Radio Software Bundle (rflib) Release Notes

Table of Contents


The Radio Software Bundle (RFLib) component for CC13x2 and CC26x2 consists of products that were previously hosted in different locations and distributed through TIDRIVERS, TIDRIVERS examples and DriverLib:


The following documentation is included in RFLib.


RF Patches

RF settings and patches for the cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7 and cc13x1_cc26x1 device families are in alpha state. They are not fully characterized and have only been tested in a limited manner. Support for certain settings and PHYs may be removed in the future.

Please consider this content for evaluation purposes only.

Library Naming

The location of the precompiled RF libraries has moved to match the same pattern as other components in the SDK.

The old pattern will be deprecated in the 4th quarter 2021 release. Please migrate to the new library format before then.

RF Sysconfig: Antenna Switch Hardware Changes

The antenna switch, available under “Use Hardware”, is required by P device boards (matching regex /CC....P/). However, it is not selected by default. Make sure this option is selected for correct RF performance. It must also be placed before any assignments related to the RF module for coex.

See snippet below to add correct hardware:

const RF = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/RF");
if (("board" in system.deviceData) && ("RF" in system.deviceData.board.components)) {
    RF.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.RF;

In the next release (3rd quarter 2021) the following changes are coming:

What’s New

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-433 Add library naming format to match other SDK components
RFDRIVER-528 [IEEE Coexistence] Add support for configuring IEEE 802.15.4/WiFi coexistence
RFCORE-455 [IEEE Coexistence] RF patch support for 802.15.4 coexistence
RFCORE-749 [IEEE Coexistence] Assert REQUEST signal on preamble detection during RX and keep REQUEST on expected RX ACK
RFCORE-763 cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7 - WiSUN. 300 kbps, h=0.5 (mode 5). RC settings release
RFCORE-773 cc13x1_cc26x1 - IEEE 15.4 (ZigBee) 2.4GHz 250Kbps - 5dBm - RC settings release
RFCORE-775 cc13x1_cc26x1 - BLE5 1M, 2M and Coded - 5dBm - RC settings release
SRFSTUDIO-3062 Wi-SUN mode #5 PHY support
SRFSTUDIO-3053 SYSCFG: Option Application Override File/Macro will create an offset symbol in exported code
SRFSTUDIO-3042 SYSCFG: Implement support for IEEE 802.15.4+ WiFi coexistence
SRFSTUDIO-3046 SYSCFG: Add SmartRF Studio version number to RadioConfig header file.

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-553 SYSCFG: Coex cannot be configured with antenna switch on P devices
RFDRIVER-501 Removed spinlocks when using RF temperature compensation on certain devices
RFDRIVER-552 RFDriver does not handle overlapping IEEE foreground commands when a background operation is in progress
RFDRIVER-546 RFLib library build uses wrong CPU option for IAR for CC13x1/26x1

Known Issues

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-554 SYSCFG: Antenna switch is not selected by default for P boards, resulting in 20dBm attenuation
RFDRIVER-518 RF powerup duration optimization doesn't occur if chain contains CMD_FS at head
RFDRIVER-557 RF Driver does not read available RAT channels from RFCore

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release breaks compatibility with previous releases of the CC13x2/CC26x2 RF driver in the following ways:


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.