Radio Software Bundle (rflib) Release Notes

Table of Contents


The Radio Software Bundle (RFLib) component for CC13x2 and CC26x2 consists of products that were previously hosted in different locations and distributed through TIDRIVERS, TIDRIVERS examples and DriverLib:


The following documentation is included in RFLib.

What’s New

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-306 Add support for DMM Block Mode by allowing scheduler executionHook to reject imminent command
RFDRIVER-349 SYSCFG: Do not pull GRANT signal after CoEx feature initialized
RFDRIVER-359 SYSCFG: Configurable priority indication time (T2) for CoEx
SRFSTUDIO-2688 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 WiSUN PHY settings (modes 1a, 2a, 2b)
SRFSTUDIO-2704 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 WBDSSS 480 ksps, 240 kbps
SRFSTUDIO-2705 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 WBDSSS 480 ksps, 120 kbps
SRFSTUDIO-2706 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 WBDSSS 480 ksps, 60 kbps
SRFSTUDIO-2707 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 WBDSSS 480 ksps, 30 kbps
SRFSTUDIO-2703 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 WiSUN PHY settings (mode 4b)
SRFSTUDIO-2718 SYSCFG: Add CC2642 wBMS PHY setting
SRFSTUDIO-2712 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 OOK 4.8 kbps, 433 MHz PHY definition
SRFSTUDIO-2714 SYSCFG: Add PHY settings designed for TCXO usage on CC1312LP
SRFSTUDIO-2717 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 OOK 4.8 kbps, 915 MHz PHY definition
SRFSTUDIO-2713 SYSCFG: Add CC13x2 OOK 4.8 kbps, 868 MHz PHY definition

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-389 SYSCFG: Fix antenna pin selection for CC1352P-2 20dBm power after changing from Sub1G to 2.4G PHY
RFCORE-517 Fix IEEE CSMA command hitting assertion in slotted mode in some cases after unslotted CSMA
RFCORE-587 CoEx: TX-entry status field not reset to ACTIVE(1) if abort during transmission
SRFSTUDIO-2747 SYSCFG: Updated CC13x2 PA table @ 433 MHz with values from characterization
SRFSTUDIO-2727 SYSCFG: Missing standard TX Power override for IEEE 802.15.4 setting for 10 dBm
SRFSTUDIO-2626 SYSCFG & Code Export: BLE command params not generated for some BLE5 commands

Known Issues

ID Summary
None None

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

This release breaks compatibility with previous releases of the CC13x2/CC26x2 RF driver in the following ways:


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.