TI BLE Stack API Documentation  2.03.09
Central Profile API Functions


bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_StartDevice (gapCentralRoleCB_t *pAppCallbacks)
 Start the device in Central role. This function is typically called once during system startup. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_SetParameter (uint16_t param, uint8_t len, void *pValue)
 Set a parameter in the Central Profile. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_GetParameter (uint16_t param, void *pValue)
 Get a parameter in the Central Profile. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_TerminateLink (uint16_t connHandle)
 Terminate a link. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_EstablishLink (uint8_t highDutyCycle, uint8_t whiteList, uint8_t addrTypePeer, uint8_t *peerAddr)
 Establish a link to a peer device. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_UpdateLink (uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t connIntervalMin, uint16_t connIntervalMax, uint16_t connLatency, uint16_t connTimeout)
 Update the link connection parameters. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_StartDiscovery (uint8_t mode, uint8_t activeScan, uint8_t whiteList)
 Start a device discovery scan. More...
bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_CancelDiscovery (void)
 Cancel a device discovery scan. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ GAPCentralRole_CancelDiscovery()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_CancelDiscovery ( void  )

Cancel a device discovery scan.

SUCCESS: Cancel started.
bleInvalidTaskID: Not the task that started discovery.
bleIncorrectMode: Not in discovery mode.

§ GAPCentralRole_EstablishLink()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_EstablishLink ( uint8_t  highDutyCycle,
uint8_t  whiteList,
uint8_t  addrTypePeer,
uint8_t *  peerAddr 

Establish a link to a peer device.

highDutyCycle- TRUE to high duty cycle scan, FALSE if not
whiteList- determines use of the white list: GAP White List Options
addrTypePeer- address type of the peer device: GAP_ADDR_TYPE_DEFINES
peerAddr- peer device address
SUCCESS: started establish link process.
bleIncorrectMode: invalid profile role.
bleNotReady: a scan is in progress.
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: can't process now.
bleNoResources: too many links.

§ GAPCentralRole_GetParameter()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_GetParameter ( uint16_t  param,
void *  pValue 

Get a parameter in the Central Profile.

param- profile parameter ID: GAP Central Role Parameters
pValue- pointer to buffer to contain the read data
SUCCESS: Operation successful.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid parameter ID.

§ GAPCentralRole_SetParameter()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_SetParameter ( uint16_t  param,
uint8_t  len,
void *  pValue 

Set a parameter in the Central Profile.

param- profile parameter ID: GAP Central Role Parameters
len- length of data to write
pValue- pointer to data to write. This is dependent on the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate data type.
SUCCESS: Operation successful.
INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid parameter ID.

§ GAPCentralRole_StartDevice()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_StartDevice ( gapCentralRoleCB_t pAppCallbacks)

Start the device in Central role. This function is typically called once during system startup.

pAppCallbacks- pointer to application callbacks
SUCCESS: Operation successful.
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: Device already started.

§ GAPCentralRole_StartDiscovery()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_StartDiscovery ( uint8_t  mode,
uint8_t  activeScan,
uint8_t  whiteList 

Start a device discovery scan.

mode- discovery mode: GAP Device Discovery Modes
activeScan- TRUE to perform active scan
whiteList- TRUE to only scan for devices in the white list
SUCCESS: Discovery scan started.
bleIncorrectMode: Invalid profile role.
bleAlreadyInRequestedMode: Not available.

§ GAPCentralRole_TerminateLink()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_TerminateLink ( uint16_t  connHandle)

Terminate a link.

connHandle- connection handle of link to terminate or GAP Special Connection Handles
SUCCESS: Terminate started.
bleIncorrectMode: No link to terminate.

§ GAPCentralRole_UpdateLink()

bStatus_t GAPCentralRole_UpdateLink ( uint16_t  connHandle,
uint16_t  connIntervalMin,
uint16_t  connIntervalMax,
uint16_t  connLatency,
uint16_t  connTimeout 

Update the link connection parameters.

connHandle- connection handle
connIntervalMin- minimum connection interval in 1.25ms units
connIntervalMax- maximum connection interval in 1.25ms units
connLatency- number of LL latency connection events
connTimeout- connection timeout in 10ms units
SUCCESS: Connection update started started.
bleIncorrectMode: No connection to update.