TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Modules | Files | Functions
Gap Advertiser

This module implements the Host Advertiser. More...


 GapAdv Callbacks
 GapAdv Constants
 GapAdv Events
 GapAdv Params
 GapAdv Structures


file  gap_advertiser.h
 GAP Advertiser layer interface.


bStatus_t GapAdv_abortLoad (void)
bStatus_t GapAdv_create (pfnGapCB_t *cb, GapAdv_params_t *advParam, uint8 *advHandle)
bStatus_t GapAdv_destroy (uint8 handle, GapAdv_freeBufferOptions_t freeOptions)
bStatus_t GapAdv_disable (uint8 handle)
 Disable an active advertising set. More...
bStatus_t GapAdv_enable (uint8 handle, GapAdv_enableOptions_t enableOptions, uint16 durationOrMaxEvents)
bStatus_t GapAdv_getBuffer (uint8 handle, GapAdv_dataTypes_t dataType, uint16 *pLen, uint8 **ppBuf)
bStatus_t GapAdv_getParam (uint8 handle, GapAdv_ParamId_t paramID, void *pValue, uint8_t *pLen)
bStatus_t GapAdv_loadByBuffer (uint16 len, uint8 *pBuf)
bStatus_t GapAdv_loadByHandle (uint8 handle, GapAdv_dataTypes_t dataType, uint16 len, uint8 *pBuf)
bStatus_t GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer (uint8 *pBuf, bool freeOldData)
bStatus_t GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle (uint8 handle, GapAdv_freeBufferOptions_t freeOptions)
bStatus_t GapAdv_setEventMask (uint8 handle, GapAdv_eventMaskFlags_t mask)
bStatus_t GapAdv_setParam (uint8 handle, GapAdv_ParamId_t paramID, void *pValue)

Detailed Description

This module implements the Host Advertiser.

Function Documentation

§ GapAdv_abortLoad()

bStatus_t GapAdv_abortLoad ( void  )

Abort an advertising load operation.

Can be used to abort a prepare or prepare / load operation after a call to GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle or GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer.


§ GapAdv_create()

bStatus_t GapAdv_create ( pfnGapCB_t cb,
GapAdv_params_t advParam,
uint8 *  advHandle 

Create an advertising set.

This will allocate all required memory for the advertising set except for the advertising data. A pointer to a structure of advertising parameters (GapAdv_params_t) must be passed with advParam. This will be copied to the newly allocated memory for the advertising set and can then be freed if desired. Parameters can be changed individually later with GapAdv_setParam

It is required to pass a callback into this function in order to receive advertising events. The various events that are passed into this callback can be disabled / enabled with GapAdv_setEventMask
cbFunction pointer to a callback for this advertising set
advParampointer to structure of adversing parameters
advHandleOutput parameter to return the created advertising handle
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or an update / prepare is in process
bleInvalidRange : the callback function was NULL
bleNoResources : there are no available advertising handles
bleMemAllocError : there is not enough memory to allocate the advertising set

§ GapAdv_destroy()

bStatus_t GapAdv_destroy ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_freeBufferOptions_t  freeOptions 

Delete an advertising set.

This will first disable advertising then free all of the memory that was allocated for the advertising set from GapAdv_create. It will also attempt to free the advertising / scan response data based on freeOptions.

The advertising / scan response data can only be freed if the respective buffer is not used elsewhere by another advertising set.
handleHandle of advertising set to destroy
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or an update / prepare is in process
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
bleGAPBufferInUse : can't free since this buffer is used elsewhere

§ GapAdv_disable()

bStatus_t GapAdv_disable ( uint8  handle)

Disable an active advertising set.

The set still exists and can be re-enabled with GapAdv_enable .

Corresponding Events:
@ref GAP_EVT_ADV_END_AFTER_DISABLE after advertising is disabled
handleHandle of advertising set to disable
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or an update / prepare is in process
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode : advertising set is not currently advertising

§ GapAdv_enable()

bStatus_t GapAdv_enable ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_enableOptions_t  enableOptions,
uint16  durationOrMaxEvents 

Enable Advertising.

This will attempt to enable advertising for a set identified by the handle. The advertising set must first be created with GapAdv_create.

Corresponding Events:
GAP_EVT_ADV_START_AFTER_ENABLE after advertising is enabled
GAP_EVT_ADV_START after each advertising set starts
GAP_EVT_ADV_END after each advertising set ends
GAP_EVT_SCAN_REQ_RECEIVED after received scan requests
handleHandle of advertising set to enable
enableOptionswhether to advertise for the max possible time, for a user-specified duration, or for a user-specified number of advertising events
durationOrMaxEventsIf enableOptions is set to GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_DURATION, this is the time (in 10 ms ticks) to advertise before stopping where the range is 10 ms - 655,540 ms
If enableOptions is set to GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX_EVENTS, this is the maximum number of advertisements to send before stopping, where the range is 1-256
If enableOptions is set to GAP_ADV_ENABLE_OPTIONS_USE_MAX, this parameter is not used
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or an update / prepare is in process
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
bleNotReady : the advertising set has not yet been loaded with advertising data
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode : device is already advertising

§ GapAdv_getBuffer()

bStatus_t GapAdv_getBuffer ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_dataTypes_t  dataType,
uint16 *  pLen,
uint8 **  ppBuf 

Find the address of the advertising or scan response data that an advertising set is using.

The ppBuf parameter is a pointer-to-a-pointer so the address to a pointer must be passed in.
handleHandle of advertising set to search.
pLenoutput parameter to return length of data
ppBufoutput parameter to return pointer to data
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role
bleInvalidRange : dataType out of range
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist

§ GapAdv_getParam()

bStatus_t GapAdv_getParam ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_ParamId_t  paramID,
void *  pValue,
uint8_t *  pLen 

Get a parameter for an advertising set.

The data that the return pointer ( pValue) points to should be cast to a type based on the paramID . See the respective parameter in GapAdv_ParamId_t for the type to cast pValue to
handleHandle of advertising set to modify
paramIDparameter to read. See GapAdv_ParamId_t
pValuereturn pointer
pLenoutput parameter to return the length of the parameter. This is an optional return parameter. If the caller does not care about this, it can pass in NULL.
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role
bleInvalidRange : paramID out of range
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist

§ GapAdv_loadByBuffer()

bStatus_t GapAdv_loadByBuffer ( uint16  len,
uint8 *  pBuf 

Used in conjunction with GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer to update advertising / scan response buffers.

This function is called after GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer. It will search through all advertising sets and update any advertising data / scan response buffers that were marked as used by GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer. It will also re-enabling any advertising sets that were disabled by GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer.

Since this function accepts any pointer, it is possible to pass in a new buffer or re-use the original buffer (assuming it wasn't freed with GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer). It is also possible to modify the length of the original buffer (assuming the buffer / length still point to valid memory).

The prepare / load operation must be run to completion before another prepare operation, an advertising disable, enable, create, or destroy can begin. It is possible to abort the prepare / load with GapAdv_abortLoad
It is the application's responsibility to ensure that it is passing a len / pBuf to valid memory.
lenlength of buffer to load
pBufpointer to buffer to load
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer has not been called first

§ GapAdv_loadByHandle()

bStatus_t GapAdv_loadByHandle ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_dataTypes_t  dataType,
uint16  len,
uint8 *  pBuf 

Load advertising / scan response data to an advertising set.

The first use for this function is to load a new advertising / scan response buffer to the advertising set initially after the set has been created with GapAdv_create.

A second use for this function is in conjunction with GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle in order to prevent double-copying of data when updating the advertising / scan response data for a single handle. Also, advertising will be automatically re-enabled by the host if it was disabled during GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle. This will result in the application receiving the GAP_EVT_ADV_START_AFTER_ENABLE event.

Since this function accepts any pointer, it is possible to pass in a new buffer or re-use the original buffer (assuming it wasn't freed with GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle). It is also possible to modify the length of the original buffer (assuming the buffer / length still point to valid memory).

The prepare / load operation must run to completion before another prepare operation or advertising disable, enable, create, or destroy. It is possible to abort the prepare / load with GapAdv_abortLoad.
It is the application's responsibility to ensure that it is passing a len / pBuf to valid memory.
Corresponding Events
handleHandle of advertising to (re)load advertising / scan response data
dataTypesee GapAdv_dataTypes_t
lenLength of new data
pBufpointer to new data
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle has not been called first
bleInvalidRange : dataType out of range or len is too large
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
bleGAPBufferInUse : can't free because this buffer is used elsewhere

§ GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer()

bStatus_t GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer ( uint8 *  pBuf,
bool  freeOldData 

Used in conjunction with GapAdv_loadByBuffer to update an advertising / scan response buffer that is used by multiple advertising handles.

This function must be used in the following cases:

  1. It is desired to update the contents of a data buffer that is currently being used by multiple advertising sets
  2. It is desired to load a new buffer to multiple advertising sets without double-copying

This function is called first to search through all active advertising sets. If the advertising or scan response data of an advertising set matches the input buffer, this data will be marked as used. If the advertising set is currently advertising, it will be disabled and marked for re-enabling. This re-enabling will occur when GapAdv_loadByBuffer is called.

For case 1, the buffer can be updated as desired after this function returns successfully, then reloaded with GapAdv_loadByBuffer

For case 2, in order to prevent double-copying, the data that was being used by the advertising sets should be freed before calling GapAdv_loadByBuffer. It is recommended that this is done by setting the freeOldData of GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer. The new buffer can then be loaded with GapAdv_loadByBuffer

The prepare / load operation must run to completion before another prepare operation, an advertising disable, enable, create, or destroy can begin. It is possible to abort the prepare / load with GapAdv_abortLoad.
pBufpointer to buffer to prepare
freeOldDatawhether or not free the old pointer
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or there is already an ongoing prepare or prepare / load
bleGAPNotFound : no advertising sets are using this buffer

§ GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle()

bStatus_t GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_freeBufferOptions_t  freeOptions 

Prepares advertising for a given handle and optionally frees the old data that was being used for advertisement / scan response data.

This function must be used in the following cases:

  1. It is desired to update the contents of a data buffer that is currently being used for an enabled advertising handle
  2. It is desired to load a new buffer to an advertising handle

This function is used in conjunction with GapAdv_loadByHandle to support either of the cases stated above. This function is called first before GapAdv_loadByHandle and will disable advertising on the handle if it is currently enabled. This will result in the GAP_EVT_ADV_END_AFTER_DISABLE being sent

For case 1, the buffer can be updated as desired after this function returns successfully, then reloaded with GapAdv_loadByHandle

For case 2, in order to prevent double-copying, the data that was being used by the advertising set should be freed before calling GapAdv_loadByHandle. It is recommended that this is done by setting the freeOptions of GapAdv_prepareLoadByHandle . This will prompt the host to search through other advertising sets to ensure that the data buffer is not being used elsewhere. If the data is being used elsewhere, the free will not occur and bleGAPBufferInUse will be returned. In this case, there are now two options to update this advertising data.

  1. If it is desired to only update this handle, the only way to do this is to: destroy this handle with GapAdv_destroy, recreate this handle with GapAdv_create, and load it using GapAdv_loadByHandle
  2. Update the buffer (which will affect all handles using this buffer) using GapAdv_prepareLoadByBuffer and GapAdv_loadByBuffer

Both of these options require first aborting this prepare operation with GapAdv_abortLoad

It is not possible to free the advertising data and the scan response at the same time. A prepare / load operation must run to completion before performing another prepare operation, an advertising disable, enable, create or destroy. It is possible to abort the prepare / load with GapAdv_abortLoad .
Corresponding events
handleHandle of advertising set to prepare
freeOptionsWhether to free the original buffer and, if so, whether it is advertising data or scan response data
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role or there is already an ongoing prepare or prepare / load
bleInvalidRange : freeOptions out of range
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode : advertising set is not currently advertising
bleGAPBufferInUse : can't free because this buffer is used elsewhere

§ GapAdv_setEventMask()

bStatus_t GapAdv_setEventMask ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_eventMaskFlags_t  mask 

Set the per-advertising set event mask to select which events are sent

A value of 1 enables the event and a value of 0 disables the event

handlehandle of advertising set to mask events for
maskA bitfield to enable / disable events returned to the per-advertising set callback function (pfnGapCB_t ). See GapAdv_eventMaskFlags_t
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role
bleInvalidRange : invalid event mask
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
bleNotReady : advertising needs to be disabled

§ GapAdv_setParam()

bStatus_t GapAdv_setParam ( uint8  handle,
GapAdv_ParamId_t  paramID,
void *  pValue 

Set a parameter for an advertising set.

The input pointer (pValue) should point to a type based on the paramID. See the respective parameter in GapAdv_ParamId_t for the type to pass in as pValue

Advertising must be disabled in order to update a parameter.
handleHandle of advertising set to modify
paramIDparameter to update. See GapAdv_ParamId_t
pValueinput pointer
bleIncorrectMode : incorrect profile role
bleInvalidRange : paramID out of range
bleGAPNotFound : advertising set does not exist
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