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LCDDogm1286.h File Reference

Detailed Description

LCD driver implementation for a DOGM128W-6 LCD display.


Driver include

The LCD header file should be included in an application as follows:

#include <ti/mw/lcd/LCDDogm1286.h>


This LCD driver implementation is designed to operate on a DOGM128W-6 LCD display. This display is the one used on the SmartRF06 EB (Evaluation Board). The LCD display can be written to by first writing the data to display to an internal buffer, and then sending the buffer content to the LCD display. The LCD driver will make use of the SPI driver for updating the display. The driver contains different functions for both modifying the internal buffer and for updating the display with the buffer content.

The DOGM128W-6 LCD display contains 128 pixel columns and 64 pixel rows. The (x,y) coordinate system is as described below:

*       X ----->
*   Y   +---------------------------------------------+
*   |   |(0,0)              PAGE 0             (127,0)|
*   |   |                   PAGE 1                    |
*   v   |                   PAGE 2                    |
*       |                   PAGE 3                    |
*       |                   PAGE 4                    |
*       |                   PAGE 5                    |
*       |                   PAGE 6                    |
*       |(0,63)             PAGE 7            (127,63)|
*       +---------------------------------------------+

This LCD driver uses a 5x7 font, thus each character takes up 5 pixels width and 7 pixels height. Each line of text will take up one page of the display. The difference between the defined variables LCD_CHAR_WIDTH and LCD_FONT_WIDTH equals the character spacing on the LCD display.

General Behavior

Before using LCD:

In total the following pins are required to operate the LCD on the SmartRF06EB:

*  Board_SPI0_MOSI     (Serial peripheral interface, Master-Out-Slave-In, controlled by LCD driver)
*  Board_SPI0_MISO     (Serial peripheral interface, Master-In-Slave-Out, controlled by LCD driver)
*  Board_SPI0_CLK      (Serial peripheral interface, Clock, controlled by LCD driver)
*  Board_LCD_CSN       (Serial peripheral interface, Chip select, controlled by LCD driver)
*  Board_LCD_RST       (LCD reset signal, active low, controlled by LCD driver)
*  Board_LCD_MODE      (LCD mode signal, controlled by LCD driver)
*  Board_3V3_EN        (Enable the 3.3V domain. NOTE: Must be set by application, NOT controlled by LCD driver)

The following SPI parameters will be fixed by the LCD driver:

The APIs in this driver serve as an interface to a typical TI-RTOS application. The specific peripheral implementations are responsible to create all the SYS/BIOS specific primitives to allow for thread-safe operation.

After LCD operation has ended:

Error handling

Please refer to the SPI driver documentation for information about error handling during a SPI transaction.

If an error occurs when modifying the internal buffers, the functions are return without completing the buffer modification.

Power Management

The TI-RTOS power management framework will try to put the device into the most power efficient mode whenever possible. Please see the technical reference manual for further details on each power mode.

The LCD driver makes use of the SPICC26XXDMA driver, which is setting a power constraint during transfers to keep the device out of standby. I.e. device will enter idle mode when no tasks are active. When the transfer has finished, the power constraint is released.

LCD Details

Allocating space to internal buffers

The LCD driver joined (at link time) to an array of LCD_Buffer structures named lcdBuffers. lcdBuffers is implemented in the application with each entry being an instance of a LCD_Buffer. The number of buffers availible must be passed as an argument to LCD_open(). Each entry in lcdBuffers contains a:

Modifying internal buffers and updating LCD display

Before the LCD screen can be filled, the data to display must be written to the internal buffers. All functions called LCD_bufferxxxx are only modifying the internal buffers. To send the buffer content to the LCD display, one must use the functions LCD_update() or LCD_updatePart(). The only exception from this is the function LCD_writeLine(), which both modifies a buffer and send the content to the LCD display.

Supported Functions

API function Description
LCD_open() Initialize LCD display and configure SPI driver
LCD_close() Disable LCD operation
LCD_writeLine() Write a string and a number to a page on the LCD display
LCD_update() Write the content of a LCD buffer to the display
LCD_updatePart() Write part of a LCD buffer to the display
LCD_bufferClear() Empty an entire LCD buffer
LCD_bufferClearPage() Empty an entire page in a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferClearPart() Empty part of a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferInvert() Invert the pixels of a part of a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferInvertPage() Invert the pixels of a page in a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferPrintString() Write a string to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferPrintStringAligned() Write an aligned string to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferPrintInt() Write an integer to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferPrintIntAligned() Write an aligned integer to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferPrintFloat() Write a floating point number to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferPrintFloatAligned() Write an aligned floating point number to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferSetLine() Draw a line to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferClearLine() Clear a line from a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferSetHLine() Draw a horizontal line to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferClearHLine() Clear a horizontal line from a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferSetVLine() Draw a vertical line to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferClearVLine() Clear a vertical line from a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferHArrow() Draw a horizontal arrow to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferVArrow() Draw a vertical arrow to a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferSetPx() Set a pixel in a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferClearPx() Clear a pixel in a LCD buffer
LCD_bufferCopy() Copy content of one LCD buffer into another
LCD_setContrast() Set the contrast of the LCD display

Use Cases

The most basic use cases discribed are described below. A complete LCD example can also be found in the TI-RTOS SimpleLink distribution.

Configuring the LCD display

LCD_Handle lcdHandle;
LCD_Params lcdParams;
PIN_State pinState;
PIN_Handle hPins;
// This application supports two LCD buffers
Char lcdBuffer0[LCD_BYTES] = {0};
Char lcdBuffer1[LCD_BYTES] = {0};
// Populate LCD_Buffer structure with buffer pointers and buffer sizes.
// The Semaphore structure will be constructed when opening the LCD.
LCD_Buffer lcdBuffers[] = {
{lcdBuffer0, LCD_BYTES, NULL},
{lcdBuffer1, LCD_BYTES, NULL},
// Application pin table.
// Drive Board_3V3_EN high to enble 3.3V domain on SRF06EB
PIN_Config pinList[] = {
// Open PIN driver
hPins = PIN_open(&pinState, pinList);
// Initialize LCD parameters
// Optionally override default bit rate
lcdParams.spiBitRate = someNewSpiBitRate;
// Open LCD driver, using 2 buffers
lcdHandle = LCD_open(&lcdBuffers[0], 2, &lcdParams);
// Make sure it was successful
if (!lcdHandle)
System_abort("Error initializing LCD\n");

Writing to the internal buffer

// Clear and write to buffer 0
LCD_bufferClear(lcdHandle, 0);
LCD_bufferPrintString(lcdHandle, 0, "Writing to Buffer 0", 24, LCD_PAGE0);

Updating LCD display with buffer content

// Update display with content of buffer 0
LCD_update(lcdHandle, 0);


The LCD driver interface produces log statements if instrumentation is enabled.

Diagnostics Mask Log details
Diags_USER1 basic operations performed

#include <ti/drivers/SPI.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
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Data Structures

struct  LCD_Params
 LCD Parameters are used to with the LCD_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using LCD_Params_init(). More...
struct  LCD_Command
 Format of LCD commands used by the LCD controller. More...
struct  LCD_Buffer
 LCD_Buffer used to store data to be printed on the LCD display. More...
struct  LCD_Object
 LCD Object. More...
struct  LCD_HWAttrs
 LCD Hardware attributes. More...
struct  LCD_Config
 The LCD_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the LCD driver implementation. More...


#define LCD_PIXELS   8192
#define LCD_BYTES   1024
#define LCD_COLS   128
#define LCD_X_MIN   0
#define LCD_X_MAX   (LCD_COLS-1)
#define LCD_ROWS   64
#define LCD_Y_MIN   0
#define LCD_Y_MAX   (LCD_ROWS-1)
#define LCD_PAGES   8
#define LCD_PAGE_ROWS   8
#define LCD_CHAR_WIDTH   6
#define LCD_FONT_WIDTH   5


typedef struct LCD_ConfigLCD_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a LCD_open() call. More...
typedef enum LCD_Align LCD_Align
 LCD alignment enum. More...
typedef enum LCD_Page LCD_Page
 LCD page enum. More...
typedef enum LCD_X_Limit LCD_X_Limit
 LCD x-axis enum. More...
typedef enum LCD_Y_Limit LCD_Y_Limit
 LCD y-axis enum. More...
typedef struct LCD_Params LCD_Params
 LCD Parameters are used to with the LCD_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using LCD_Params_init(). More...
typedef struct LCD_Command LCD_Command
 Format of LCD commands used by the LCD controller. More...
typedef struct LCD_Buffer LCD_Buffer
 LCD_Buffer used to store data to be printed on the LCD display. More...
typedef struct LCD_Object LCD_Object
 LCD Object. More...
typedef struct LCD_HWAttrs LCD_HWAttrs
 LCD Hardware attributes. More...
typedef struct LCD_Config LCD_Config
 The LCD_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the LCD driver implementation. More...


 LCD alignment enum. More...
enum  LCD_Page {
 LCD page enum. More...
enum  LCD_X_Limit { LCD_X_FIRST = 0, LCD_X_LAST = ( 128 -1) }
 LCD x-axis enum. More...
enum  LCD_Y_Limit { LCD_Y_FIRST = 0, LCD_Y_LAST = ( 64 -1) }
 LCD y-axis enum. More...


void LCD_close (LCD_Handle handle)
 Function to close the LCD instance specified by the LCD handle. More...
void LCD_init (void)
 This function initializes the LCD driver module. More...
LCD_Handle LCD_open (LCD_Buffer *buffers, uint8_t nBuffers, LCD_Params *params)
 Function to set up the DOGM128W-6 LCD display. More...
void LCD_Params_init (LCD_Params *params)
 Function to initialize the LCD_Params struct to its defaults. More...
void LCD_writeLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, char *str, unsigned int uiValue, unsigned char ucFormat, unsigned char ucLine)
 Function that writes a string and value to a buffer and sends it to the LCD display. The written page is being cleared before it is written to. More...
void LCD_update (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex)
 Function that writes the specified buffer to the LCD display. More...
void LCD_updatePart (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, LCD_Page iPageFrom, LCD_Page iPageTo)
 Function that sends the specified part of the given buffer to the corresponding part on the LCD. This function assumes ucXFrom <= ucXTo and iPageFrom <= iPageTo. The resolution is given in columns [0–127] and pages [0–7]. More...
void LCD_bufferClear (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex)
 Function that empties the specified LCD buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferClearPage (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, LCD_Page iPage)
 This function clears the page specified by iPage in the given buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferClearPart (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, LCD_Page iPageFrom, LCD_Page iPageTo)
 This function clears the pixels in a given piece of a page. Resolution is given in coulmns [0–127] and pages [0–7]. The function assumes ucXFrom <= ucXTo and iPageFrom <= iPageTo. More...
void LCD_bufferInvert (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucYFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, unsigned char ucYTo)
 This function inverts the pixels (bits) in a given region of the specified buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferInvertPage (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, LCD_Page iPage)
 This function inverts a range of columns in the display buffer on a specified page (for example, LCD_PAGE0). This function assumes ucXFrom <= ucXTo. More...
void LCD_bufferPrintString (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, const char *pcStr, unsigned char ucX, LCD_Page iPage)
 Function that writes a string to the specified buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferPrintStringAligned (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, const char *pcStr, LCD_Align iAlignment, LCD_Page iPage)
 This function writes a string to the given buffer specified by the iAlignment argument. More...
void LCD_bufferPrintInt (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, int i32Number, unsigned char ucX, LCD_Page iPage)
 Function that writes an integer to the specified buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferPrintIntAligned (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, int i32Number, LCD_Align iAlignment, LCD_Page iPage)
 This function writes an integer to the given buffer as specified by the iAlignment argument. More...
void LCD_bufferPrintFloat (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, float fNumber, unsigned char ucDecimals, unsigned char ucX, LCD_Page iPage)
 This function writes a number of data type float to the given buffer at a specified column and page. Use this function instead of performing a float to c-string conversion and then using LCD_bufferPrintString(). More...
void LCD_bufferPrintFloatAligned (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, float fNumber, unsigned char ucDecimals, LCD_Align iAlignment, LCD_Page iPage)
 This function writes a float number to the given buffer as specified by the iAlignment argument. More...
void LCD_bufferSetLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucYFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, unsigned char ucYTo)
 This function draws a line in the specified buffer from (ucXFrom,ucYFrom) to (ucXTo,ucYTo). The function uses Bresenham's line algorithm. More...
void LCD_bufferClearLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucYFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, unsigned char ucYTo)
 This function clears a line in the specified buffer from (ucXFrom,ucYFrom) to (ucXTo,ucYTo). The function uses Bresenham's line algorithm. More...
void LCD_bufferSetHLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, unsigned char ucY)
 This function draws a horizontal line from (ucXFrom,ucY) to (ucXTo,ucY) into the specified buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferClearHLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, unsigned char ucY)
 This function clears a horizontal line from (ucXFrom,ucY) to (ucXTo,ucY) from the specified buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferSetVLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucX, unsigned char ucYFrom, unsigned char ucYTo)
 This function draws a vertical line from (ucX,ucYFrom) to (ucX,ucYTo) into the specified buffer. More...
void LCD_bufferClearVLine (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucX, unsigned char ucYFrom, unsigned char ucYTo)
 This function clears a vertical line from (ucX,ucYFrom) to (ucX,ucYTo) from the buffer specified. More...
void LCD_bufferHArrow (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucXFrom, unsigned char ucXTo, unsigned char ucY)
 This function draws a horizontal arrow from (ucXFrom,ucY) to (ucXTo,ucY) to buffer specified. The function assumes ucY to be in the range [2–61] in order for arrowhead to fit on the LCD. More...
void LCD_bufferVArrow (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucX, unsigned char ucYFrom, unsigned char ucYTo)
 This function draws a vertical arrow from (ucX,ucYFrom) to (ucX,ucYTo) to the buffer specified. The function assumes that ucX is in the range [2–125] for the arrowhead to fit on the LCD. More...
void LCD_bufferSetPx (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucX, unsigned char ucY)
 This function sets a pixel on (ucX,ucY). More...
void LCD_bufferClearPx (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int bufIndex, unsigned char ucX, unsigned char ucY)
 This function clears the pixel at (ucX,ucY). More...
void LCD_bufferCopy (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned int fromBufIndex, unsigned int toBufIndex)
 This function copies the content of fromBufIndex to toBufIndex. More...
void LCD_setContrast (LCD_Handle handle, unsigned char ucContrast)
 This Function sets the LCD contrast. More...


static const LCD_Command LCD_initCmd

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LCD_PIXELS   8192


#define LCD_BYTES   1024

Number of bytes needed in LCD buffer


#define LCD_COLS   128

Number of pixel columns


#define LCD_X_MIN   0

First pixel on LCD x-axis


#define LCD_X_MAX   (LCD_COLS-1)

Last pixel on LCD x-axis


#define LCD_ROWS   64

Number of pixel rows


#define LCD_Y_MIN   0

First pixel on LCD y-axis


#define LCD_Y_MAX   (LCD_ROWS-1)

Last pixel on LCD y-axis


#define LCD_PAGES   8


#define LCD_PAGE_ROWS   8

Number of pixel rows per LCD page


#define LCD_CHAR_WIDTH   6

Space used for each character


#define LCD_FONT_WIDTH   5

Actual font character width

Typedef Documentation

§ LCD_Handle

typedef struct LCD_Config* LCD_Handle

A handle that is returned from a LCD_open() call.

§ LCD_Align

typedef enum LCD_Align LCD_Align

LCD alignment enum.

This enumeration defines the text alignment. It is used by LCD_bufferPrintxxxAligned functions.

§ LCD_Page

typedef enum LCD_Page LCD_Page

LCD page enum.

This enumeration defines the LCD pages. It is used by LCD_bufferxxx functions

§ LCD_X_Limit

typedef enum LCD_X_Limit LCD_X_Limit

LCD x-axis enum.

This enumeration defines x axis limit It is used for x argument in LCD_bufferxxx functions

§ LCD_Y_Limit

typedef enum LCD_Y_Limit LCD_Y_Limit

LCD y-axis enum.

This enumeration defines y axis limit It is used for y argument in LCD_bufferxxx functions

§ LCD_Params

typedef struct LCD_Params LCD_Params

LCD Parameters are used to with the LCD_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using LCD_Params_init().

See also

§ LCD_Command

typedef struct LCD_Command LCD_Command

Format of LCD commands used by the LCD controller.

§ LCD_Buffer

typedef struct LCD_Buffer LCD_Buffer

LCD_Buffer used to store data to be printed on the LCD display.

A sample structure is shown below:

LCD_Buffer lcdBuffers[] = {
{lcdBuffer0, LCD_BYTES, NULL},
{lcdBuffer1, LCD_BYTES, NULL},

§ LCD_Object

typedef struct LCD_Object LCD_Object

LCD Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

§ LCD_HWAttrs

typedef struct LCD_HWAttrs LCD_HWAttrs

LCD Hardware attributes.

A sample structure is shown below:

const LCD_HWAttrs lcdHWAttrs = {
.lcdResetPin = Board_LCD_RST,
.lcdModePin = Board_LCD_MODE,
.lcdCsnPin = Board_LCD_CSN,
.spiIndex = Board_SPI0

§ LCD_Config

typedef struct LCD_Config LCD_Config

The LCD_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the LCD driver implementation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ LCD_Align

enum LCD_Align

LCD alignment enum.

This enumeration defines the text alignment. It is used by LCD_bufferPrintxxxAligned functions.


Text is aligned to the left


Text is aligned in the center


Text is aligned to the right

§ LCD_Page

enum LCD_Page

LCD page enum.

This enumeration defines the LCD pages. It is used by LCD_bufferxxx functions


§ LCD_X_Limit

LCD x-axis enum.

This enumeration defines x axis limit It is used for x argument in LCD_bufferxxx functions


§ LCD_Y_Limit

LCD y-axis enum.

This enumeration defines y axis limit It is used for y argument in LCD_bufferxxx functions


Function Documentation

§ LCD_close()

void LCD_close ( LCD_Handle  handle)

Function to close the LCD instance specified by the LCD handle.

LCD_open() has to be called first. Function assumes that the handle is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD handle returned from LCD_open()
See also

§ LCD_init()

void LCD_init ( void  )

This function initializes the LCD driver module.

The LCD_config structure must exist and be persistent before this function can be called. This function must be called before any other LCD driver APIs. Calling context: Hwi, Swi, Task, Main.

§ LCD_open()

LCD_Handle LCD_open ( LCD_Buffer buffers,
uint8_t  nBuffers,
LCD_Params params 

Function to set up the DOGM128W-6 LCD display.

LCD controller has been initialized using LCD_init(). Calling context: Task.
buffersPointer to a buffer block.
nBuffersNumber of buffers in the buffer block.
paramsPointer to a parameter block, if NULL it will use default values
A pointer to a LCD_Handle on success or a NULL it was already opened
See also

§ LCD_Params_init()

void LCD_Params_init ( LCD_Params params)

Function to initialize the LCD_Params struct to its defaults.

Defaults values are:

lcdWriteTimeout = BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER;
spiBitRate = 1000000;
spiFrameFormat = SPI_POL0_PHA0;
Calling context: Task.
paramsParameter structure to initialize

§ LCD_writeLine()

void LCD_writeLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
char *  str,
unsigned int  uiValue,
unsigned char  ucFormat,
unsigned char  ucLine 

Function that writes a string and value to a buffer and sends it to the LCD display. The written page is being cleared before it is written to.

LCD_write will block task execution until all the data in buffer has been written to the LCD.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
strA pointer to the string to print.
uiValueValue to print
ucFormatBase of the value to print – 2,8,16 etc. ucFormat must be between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary. If ucFormat is zero, only the string will get printed.
ucLineThe page to write. Must be a value from 0-7.

§ LCD_update()

void LCD_update ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex 

Function that writes the specified buffer to the LCD display.

LCD_update will block task execution until all the data in buffer has been written to the LCD.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.

§ LCD_updatePart()

void LCD_updatePart ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
LCD_Page  iPageFrom,
LCD_Page  iPageTo 

Function that sends the specified part of the given buffer to the corresponding part on the LCD. This function assumes ucXFrom <= ucXTo and iPageFrom <= iPageTo. The resolution is given in columns [0–127] and pages [0–7].

LCD_updatePart will block task execution until all the data has been written to the LCD.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe lowest x-position (column) to write [0–127].
ucXToThe highest x-position to write [ucXFrom–127].
iPageFromThe first page to write. Must be one of the following enumerated values:
iPageToThe last page to write [iPageFrom–LCD_PAGE7].

§ LCD_bufferClear()

void LCD_bufferClear ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex 

Function that empties the specified LCD buffer.

LCD_bufferClear will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.

§ LCD_bufferClearPage()

void LCD_bufferClearPage ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
LCD_Page  iPage 

This function clears the page specified by iPage in the given buffer.

LCD_bufferClearPage will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
iPageThe page to clear. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferClearPart()

void LCD_bufferClearPart ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
LCD_Page  iPageFrom,
LCD_Page  iPageTo 

This function clears the pixels in a given piece of a page. Resolution is given in coulmns [0–127] and pages [0–7]. The function assumes ucXFrom <= ucXTo and iPageFrom <= iPageTo.

LCD_bufferClearPart will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe lowest x-position (column) to be cleared [0–127].
ucXToThe highest x-position to be cleared [ucXFrom–127].
iPageFromThe first page cleared. Must be one of the following enumerated values:
iPageToThe last page cleared [iPageFrom–LCD_PAGE7].

§ LCD_bufferInvert()

void LCD_bufferInvert ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucYFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
unsigned char  ucYTo 

This function inverts the pixels (bits) in a given region of the specified buffer.

LCD_bufferInvert will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe first x-position (column) to invert [0–127].
ucYFromis the first y-position (row) to invert [0–63].
ucXToThe last x-position (column) to invert [0–127].
ucYToThe last y-position (row) to invert [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferInvertPage()

void LCD_bufferInvertPage ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
LCD_Page  iPage 

This function inverts a range of columns in the display buffer on a specified page (for example, LCD_PAGE0). This function assumes ucXFrom <= ucXTo.

LCD_bufferInvertPage will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe first x-position (column) to invert [0–127].
ucXToThe last x-position (column) to invert [ucXFrom–127].
iPageThe page on which to invert. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferPrintString()

void LCD_bufferPrintString ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
const char *  pcStr,
unsigned char  ucX,
LCD_Page  iPage 

Function that writes a string to the specified buffer.

LCD_bufferPrintString will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
pcStrA pointer to the string to print.
ucXThe x-position (column) to begin printing [0–127].
iPageThe page on which to print. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferPrintStringAligned()

void LCD_bufferPrintStringAligned ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
const char *  pcStr,
LCD_Align  iAlignment,
LCD_Page  iPage 

This function writes a string to the given buffer specified by the iAlignment argument.

LCD_bufferPrintStringAligned will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
pcStrA pointer to the string to print.
iAlignmentThe text alignment. Must be one of the following enumerated values:
iPageThe page on which to print. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferPrintInt()

void LCD_bufferPrintInt ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
int  i32Number,
unsigned char  ucX,
LCD_Page  iPage 

Function that writes an integer to the specified buffer.

LCD_bufferPrintInt will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
i32NumberThe number to print.
ucXThe x-position (column) to begin printing [0–127].
iPageThe page on which to print. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferPrintIntAligned()

void LCD_bufferPrintIntAligned ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
int  i32Number,
LCD_Align  iAlignment,
LCD_Page  iPage 

This function writes an integer to the given buffer as specified by the iAlignment argument.

LCD_bufferPrintIntAligned will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
i32NumberThe number to be printed.
iAlignmentThe text alignment. Must be one of the following enumerated values:
iPageThe page on which to print. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferPrintFloat()

void LCD_bufferPrintFloat ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
float  fNumber,
unsigned char  ucDecimals,
unsigned char  ucX,
LCD_Page  iPage 

This function writes a number of data type float to the given buffer at a specified column and page. Use this function instead of performing a float to c-string conversion and then using LCD_bufferPrintString().

LCD_bufferPrintFloat will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
fNumberThe number to print.
ucDecimalsThe number of decimals to print, MAX = 10.
ucXThe x-position (column) to begin printing [0–127].
iPageThe page on which to print. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferPrintFloatAligned()

void LCD_bufferPrintFloatAligned ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
float  fNumber,
unsigned char  ucDecimals,
LCD_Align  iAlignment,
LCD_Page  iPage 

This function writes a float number to the given buffer as specified by the iAlignment argument.

LCD_bufferPrintFloatAligned will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
fNumberThe number to be printed.
ucDecimalsThe number of decimals to be printed, MAX = 10.
iAlignmentThe text alignment. Can be one of the following enumerated values:
iPageThe page on which to print. Must be one of the following enumerated values:

§ LCD_bufferSetLine()

void LCD_bufferSetLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucYFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
unsigned char  ucYTo 

This function draws a line in the specified buffer from (ucXFrom,ucYFrom) to (ucXTo,ucYTo). The function uses Bresenham's line algorithm.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe start column [0–127].
ucXToThe end column [0–127].
ucYFromThe start row [0–63].
ucYToThe end row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferClearLine()

void LCD_bufferClearLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucYFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
unsigned char  ucYTo 

This function clears a line in the specified buffer from (ucXFrom,ucYFrom) to (ucXTo,ucYTo). The function uses Bresenham's line algorithm.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe start column [0–127].
ucXToThe end column [0–127].
ucYFromThe start row [0–63].
ucYToThe end row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferSetHLine()

void LCD_bufferSetHLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
unsigned char  ucY 

This function draws a horizontal line from (ucXFrom,ucY) to (ucXTo,ucY) into the specified buffer.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe start column [0–127].
ucXToThe end column [0–127].
ucYThe row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferClearHLine()

void LCD_bufferClearHLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
unsigned char  ucY 

This function clears a horizontal line from (ucXFrom,ucY) to (ucXTo,ucY) from the specified buffer.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe start column [0–127].
ucXToThe end column [0–127].
ucYThe row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferSetVLine()

void LCD_bufferSetVLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucX,
unsigned char  ucYFrom,
unsigned char  ucYTo 

This function draws a vertical line from (ucX,ucYFrom) to (ucX,ucYTo) into the specified buffer.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXThe x-position (column) of the line [0–127].
ucYFromThe start row [0–63].
ucYToThe end row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferClearVLine()

void LCD_bufferClearVLine ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucX,
unsigned char  ucYFrom,
unsigned char  ucYTo 

This function clears a vertical line from (ucX,ucYFrom) to (ucX,ucYTo) from the buffer specified.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXThe x-position (column) of the line [0–127].
ucYFromThe start row [0–63].
ucYToThe end row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferHArrow()

void LCD_bufferHArrow ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucXFrom,
unsigned char  ucXTo,
unsigned char  ucY 

This function draws a horizontal arrow from (ucXFrom,ucY) to (ucXTo,ucY) to buffer specified. The function assumes ucY to be in the range [2–61] in order for arrowhead to fit on the LCD.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXFromThe start column [0–127].
ucXToThe end column [0–127].
ucYThe the y-position (row) of the arrow [2–61].

§ LCD_bufferVArrow()

void LCD_bufferVArrow ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucX,
unsigned char  ucYFrom,
unsigned char  ucYTo 

This function draws a vertical arrow from (ucX,ucYFrom) to (ucX,ucYTo) to the buffer specified. The function assumes that ucX is in the range [2–125] for the arrowhead to fit on the LCD.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXThe the x-position (column) of the arrow [2–125].
ucYFromThe start row [0–63].
ucYToThe end row [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferSetPx()

void LCD_bufferSetPx ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucX,
unsigned char  ucY 

This function sets a pixel on (ucX,ucY).

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXThe pixel x-position (column) [0–127].
ucYThe pixel y-position (row) [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferClearPx()

void LCD_bufferClearPx ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  bufIndex,
unsigned char  ucX,
unsigned char  ucY 

This function clears the pixel at (ucX,ucY).

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffer is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
bufIndexThe buffer to use, specified by its index in the LCD_Buffer structure.
ucXThe pixel x-position (column) [0–127].
ucYThe pixel y-position (row) [0–63].

§ LCD_bufferCopy()

void LCD_bufferCopy ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned int  fromBufIndex,
unsigned int  toBufIndex 

This function copies the content of fromBufIndex to toBufIndex.

This function will block task execution until all the buffer modification has finished.

Function assumes that the handle and buffers are not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
fromBufIndexA pointer to the destination buffer.
toBufIndexA pointer to the target buffer.

§ LCD_setContrast()

void LCD_setContrast ( LCD_Handle  handle,
unsigned char  ucContrast 

This Function sets the LCD contrast.

Function assumes that the handle is not NULL. Calling context: Task.
handleA LCD_Handle
ucContrastThe contrast value [0–63].

Variable Documentation

§ LCD_initCmd

const LCD_Command LCD_initCmd
Initial value:
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