TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Variables
ICall Data Structures

Data Structures

struct  _icall_alloc_args_t
 ICall_allocMsg or ICall_malloc arguments More...
struct  _icall_create_semaphore_args_t
 ICall_createSemaphore argument More...
struct  _icall_create_task_args_t
 ICall_createTask argument More...
struct  _icall_enroll_service_args_t
 ICall_enrollService arguments More...
struct  _icall_entity2service_args_t
 ICall_entityId2ServiceId arguments More...
struct  _icall_fetch_msg_args_t
 ICall_fetchServiceMsg and ICall_fetchMsg arguments More...
struct  _icall_free_args_t
 ICall_freeMsg or ICall_free arguments More...
struct  _icall_func_args_hdr_t
 Common service function arguments. More...
struct  _icall_get_entity_id_args_t
 ICall_getEntityId arguments More...
struct  _icall_get_local_msg_entity_id_args_t
 ICall_getLocalMsgEntityId arguments More...
struct  _icall_getbool_args_t
 ICall_pwrIsStableXOSCHF arguments More...
struct  _icall_getuint32_args_t
 ICall_getTicks , ICall_getTickPeriod and ICall_getMaxMSecs arguments More...
struct  _icall_intnum_args_t
 ICall_enableInt and ICall_disableInt arguments More...
struct  _ICall_LiteCmdStatus_
 ICall Lite Command Status. More...
struct  _icall_post_semaphore_args_t
 ICall_postSemaphore argument More...
struct  _icall_pwr_bitmap_args_t
 ICall_pwrConfigActivityCounterAction , ICall_pwrRequire and ICall_pwrDispense arguments. More...
struct  _icall_pwr_get_transition_state_args_t
 ICall_pwrGetTransitionState arguments More...
struct  _icall_pwr_get_xosc_startup_time_args_t
 ICall_pwrGetXOSCStartupTime arguments More...
struct  _icall_pwr_notify_data_t
 Power state transition notify function data object type. More...
struct  _icall_pwr_register_notify_args_t
 ICall_pwrRegisterNotify arguments More...
struct  _icall_pwr_upd_activity_counter_args_t
 ICall_pwrUpdActivityCounter arguments More...
struct  _icall_register_app_args_t
 ICall_registerApp arguments More...
struct  _icall_register_isr_args_ext_t
 ICall_registerISR_Ext arguments. More...
struct  _icall_register_isr_args_t
 ICall_registerISR arguments More...
struct  _icall_remote_task_arg_t
 Data type of the first argument passed to the entry point of an image which contains a remote task. More...
struct  _icall_send_args_t
 ICall_sendServiceMsg and ICall_send arguments More...
struct  _icall_set_timer_args_t
 ICall_setTimer arguments More...
struct  _icall_signal_args_t
 ICall_signal arguments More...
struct  _icall_signal_events_args_t
 ICall_signal arguments More...
struct  _icall_stop_timer_args_t
 ICall_stopTimer arguments More...
struct  _icall_thread_serves_args_t
 ICall_threadServes argument More...
struct  _icall_wait_args_t
 ICall_wait arguments More...
struct  _icall_wait_match_args_t
 ICall_waitMatch arguments More...
struct  _icall_wait_semaphore_args_t
 ICall_waitSemaphore argument More...


typedef struct _icall_alloc_args_t ICall_AllocArgs
 ICall_allocMsg or ICall_malloc arguments
typedef struct _icall_create_semaphore_args_t ICall_CreateSemaphoreArgs
 ICall_createSemaphore argument
typedef struct _icall_create_task_args_t ICall_CreateTaskArgs
 ICall_createTask argument
typedef uint_least32_t ICall_CSState
 Critical section state data type.
typedef ICall_Errno(* ICall_Dispatcher) (ICall_FuncArgsHdr *args)
 Call dispatcher function pointer type. More...
typedef struct _icall_enroll_service_args_t ICall_EnrollServiceArgs
 ICall_enrollService arguments
typedef ICall_CSState(* ICall_EnterCS) (void)
 Critical section entry function pointer type. More...
typedef uint_least8_t ICall_EntityID
 Entity id data type.
typedef struct _icall_entity2service_args_t ICall_EntityId2ServiceIdArgs
 ICall_entityId2ServiceId arguments
typedef int_fast16_t ICall_Errno
 Error code data type.
typedef void * ICall_Event
 Event data type.
typedef struct _icall_fetch_msg_args_t ICall_FetchMsgArgs
 ICall_fetchServiceMsg and ICall_fetchMsg arguments
typedef struct _icall_free_args_t ICall_FreeArgs
 ICall_freeMsg or ICall_free arguments
typedef struct _icall_func_args_hdr_t ICall_FuncArgsHdr
 Common service function arguments.
typedef uint_least16_t ICall_FuncID
 Function id data type.
typedef struct _icall_getbool_args_t ICall_GetBoolArgs
 ICall_pwrIsStableXOSCHF arguments
typedef struct _icall_get_entity_id_args_t ICall_GetEntityIdArgs
 ICall_getEntityId arguments
typedef struct _icall_get_local_msg_entity_id_args_t ICall_GetLocalMsgEntityIdArgs
 ICall_getLocalMsgEntityId arguments
typedef struct _icall_getuint32_args_t ICall_GetUint32Args
 ICall_getTicks , ICall_getTickPeriod and ICall_getMaxMSecs arguments
typedef struct _icall_intnum_args_t ICall_IntNumArgs
 ICall_enableInt and ICall_disableInt arguments
typedef void(* ICall_LeaveCS) (ICall_CSState key)
 Critical section exit function pointer type. More...
typedef uint_least32_t icall_lite_id_t
 ICall Lite ID.
typedef struct _ICall_LiteCmdStatus_ ICall_LiteCmdStatus
 ICall Lite Command Status.
typedef uint_least8_t ICall_MSGFormat
 Message conversion format data type.
typedef bool(* ICall_MsgMatchFn) (ICall_ServiceEnum src, ICall_EntityID dest, const void *msg)
 Prototype of a function used to compare a received message for a match. More...
typedef struct _icall_post_semaphore_args_t ICall_PostSemaphoreArgs
 ICall_postSemaphore argument
typedef uint_fast32_t ICall_PwrBitmap_t
 Power control bitmap type.
typedef struct _icall_pwr_bitmap_args_t ICall_PwrBitmapArgs
 ICall_pwrConfigActivityCounterAction , ICall_pwrRequire and ICall_pwrDispense arguments.
typedef struct _icall_pwr_get_transition_state_args_t ICall_PwrGetTransitionStateArgs
 ICall_pwrGetTransitionState arguments
typedef struct _icall_pwr_get_xosc_startup_time_args_t ICall_PwrGetXOSCStartupTimeArgs
 ICall_pwrGetXOSCStartupTime arguments
typedef struct _icall_pwr_notify_data_t ICall_PwrNotifyData
 Power state transition notify function data object type.
typedef void(* ICall_PwrNotifyFn) (ICall_PwrTransition pwrTrans, struct _icall_pwr_notify_data_t *obj)
typedef struct _icall_pwr_register_notify_args_t ICall_PwrRegisterNotifyArgs
 ICall_pwrRegisterNotify arguments
typedef uint_fast8_t ICall_PwrTransition
 Power state transition type of the following values: More...
typedef struct _icall_pwr_upd_activity_counter_args_t ICall_PwrUpdActivityCounterArgs
 ICall_pwrUpdActivityCounter arguments
typedef struct _icall_register_app_args_t ICall_RegisterAppArgs
 ICall_registerApp arguments
typedef struct _icall_register_isr_args_t ICall_RegisterISRArgs
 ICall_registerISR arguments
typedef struct _icall_register_isr_args_ext_t ICall_RegisterISRArgs_Ext
 ICall_registerISR_Ext arguments.
typedef struct _icall_remote_task_arg_t ICall_RemoteTaskArg
 Data type of the first argument passed to the entry point of an image which contains a remote task.
typedef void(* ICall_RemoteTaskEntry) (const ICall_RemoteTaskArg *arg0, void *arg1)
 Service entry function prototype. More...
typedef void * ICall_Semaphore
 Semaphore used for ICall.
typedef struct _icall_send_args_t ICall_SendArgs
 ICall_sendServiceMsg and ICall_send arguments
typedef uint_least16_t ICall_ServiceEnum
 Service enumeration data type.
typedef ICall_Errno(* ICall_ServiceFunc) (ICall_FuncArgsHdr *args)
 Call dispatcher service handler function pointer type. More...
typedef struct _icall_set_timer_args_t ICall_SetTimerArgs
 ICall_setTimer arguments
typedef struct _icall_signal_args_t ICall_SignalArgs
 ICall_signal arguments
typedef struct _icall_signal_events_args_t ICall_SignalEventsArgs
 ICall_signal arguments
typedef struct _icall_stop_timer_args_t ICall_StopTimerArgs
 ICall_stopTimer arguments
typedef void * ICall_SyncHandle
 Synchronization object data type.
typedef void * ICall_TaskHandle
 Synchronization object data type.
typedef struct _icall_thread_serves_args_t ICall_ThreadServesArgs
 ICall_threadServes argument
typedef void(* ICall_TimerCback) (void *arg)
 Prototype of a callback function for timer. More...
typedef void * ICall_TimerID
 Timer id data type.
typedef struct _icall_wait_args_t ICall_WaitArgs
 ICall_wait arguments
typedef struct _icall_wait_match_args_t ICall_WaitMatchArgs
 ICall_waitMatch arguments
typedef struct _icall_wait_semaphore_args_t ICall_WaitSemaphoreArgs
 ICall_waitSemaphore argument


enum  ICall_RemotiCmdEvent_t {
 RemoTI RNP and Remote Icall Messaging Interface Enumeration. More...


ICall_Dispatcher ICall_dispatcher
 Call dispatcher pointer of the current image.
ICall_EnterCS ICall_enterCriticalSection
 Enter critical section function pointer of the current image.
ICall_LeaveCS ICall_leaveCriticalSection
 Leave critical section function pointer of the current image.
uint_least8_t ICall_resetReason
 Special global variable to set the reset reason by the boot code, before ICall is initialized, so that ICall can serve "get reset reason" function.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

§ ICall_Dispatcher

typedef ICall_Errno(* ICall_Dispatcher) (ICall_FuncArgsHdr *args)

Call dispatcher function pointer type.

error code

§ ICall_EnterCS

typedef ICall_CSState(* ICall_EnterCS) (void)

Critical section entry function pointer type.

critical section state before entry.

§ ICall_LeaveCS

typedef void(* ICall_LeaveCS) (ICall_CSState key)

Critical section exit function pointer type.

criticalsection state returned from ICall_EnterCS type function matching to this exit.

§ ICall_MsgMatchFn

typedef bool(* ICall_MsgMatchFn) (ICall_ServiceEnum src, ICall_EntityID dest, const void *msg)

Prototype of a function used to compare a received message for a match.

srcoriginator of the message as a service enumeration
destdestination entity id of the message
msgpointer to the message body
TRUE when the message matches. FALSE, otherwise.

§ ICall_PwrNotifyFn

typedef void(* ICall_PwrNotifyFn) (ICall_PwrTransition pwrTrans, struct _icall_pwr_notify_data_t *obj)

Power state transition notify function type

pwrTranspower transition.
The values are defined as per platform. For example, see ICallCC26xxDefs.h.
objpointer data object to identify the client. Note that the pointer must not be NULL.

§ ICall_PwrTransition

typedef uint_fast8_t ICall_PwrTransition

§ ICall_RemoteTaskEntry

typedef void(* ICall_RemoteTaskEntry) (const ICall_RemoteTaskArg *arg0, void *arg1)

Service entry function prototype.

Multiple services must be enrolled from a single function call per downloadable stack image. All enrolled services shall be running from the same thread.
arg0argument containing remote dispatch function pointers
arg1custom initialization parameter

§ ICall_ServiceFunc

typedef ICall_Errno(* ICall_ServiceFunc) (ICall_FuncArgsHdr *args)

Call dispatcher service handler function pointer type.

error code

§ ICall_TimerCback

typedef void(* ICall_TimerCback) (void *arg)

Prototype of a callback function for timer.

argargument passed through ICall_setTimer

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ ICall_RemotiCmdEvent_t

RemoTI RNP and Remote Icall Messaging Interface Enumeration.


Event for app RTI->stack RC App.


Event for stack->app RC App.


Event for app RTI->stack RTI module.


Event for stack RTI->app RTI module.


ASYNC message from RNP app->stack.


SYNC message from RNP app -> stack.

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