Radio Software Bundle (rflib) Release Notes

Table of Contents


The Radio Software Bundle (RFLib) component for CC13x2 and CC26x2 consists of products that were previously hosted in different locations and distributed through TIDRIVERS, TIDRIVERS examples and DriverLib:


The following documentation is included in RFLib.


RF settings and patches for the cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7 and cc13x1_cc26x1 device families are in alpha state. They are not fully characterized and have only been tested in a limited manner. Support for certain settings and PHYs may be removed in the future.

Please consider this content for evaluation purposes only.

What’s New

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-307 Add support for loading rftrim values from FCFG1 on cc13x2_c26x1 devices
SRFSTUDIO-3010 SYSCFG: Radioconfig will replace empty (containing only 0xFFFFFFFF terminator) override arrays with NULL
SRFSTUDIO-2997 Release functional settings for cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7 devices
SRFSTUDIO-3012 Release preview radio settings for cc13x2_cc26x1 devices.
SRFSTUDIO-2993 SYSCFG: Rename LAUNCHXL-CC2652RB to LP_CC2652RB in radioconfig
SRFSTUDIO-2915 SYSCFG: Add device support for CC2672R3

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
RFCORE-699 Fixed issue where protocol ID was incorrect in IQ dump MCE patch
RFCORE-696 Fixed an issue with bit ordering feature for IEEE 802.15.4g did not work with repeated mode
SRFSTUDIO-2940 SYSCFG: Fixed an issue where changing RF Design Front-end for 2.4 GHz option caused build errors
SRFSTUDIO-3003 SYSCFG: Fixed issue where PHY type was not preserved when changing frequency band
SRFSTUDIO-2751 SYSCFG: Fixed an issue where TX power would not be preserved when changing boards
SRFSTUDIO-3006 Mismatch in CMD_BLE5_SCANNER parameter struct

Known Issues

ID Summary
None None

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release breaks compatibility with previous releases of the CC13x2/CC26x2 RF driver in the following ways:


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.