 (PG2.0): Settings Release - 5/20 dBm: 868/915MHz PROP, SLR and WiSUN - Pre-Silicon and Release Candidate
RFCORE-904 cc13x4_cc26x4 (PG2.0): Settings Release - 5/20 dBm: SUN FSK 10kbps and 20kbps (IEEE 802.15.4) - Pre-Silicon
RFCORE-894 cc13x[2,2x7,4]_cc26x[2,x7,4]: IEEE 802.15.4 feature: Raise an interrupt on frame filtering done event
RFCORE-878 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M, Coded and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Release Candidate
RFCORE-900 cc13x4_cc26x4: PA Table Update - Release Candidate
RFCORE-902 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - PG2.0 Support - Preview
RFCORE-896 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 10/20 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M, Coded and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Release Candidate
RFCORE-897 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 14/20 dBm: Sub1GHz Proprietary Protocols - Release Candidate
RFCORE-883 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5 dBm: Sub1GHz Proprietary Protocols - Release Candidate
RFCORE-876 cc13x4_cc26x4: New Feature - IEEE 802.15.4: Dual PAN support

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
RFCORE-913 CC1352P, CC1352P7: PA Table Update - Fix wrong output power for frequencies smaller than 868MHz

Known Issues

ID Summary
None None

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release breaks compatibility with previous releases of RFLib in the following ways:


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.