TI BLE Stack API Documentation  2.03.11
GAP Bond Manager Parameters


#define GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE   0x400
 Pairing Mode: GAP Bond Manager Pairing Modes. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_WAIT_FOR_REQ.
 Pairing Mode Initiate wait timeout. This is the time it will wait for a Pairing Request before sending the Slave Initiate Request. Read/Write. Size is uint16. Default is 1000(in milliseconds).
 Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) basically turns on Passkey protection in the pairing algorithm. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is 0(disabled).
 I/O capabilities. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is GAPBOND_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY GAP Bond Manager I/O Capabilities.
#define GAPBOND_OOB_ENABLED   0x404
 OOB data available for pairing algorithm. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_OOB_DATA   0x405
 OOB Data. Read/Write. size uint8[16]. Default is all 0's.
 Request Bonding during the pairing process if enabled. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is 0(disabled).
#define GAPBOND_KEY_DIST_LIST   0x407
 The key distribution list for bonding. size is uint8. GAP Bond Manager Key Distribution. Default is sEncKey, sIdKey, mIdKey, mSign enabled.
 The default passcode for MITM protection. size is uint32. Range is 0 - 999,999. Default is 0.
 Erase all of the bonded devices. Write Only. No Size.
 TEST MODE (DO NOT USE) to automatically send a Pairing Fail when a Pairing Request is received. Read/Write. size is uint8. Default is 0 (disabled).
 TEST MODE (DO NOT USE) Pairing Fail reason when auto failing. Read/Write. size is uint8. Default is 0x05 (SMP_PAIRING_FAILED_NOT_SUPPORTED).
#define GAPBOND_KEYSIZE   0x40C
 Key Size used in pairing. Read/Write. size is uint8. Default is 16.
#define GAPBOND_AUTO_SYNC_WL   0x40D
 Clears the White List adds to it each unique address stored by bonds in NV. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is FALSE.
#define GAPBOND_BOND_COUNT   0x40E
 Gets the total number of bonds stored in NV. Read Only. Size is uint8. Default is 0 (no bonds).
 Possible actions Central may take upon an unsuccessful bonding. Write Only. Size is uint8. Default is 0x02 (Terminate link upon unsuccessful bonding).
 Erase a single bonded device. Write only. Must provide address type followed by device address.
 Defines Secure Connections usage. Read/Write. size is uint8. Secure Connections only. GAPBOND_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_DEFINES.
 Count of how many times an ECC keypair may be reused before regeneration. Write only. Range is 0-254. Default is 0. Secure Connections only. GAP Bond Manager ECC Re-use count before regeneration.
#define GAPBOND_ECC_KEYS   0x413
 Use application requested public-private keypair for Secure Connections. Read/Write. size is gapBondEccKeys_t. Secure Connections only.
 Secure Connections OOB data from remote device availabe. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is 0 (disabled). Secure Connections only.
 Secure Connections OOB data. Read/Write. Size is gapBondOobSC_t. Default is all 0's. Secure Connections only.
 Secure Connection local OOB data is available. Read/Write. Size is uint8. Default is 0 (disabled). Secure Connections only.
 Local OOB Data. Read/Write. size uint8[16]. Default is all 0's. Secure Connections only.
 Remote Least Recently Used Bond when newly bonded device is added and the all entries are full. Read/Write. size uint8. Default is FALSE.

Detailed Description