TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Variables
oad_image_header.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Structure definition for image header and segments, these are prepended to the over the air images.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  eccSignature_t


#define BIM_VER   0x3
#define BIM_VER_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.bimVer)
#define BOUNDARY_SEG_LEN   0x18
 Length of the boundary segment.
#define BOUNDARY_SEG_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.segTypeBd)
#define COPY_DONE   0xFC
#define CRC_INVALID   0xFC
#define CRC_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.crc32)
#define CRC_STAT_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.crcStat)
#define CRC_VALID   0xFE
#define DEFAULT_STATE   0xFF
#define ECDSA_KEY_LEN   32
 Length of the ECDSA security key.
 space for six buffers finalHash, reverseHash, pubkeyX, pubKeyY, sign1, sign2
#define HDR_LEN_WITH_SECURITY_INFO   offsetof(imgHdr_t, secInfoSeg.segTypeSecure) + sizeof(securityInfoSeg_t)
#define IMG_BOUNDARY_SEG_ID   0x00
#define IMG_COPY_STAT_OFFSET   IMG_INFO_OFFSET /* Image copy status */
#define IMG_INFO_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.imgCpStat)
#define IMG_NONCOUNT_SEG_ID   0x02
#define IMG_PAYLOAD_SEG_ID   0x01
#define IMG_SECURITY_SEG_ID   0x03
#define IMG_START_ADDR_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, imgPayload.startAddr)
#define IMG_TYPE_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.imgType)
#define IMG_VALIDATION_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, fixedHdr.imgVld)
#define META_VER   0x1
#define NEED_COPY   0xFE
#define OAD_EXTFL_ID_VAL   {'O', 'A', 'D', ' ', 'N', 'V', 'M', '1'}
#define OAD_IMG_FULL_HDR_LEN   sizeof(imgHdr_t)
 The length of the OAD Header + Segments.
#define OAD_IMG_HDR_LEN   sizeof(imgFixedHdr_t)
#define OAD_IMG_ID_LEN   8
 OAD image identification bytes length. More...
#define OAD_IMG_ID_LEN   8
 OAD image identification bytes length. More...
#define OAD_IMG_TYPE_APP   1
#define OAD_IMG_TYPE_BIM   6
#define OAD_IMG_TYPE_NP   4
#define OAD_IMG_TYPE_RSVD_END   255
#define OAD_IMG_TYPE_STACK   2
#define OAD_SW_VER_LEN   4
 OAD software version length in bytes. More...
#define OAD_SW_VER_LEN   4
 OAD software version length in bytes. More...
#define SEC_VERIF_STAT_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, secInfoSeg.verifStat)
#define SECURITY_SEG_LEN   0x55
 Length of the security segment.
#define SECURITY_VER   0x1
#define SEG_HDR_LEN   12
#define SEG_LEN_OFFSET   4
#define SEG_LEN_OFFSET   4 /* Offset from seg header to seg len */
#define SEG_SIGERINFO_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, secInfoSeg.secSignerInfo)
#define SEG_SIGNR_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, secInfoSeg.eccSign.sign_r)
#define SEG_SIGNS_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, secInfoSeg.eccSign.sign_s)
#define SIG_OFFSET   offsetof(imgHdr_t, secInfoSeg.eccSign.sign_r)
 Offset from the start of security seg to sig.
#define SIGN_FN_PTR   0x57fa0
 Pointer to BIM Function.
#define VERIFY_FAIL   0xFC
#define VERIFY_PASS   0xFE


typedef uint8_t(* bimSignFnPtr_t) (uint8_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, ecdsaSigVerifyBuf_t *)
 OAD Image Pointer to BIM Function. More...


uint32_t _sign_fnPtr
 Variable for Pointer to BIM Function.
uint8_t bimVer
 BIM version.
uint32_t boundarySegLen
 Boundary segment length.
uint32_t crc32
 Image's 32-bit CRC value.
uint8_t crcStat
 CRC status.
eccSignature_t eccSign
 Security signature */.
uint16_t hdrLen
 Total length of the image header.
uint8_t imgCpStat
 Image copy status.
uint32_t imgEndAddr
 Address of the last byte of a contiguous image.
uint8_t imgNo
 Image number of 'image type'.
imgPayloadSeg_t imgPayload
 Required contiguous image segment.
uint32_t imgSegLen
 Payload segment length.
uint8_t imgType
 Image Type.
uint32_t imgVld
 Image validation bytes, used by BIM.
uint32_t len
 Image length in bytes.
uint8_t metaVer
 Metadata version.
uint32_t prgEntry
 Program entry address.
uint32_t ram0EndAddr
 RAM entry end address.
uint32_t ram0StartAddr
 RAM entry start address.
uint16_t rfu
 Reserved bytes. More...
uint32_t secSegLen
 Payload segment length.
uint8_t secSignerInfo [8]
 Security signer info */.
uint32_t secTimestamp
 Security timestamp */.
uint8_t secVer
 Security version */.
uint8_t * SHADataBuf
 this buff is used for reading data for calculating SHA2 hash, length depends on available RAM of calling application */
uint8_t SHADataBufLen
 length of allocate SHA data buffer
uint8_t * SHAWorkzone
 SHA workzone buffer should be of size(SHA256_memory_t) bytes.
uint8_t softVer [4]
 Software version of the image.
uint32_t stackEntryAddr
 Stack start address.
uint32_t stackStartAddr
 Start address of stack image on internal flash.
uint32_t startAddr
 Start address of image on internal flash.
uint16_t techType
 Wireless protocol type BLE/TI-MAC/ZIGBEE etc.
uint8_t * tempWorkzone
 Should be size 6*ECDSA_KEY_LEN bytes.
 User-defined Image Identification bytes. More...
uint8_t verifStat
 Verification status.
uint16_t wirelessTech
 Wireless technology type.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BIM_VER   0x3

Version of BIM this image is intended to work with

This is not intended to be changed


#define COPY_DONE   0xFC

FlagimgCpStat indicating the image is already copied


#define CRC_INVALID   0xFC

Flag for crcStat indicating the CRC of the image is invalid


#define CRC_VALID   0xFE

Flag for crcStat indicating the CRC of the image is valid



An invalid address as shown by unprogrammed flash.


#define DEFAULT_STATE   0xFF

Default state of unprogrammed flash in an image header field



Length of image external flash image header



An invalid address as shown by unprogrammed flash



An invalid length as shown by unprogrammed flash.


#define META_VER   0x1

Version of metadata that defined this image header

This is not intended to be changed


#define NEED_COPY   0xFE

FlagimgCpStat indicating the image should be copied


#define SECURITY_VER   0x1

Version of metadata that defined this image header

This is not intended to be changed


#define VERIFY_FAIL   0xFC

Flagimg verification status indicating the failed sign verification


#define VERIFY_PASS   0xFE

Flagimg verification status indicating the successful sign verification

Typedef Documentation

§ bimSignFnPtr_t

typedef uint8_t(* bimSignFnPtr_t) (uint8_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, ecdsaSigVerifyBuf_t *)

OAD Image Pointer to BIM Function.

Function typdef for bim_payloadVerify() fxn defined in bim_main.c

Variable Documentation

§ rfu

uint8_t rfu

Reserved bytes.

Reserved byte.


Initial value:
uint8_t imgID[8]

User-defined Image Identification bytes.

Should be of length ECCROMCC26XX_NIST_P256_WORKZONE_SIGN_VERIFY_LEN_IN_BYTES*sizeof(uint32_t) bytes.

Required core image header.

Segment type - for Secuirty info payload.

Segment type - for boundary segment.

Segment type - for Contiguous image payload.

OAD Core image header structure definition

This header is required to be part of all OAD images

OAD continuous image payload segment

This segment is used to describe a contiguous region of an image The code data in this blob will be flashed to sequential addresses

OAD boundary segment

This segment is used to describe the RAM and Flash boundaries in a split image system.

This segment is optional and not required if app and stack are linked together as one image.

OAD Image Header

This structure represents the complete header to be prepended to an OAD image

It is an amalgamation of the structures defined above, and must contain a core header

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