SYS/BIOS  7.00
Data Fields
Clock_Module_State Struct Reference

#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Clock.h>

Collaboration diagram for Clock_Module_State:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

Queue_Object clockQ
volatile uint32_t ticks
unsigned int swiCount
Swi_Struct swiStruct
Swi_Handle swi
volatile unsigned int numTickSkip
uint32_t nextScheduledTick
uint32_t maxSkippable
bool inWorkFunc
volatile bool startDuringWorkFunc
bool ticking
Clock_TickMode tickMode
 Timer tick mode. More...
uint32_t tickPeriod
 Tick period specified in microseconds. More...
Clock_TickSource tickSource
 Source of clock ticks. More...
bool initDone
 Used to insure idem potency during startup. More...

Field Documentation

§ clockQ

Queue_Object Clock_Module_State::clockQ

§ ticks

volatile uint32_t Clock_Module_State::ticks

§ swiCount

unsigned int Clock_Module_State::swiCount

§ swiStruct

Swi_Struct Clock_Module_State::swiStruct

§ swi

Swi_Handle Clock_Module_State::swi

§ numTickSkip

volatile unsigned int Clock_Module_State::numTickSkip

§ nextScheduledTick

uint32_t Clock_Module_State::nextScheduledTick

§ maxSkippable

uint32_t Clock_Module_State::maxSkippable

§ inWorkFunc

bool Clock_Module_State::inWorkFunc

§ startDuringWorkFunc

volatile bool Clock_Module_State::startDuringWorkFunc

§ ticking

bool Clock_Module_State::ticking

§ tickMode

Clock_TickMode Clock_Module_State::tickMode

Timer tick mode.

This parameter specifies the tick mode to be used by the underlying Timer.

With TickMode_PERIODIC the timer will interrupt the CPU at a fixed rate, defined by the tickPeriod.

With TickMode_DYNAMIC the timer can be dynamically reprogrammed by Clock, to interrupt the CPU when the next tick is actually needed for a scheduled timeout. TickMode_DYNAMIC is not supported on all devices, and may have some application constraints.

§ tickPeriod

uint32_t Clock_Module_State::tickPeriod

Tick period specified in microseconds.

Default value is family dependent. For example, Linux systems often only support a minimum period of 10000 us and multiples of 10000 us. TI platforms have a default of 1000 us.

Like most other module configuration parameters, the Clock.tickPeriod config parameter value is accessible in runtime C code as "Clock_tickPeriod".

§ tickSource

Clock_TickSource Clock_Module_State::tickSource

Source of clock ticks.

If this parameter is not set to TickSource_TIMER, Clock_tickStart, Clock_tickStop, and Clock_tickReconfig, have no effect.

The default is TickSource_TIMER.

§ initDone

bool Clock_Module_State::initDone

Used to insure idem potency during startup.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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