SYS/BIOS  7.00
Data Fields
Clock_Struct Struct Reference

#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Clock.h>

Collaboration diagram for Clock_Struct:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

Queue_Elem objElem
uint32_t timeout
uint32_t currTimeout
uint32_t period
 Period of this instance (in clock ticks) More...
volatile bool active
Clock_FuncPtr fxn
uintptr_t arg
 Uninterpreted argument passed to instance function. More...
uint32_t timeoutTicks

Field Documentation

§ objElem

Queue_Elem Clock_Struct::objElem

§ timeout

uint32_t Clock_Struct::timeout

§ currTimeout

uint32_t Clock_Struct::currTimeout

§ period

uint32_t Clock_Struct::period

Period of this instance (in clock ticks)

This parameter is used to set the subsequent timeout interval (in Clock ticks) for periodic instances.

The default value of this parameter is 0, which indicates this is a one- shot Clock object.

A non zero value for this parameter specifies that the Clock object is to be called periodically, and also specifies the rate (in Clock ticks) that the Clock function will be called AFTER the initial 'timeout' argument period.

For one-shot Clock instances, this parameter must be set to zero.

§ active

volatile bool Clock_Struct::active

§ fxn

Clock_FuncPtr Clock_Struct::fxn

§ arg

uintptr_t Clock_Struct::arg

Uninterpreted argument passed to instance function.

The default is null.

§ timeoutTicks

uint32_t Clock_Struct::timeoutTicks

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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